NY/NJ reef club


Hi, everyone. It's been some time, and I'd like to set up our next meeting. I have a colt to frag, and whoever comes gets a piece!
My place sometime in the next two weeks.
I live in Yonkers, NY, immediately north of Riverdale, Bronx. I'm about 12 minutes from the GW bridge, and easy to get to via public transportation.
Anyone interested, please email me at tahl@mindspring.com
How about (let's see, when is Chad not available?...)
a Thursday night? Wednesday? I have completely forgotten when folks are/are not available, so let me know!


you MUST come to the reef club meeting! Since when do you keep swf? I am so psyched! Did you recognize Eliana in my avatar?
Right. Back to business. So we'll do it in two weeks? In three weeks it's passover, and I can't do it then. So how about two weeks from now, either Wednesday night or Thursday night.
Jim -- bring friends!
Terrence -- bring Doris!
Jeff, Chad, Rob, -- COME!
Talk to you all soon
everyone email me at tahl@mindspring.com


free frags.
they're pretty.
and I'm giving away peppermint shrimp, too.
Or we could steam them:D
but not at my place :rolleyes:


Excellent -- I think it should be Thursday, March 18th. 6:00?
I'll make lasagna.
Bring a container for the frag if you're interested in a piece of the colt. You can also bring a small piece of LR and maybe someone can show us how to

and rubberband the frag onto the rock. (... Chad?...)
This will be fun!


Chad -- I've got your container. Very cool, if I might add.
Jim -- you can have all the peppermints we can catch. Just something to take the colt home in if you want a piece of it. A plastic cup with a lid? Or a small rubbermaid container with a lid? And a little piece of LR to attach it to.
Rob -- What is a county meeting? What time does it end? where is it? (am I the nosiest person you've never met?) Is it ~really~ as important as a reef club meeting where you could take home some new animal or two?:D
Anyone heard from Jeff?...


Hi. Well, this thread is about a year old. We did meet (twice, I think) last year. We could probably meet again -- I know my tank has come a long way since we last met, and I would love to see others' tanks as well... Let's see if anyone else responds, or maybe we could start a new thread about re-starting a NY/NJ reef club...


New Member
hey daisy
longtime no speak? how are you guys doing?
have you checked out manhattanreefs? they had quite a big frag swap last month with like 40+ ppl attending in NYC.