O.T. Question


Active Member
Coors Light very cold.....mixed drinks-- I like anything fruity with a bang (gotta have a bang). Cant do plain ol' shots anymore, 10 years ago yes, but now, forget it. ;)


Active Member
Nothing wrong with that age difference, my best friend was the same age and he was 34----now been together 7 years, married 2 years, with a 1 year old, still going strong. ;)


Active Member
I like a nice chewy dark beer!!
My Favorites:
Rogue Shakespeare Stout
Sam Smith's Tadcaster Porter
Wild Goose Oatmeal Stout
mmmmmmmmmmmmm, beer!
My wife went to visit her family in Uzbekistan (former Russian Repulblic), so she will be bringing some good vodka home.


Active Member
Favorite Beer- Corona with a pinch of salt and a lime
Some other good drinks-
Baileys on ice
Captain Morgan-
My own invention- Very Good
One Pint Vodka
One to two Lieters Code Red MountainDew(depending on desired strength)
and Two cans of Red Bull
This is a good party and have fun drink (fot really for relax and romance, you get crazy)
Dom Perignon is about the best champagne i have ever had- That was an expensive night:D
Well, I've been with my bf 2 and a half years, and we've always been happy... until I lost my job on Sun. :( Now I'm not sure if we're going to make it. He won't even tell me he loves me anymore, just says "Maybe". :( Oh well, rum and vodka aren't looking too bad right now...


Margaritta on the rocks with those little light up ice cubes.


Active Member
First of all whats up with all the under agers posting on thier favorite drinks? Second Bud Light as far as beer goes.


Active Member
Well- the post was about your favorite drink- not if you were underage- and what if i was from mexico- no problem there- why does it bother you so much?


Hell, I barely turned 21 in July and corona and lime has been my favorite drink for 5 years, so go figure


So underage drinking is bad??? Next you are going to tell me that smoking crack is bad.....:D
What happened?? how did you lose your job??
Hang in there kid, long term relationships are bound to go through their ups and downs. I know that in all of my relationships, the love was always there, but there were periods where the words weren't said. It sucks that he's not really being there for you during your time of need though.
If it helps, WE LOVE YOU!


No problem deciding here in Texas:
Beer--Ziegenbach (microbrewery here in Tx)
Honey Brown (microbrew NY)
Liqour--Tekillya---cheaper the better (nothing like a $4 bottle of tekillya!!)
And Jillian, dump the loser. If he can't say he loves you because you lost your job then he must be real bum. Probably hoping to sponge off your minimum wage income :p Get a guy closer to your age...I worry about a guy who gets into a relationship with someone 15 years younger than him. My .02

reef fool

Active Member
Dos Equis Amber and/ or BUDWEISER on a light day and on a Better day it is my all time favorite...CAP'N-N-Coke...It's like drinking candy!!!


beer, perferably a german weissbier. also luv margaritas, gin & gingerale, boonesfarm strawberryhill, and by the way. what have you got?