Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
but he is also good at bypassing the voters with his own agenda.
He signed and passed several things his last year in ofice that should have went to a vote instead of becoming a new law for this state!!
he is sneaky and crafty IMO
Hmm interesting. I didn't know that. I can only assume it would be a lot harder to pull crap like that when you're president though. I think he would do well as a president.
P.S. did anyone watch McCain on the Presidential Bash last night? I love the part where he said he'd play the "sad grandpa" to get the presidency.


Heres an idea KEEP THIS THREAD CLEAN.........
I dont see where this started but its going to end the bickering is not what is needed here or anywhere else for that matter.
Last time I am going to say to keep it clean and DO NOT PERSONALLY ATTACK ANYONE!!!


Active Member
I just realized something...
This is the only thread for us to talk about the election. If this thread were to get closed, then...


New Member
hillary wont be back on the scene until 2016. With this monumental win for Obama she wont oppose him for the seat in 2012 atleast not realistically. I wonder which way she voted when the blinds were closed lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't vote for an African American. I voted for a candidate that I believed in his policies and platforms. Interesting how the media and everyone else during this campaign avoided the 'race' word. Now that his election has become a reality, all I've seen or heard from the media tonight is how an African American is elected President. HE'S AN AMERICAN. If you want to now bring race into the issue, then fine. The African Americans of this country no longer have the excuse of race and bias as being attributed to why they regard themselves as being 'second class citizens'.
I don't disagree with you, but there is the undeniable fact that slavery is still a fairly recent thing, and it IS good to see that America has progressed enough not to be racist in their voting. It was a compliment to us. In essence, I'm agreeing with you when I say that, based upon our 44th President, race is clearly no longer an issue.


Originally Posted by crimzy
This is great... the people finally got it right with the presidency.
Republicans... just don't open your door for the next couple of days... the socialists are coming to get you.

Ha ha, you are most likely in a higher tax bracket than I...he's skipping right past my door, and giving me yours....too funny. Re-distribute away...Just remember I did not ask for it, come tax time.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
Heres an idea KEEP THIS THREAD CLEAN.........
I dont see where this started but its going to end the bickering is not what is needed here or anywhere else for that matter.
Last time I am going to say to keep it clean and DO NOT PERSONALLY ATTACK ANYONE!!!
In a political thread you're gonna have disagreements. All I said is I wouldn't be here offending Republicans if McCain had won.

I didn't personally attack anyone, I don't personally know anyone here.



Originally Posted by Whitey
Dish it out, but get defensive when someone responds.
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you owned the internet.
It would probably be best if you did ignore me, I don't want to keep you up attempting
to debate with me.

The "N" is for Knowledge.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
im gonna be SO ***** if i wake up to a burning cross on my front lawn.
there are already reports of rioting white supremacists. awesome.
humanity is like, SO awesome. SO SO SO awesome. I just LOVE being a member of the human race.

Humanity is great . Like I said before he's got 4 years to prove us wrong . To take the country in his charge and change it into something better . Because if he doesn't there are going to be a LOT of angry people .


Active Member
Can someone clarify for me? What's the deal now with the whole Obama saying $250k, $200k, $150k, and $120k incomes? So now that he's president, what is it REALLY at now?


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Can someone clarify for me? What's the deal now with the whole Obama saying $250k, $200k, $150k, and $120k incomes? So now that he's president, what is it REALLY at now?
Well, now we find out "how bad it is" and how "he didn't know how bad it was" and no one gets anything.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Can someone clarify for me? What's the deal now with the whole Obama saying $250k, $200k, $150k, and $120k incomes? So now that he's president, what is it REALLY at now?
Who knows . It's never been made clear .


New Member
with a trillion dollars in spending its if you have a dime in your pocket your going to be taxed. Lol not really (according to him). Watch some videos on the discrepancy you'll see. it wasn obama that said 120,000 it was bill richardson. Biden said 150,000. Obama said 250+ taxes go up 200-250 taxes stay the same. But is he telling the truth. And if he doesnt we will all know and it will be his downfall.


Interesting that when McCain spoke and congratulated Obama, the Rep. crowd booed loudly. When Obama just congratulated McCain, the Dem. crowd cheered loudly.
Speaking of class?


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Humanity is great . Like I said before he's got 4 years to prove us wrong . To take the country in his charge and change it into something better . Because if he doesn't there are going to be a LOT of angry people .

what i said has nothing to do with his politics or what's going to happen during his term. it has to do with what's going on in rural, and not so rural areas of the country right now. we finally have made the leap and elected an African American to the presidency.... and now there are rioting IDIOTS all over the place. I'm worried about my front lawn and my windows and my safety. not my freaking taxes right now.
One giant leap for human rights, one giant leap backward for human rights.
stupid, stupid, STUPID humans.
I'm so mad right now.