Nudilove's Tank Diary!


New stuuuuff! Again, should not be allowed to shop...

New green zoos, much more open now, i LOVE them, got the frag for $12

New Orangey Ones!

New Silver Lining Xenia!
It's already spreading!

Full Tank
Also got a new Sixline Wrasse I must post...


this tank is awsome and imo would be an awsomer lps dominated tank. get a bubble, frog spawn, torch, trumpets, a lobo and then like a nice brain and a plate to put in the sand bed! id love it!


i would have to agree with the way to fast bit. i wouldnt put stuff in until after at least 1.5 months. maybe then the clowns, then a coupla months later some low light corals. also if you wanted to put clams in that tank you might have to beef up your lighting alot. most require high amounts of light. but good luck the tank looks cool.


Well its been an insane few months for my tank! I'll try and shorten the story....
1. Every single pump and powerhead in the tank died all at once, including the chiller.
2. Fernando the sixline Wrasse goes on a snail, shrimp and fish killing spree, kills largest clown and small citron goby.
3. Buy a 6gal nano to save the other clown in.
4. 6Gal cracks while filling sprays water across computer and desk.
5. Get new 6Gal for free, fill, put in clown, shrooms, xenia rock.
6. Put 2 damsels into main 24pod with Sixline.
7. Sixline dissapears.
8. Get mate for clown, first clown kills new clown over night.
9. Get teeeeny diamond goby, dead the next day.
10. Original clown dead the next day.
11. Find mantis shrimp (2 in) in nano.
12. Install new pumps and bigger cooling system in lights in main tank.
So here is the new adorable nano, which is basically my shroom and xenia breeding tank, though I did add a gorgeous Hawaiian Tube Worm.

And here is a pic of the crazy growing Xenia that split into three on Christmas.

The nano is super stable and dirty enough for the shrooms to go nuts. Note that these pics are right after a water change. The only thing hard about it is keeping the PH up which I use the Sea-Lab blocks to do (broken up into very small pieces.
So heres a new full tank shot of the 24 (which for my birthday is getting a Sunpod 150 Halide 24"

And here is the very happy and growing clam (Henry) Can anyone ID those weird little tubes hes been growing on his shell????

And lastly one of the rarely seen but still ALIVE gobies, this one happens to be Jack (Diane turned bizarre colors and got really fat, go figure) with Henry the clam in the foreground.

Thanks for looking and paying attention to my little gallery!


It so hard though.
Chiller is worth the money for the frustraton and fluctuation.
As soon as my apartment reaches 75 I can guarantee the tank is going above 80. NOT ANY MORE.
Great RockWork!
Relax. Save the money for a while. Put in the tank jar on your fridge. Don't mix anemones with corals. Been ther done that, and nothing happy cam e of it.
FEED your clam, as it wont make it under those lights.
Take it slow, adn dont get sucked in by the eye/
Looks great, but I think you are getting too ambitious like we alldo at first.
OH, the best way to keep yuor PH up is to do frequent water changes with water that is already ideal. No buffer will ever fix it they are just temporary. and very temporary.
Keep posting