O.T. Question



A nice 16 year old scotch . . . Mmmmmmmm. . . Shoot its still 9:30 am and I don't work at nights. . . Bah only 8 hours to go.


Active Member
Beer - If I'm thirsty and want to relax.
Wine - Relaxing dinner.
Mezcal / Tequilla - If I want a shot of liquid relaxation.
Long Island Ice Tea - couple few of these and I'm relaxed even if my shoe's on fire.


Active Member
I like bottled water......and it comes in such pretty bottles these days, like Stoli, Ketel One, Belvedere, Skyy, Grey Goose.....sometimes I mix it with fruit juices for the extra health benefit.:D


Active Member
Bailey's Irish Cream and Butterscotch Schnapps for a wonderful "Buttery

JumpFrog- Glad to see someone who enjoys Miller time. I work a part-time job in the summer for Miller Beer.
Nacl-H20- Do you go for the 5.9% stuff or the easier version 3.5?


Active Member
come on wheres all the friggin guinness drinkers in the house???????
ive got to be true to my heritage so guinness, harp, newcastle, and the bets SCOTTISH beer around McEwans! too bad it costs a fortune
dewars neat or on the rocks, or any scotch for that matter,
vanilla smirnoff and coke,
jack and coke works for me as well!
happy drinking!


Amber Bach for beer
Stoli vanilla and ginger ale
cranberry and everclear (before I go out :) )
And I'll second the Jack and coke, and LITs
Usually, I'm only allowed to drink Coke, cause I'm 18, but when I can, I LOVE margaritas. My boyfriend, who's 33, sometimes gets me some. :D Other than that, water sucks and an occasional lemonade balances things out. AND THOSE DOCTORS TOLD ME TO GET OFF CAFFEINE TO SLEEP!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

pa reef pig

Yuengling Lager
Captain and Coke
Red Death
-Southern Comfort
-Tripple Sec
-Sloe Gin
-Sour Mix
-Splash of 7up
..........................a couple of these and Im being carried home.


Tanqueray on the rocks.
V.O. on the rocks.
Bailey's on the rocks - wonderful after dinner drink.
Beer - lots of different brewers - my fave in Krombacher from Germany.


33 years old?? What are you doing with a guy that's old enough to be your father?
Ya, we call those "Dirty Girl-lla Scouts". A cross between a Gorilla Fart (151 and Wild Turkey) and a Dirty Girl Scout.
For shots I like Italian Assassins (SoCo and Amaretto).
Homemade Pepper Vodka is to die for...


Active Member
I had a Lethal Weapon once...not too shabby!
But regularly, I like Ketel One Martini's, straight up with a couple of olives! Vodka baby!
Rum and Coke is never a bad choice.
Long Island Iced Tea - I'm originally from Long Island!
Of course there are others too....Mai Tai's, Margarita's, White Russian's, a little Wild Turkey on the rocks, etc...
For beer? I'm with 'ya Jon! Guiness!!! Gotta love the mud - and yes, I prefer it warm too!
Other than that, Bass, Heineken, Sam Adams, Newcastle....the list goes on...but mostly the imports...
Anybody ever drink Absente, its a hilucinagenic supposedly, Van Gogh was drinking it when he cut his ear off. I drank a bottle of it with a few buddies a few weeks ago,,, oh my god that stuff is incredible. You would not believe it, its a different feeling then being really drunk, hard to explain.


Beer- Boulevard Wheat and Heineken
Liquor- I love Wild Turkey 101, and some other bourbons.
As far as mixed drinks, hummm. Can't beat a captain and coke or a vodka mixed with just about any kind of juice.


Active Member
Hehe, I can tell who lives around me! I just looked for the people who drink Yuengling. I sorta know the owner of them. I didn't like them too much till recently, now I think they make some good stuff.
Beer: Guiness, Newcastle, Sam Adams Golden Pilsner, most any wheat beer (got hooked on them in Germany), Yuengling
Liquor: just about everything, I almost never buy the same kind twice, I love trying new things. My favs are Baileys, Kettle One, Grand Manier, Jaggermeister.
Wines: all of Clover Hills (local winery--especially their Catawba), my own homemade mead (ginger raspberry flavored, made it in the basement of my on-campus house a few years back :D ), brandy wine (can never get it, but this has to be my ABSOLUTE favorite drink, was just thinking about learing how to make it myself, actually).
Thanks everyone for posting, this really does let everyone know a lot about you!