Hehe, I can tell who lives around me! I just looked for the people who drink Yuengling. I sorta know the owner of them. I didn't like them too much till recently, now I think they make some good stuff.
Beer: Guiness, Newcastle, Sam Adams Golden Pilsner, most any wheat beer (got hooked on them in Germany), Yuengling
Liquor: just about everything, I almost never buy the same kind twice, I love trying new things. My favs are Baileys, Kettle One, Grand Manier, Jaggermeister.
Wines: all of Clover Hills (local winery--especially their Catawba), my own homemade mead (ginger raspberry flavored, made it in the basement of my on-campus house a few years back
), brandy wine (can never get it, but this has to be my ABSOLUTE favorite drink, was just thinking about learing how to make it myself, actually).
Thanks everyone for posting, this really does let everyone know a lot about you!