Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Terrorists use weakness against their enemiies..they understand strength. barry's position is one of wekness. I've already posted letters from AQ leaders in Iraq..and what happened in the face of strength. They either joined us or cut and ran.
No attacks sine 9/11 here at home . Facts indicate we are safe since 9/11 here in the USA

I don't think you can combat terrorism with socialprograms including health care.

Political recocilaition benchmarks are now being met in Iraq and the security is improving weekly.
Liberals said
Stop the war we cannot win-now looks like we can..which changed too
Stop the war Iraq is in the middle of a civil war-it no longer is which change to
Stop the war the surge will not work-it's working which changed to
Stop the war the political reconciliation is not taking place-it now is whcih change to
Stop the war it is costing too much-how much will it cost in surrender..this will eventually change to.....

I just wish liberals would at least stick to a reason why they are against the war....it changes based on the situation.
Of course..all of the above is an indication we are succeeding..which is why the mantra changes based on the situation..and it looks like they were wrong every time..

You left out:
Stop the war, Democracy will never work there
It will eventually change to: See, we voted for the war... We just protested to make the President change tactics. We wanted more troops in Iraq all along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You left out:
Stop the war, Democracy will never work there
It will eventually change to: See, we voted for the war... We just protested to make the President change tactics. We wanted more troops in Iraq all along.
I included that in the political reconciliation area...should have added that one.
Rylan, you REALLY need to branch out and read other reports regarding Iraq besides those on movon.org and the dailykos.
Much of the info coming from Iraq is quite positive now and over the past year or so.. You can live in pre-surge times if that is your choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I have to question his wisdom and cognitive skill regarding international matters. That statment defies logic.
While I've joked around I do not beleive the barry is ignorant...but I do have to call to question his judgement..which he has admitted sometimes is lacking.
Again, that statment defies logic.

I agree that Obombus is not ignorant. Furthermore, he's surrounded himself quietly with very intelligent advisors. His campaign has been masterful thus far.
I believe, however, he's woefully uninformed and uneducated regarding international affairs. Any time he gets away from his talking points regarding world events he derails. His "bomb Pakistan" comment was one such example. Thousands protested in the streets of Pakistan the last time we hit an Al Qaeda hideout in Pakistan. So why would he provoke the situation by saying he'd do it? Why say you'd go into Iraq after Al Qaeda when you've been saying you're going to get out of Iraq?
Why advertise "We want to end this war"? Would Japan have ever surrendered to us at the end of WW2 if our politicians were running adds talking about wanting to end the war?
You're right; It's just illogical.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Not that I am aware of
I just spent 15 minutes of my life diging around for what appears to be a non-existant story.
If Rylan is quoting 3 year old news articles again and passing them off as current I'm going to scream.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
No attacks sine 9/11 here at home . Facts indicate we are safe since 9/11 here in the USA

ScubaDoo - Just want to be sure that I understand. Are you crediting the war with Iraq on this or are you crediting the war in Afghanistan? If it is Iraq, we didn't go there because of an AQ operations based there, it was under the misinformation of the possession of WMDs of a dictator. Weren't the majority of the terrorist on 9/11 AQ members from Saudi Arabia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
ScubaDoo - Just want to be sure that I understand. Are you crediting the war with Iraq on this or are you crediting the war in Afghanistan? If it is Iraq we didn't go there because of an AQ operations based there, it was under the misinformation of WMDs of a dictator. Weren't the majority of the terrorist on 9/11 AQ members from Saudi Arabia.
We didn't go into Iraq to hunt Al Qaeda (although you are leaving out several factors as to why we went into Iraq). They came into Iraq to hunt us... They could not afford to see Iraq become a Democracy.
They are there now, which I believe is a major reason we have not had a major strike here.
Going all the way back to Sun Tzu's "The Ancient Art of War", if you can draw the enemy to your position of strength you have the advantage. The fact that Al Qaeda is bleeding and dying in Iraq seems to be further proof that going in was the right thing to do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We didn't go into Iraq to hunt Al Qaeda (although you are leaving out several factors as to why we went into Iraq). They came into Iraq to hunt us... They could not afford to see Iraq become a Democracy.
They went to the hills of Pakistan after we went to Aganistan not Iraq.
Are you saying they aren't hunting us in Afganistan and don't care about Democracy there and now just left and went to Iraq to fight us. I disagree with that... I would give credit to the war in Afganistan and Homeland Security for us being safer from Al Qaeda than trying to even remotely give it to the Iraq war.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well he was highly criticized about his comments on Pakistan... which now, is something the Bush Admin just did.. I agree w/ his comments that war hasn't made us more safe... there needs to be political steps taken.. not just war...
The same course isn't giving us the desired results...

what are the desired results? Dead terrorist=no american civilians bombed at home.
Seems to be working to me.
What results do you want?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
They went to the hills of Pakistan after we went to Aganistan not Iraq.
Are you saying they aren't hunting us in Afganistan and don't care about Democracy there and now just left and went to Iraq to fight us. I disagree with that... I would give credit to the war in Afganistan and Homeland Security for us being safer from Al Qaeda than trying to even remotely give it to the Iraq war.

wrong, every major news medium and politician all agree Al Qaeda has moved into Iraq and is fighting us there. (with aid from Iran).
you need news links?


Originally Posted by zman1
They went to the hills of Pakistan after we went to Aganistan not Iraq.
Are you saying they aren't hunting us in Afganistan and don't care about Democracy there and now just left and went to Iraq to fight us. I disagree with that... I would give credit to the war in Afganistan and Homeland Security for us being safer from Al Qaeda than trying to even remotely give it to the Iraq war.
No. AQ "Core" and the Taliban fled to the Mountains of Pakistan, not the entire AQ organization. Although somewhat removed from AQ Core, AQI is a functioning subsidiary of AQ, and is siphoning off AQ recruits in droves. This can not be disqualified as a major factor in the decrease in global AQ operations. As several have said before, why would we leave the one place our major enemies are massed, when we have 160,000 troops there to deal with them. That would be like leaving Europe in 1944, to search for the Germans in Brazil.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
ScubaDoo - Just want to be sure that I understand. Are you crediting the war with Iraq on this or are you crediting the war in Afghanistan? If it is Iraq, we didn't go there because of an AQ operations based there, it was under the misinformation of the possession of WMDs of a dictator. Weren't the majority of the terrorist on 9/11 AQ members from Saudi Arabia.

I believe we have 20 page thread on this site with the reasons for Iraq war. Please run a search and go read it. I don't have the time to explain it all again for the 400th time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I believe we have 20 page thread on this site with the reasons for Iraq war. Please run a search and go read it. I don't have the time to explain it all again for the 400th time.
I am debating the AQ issue. I am not saying they aren't there NOW but for people to elude to that we are safer from AQ because they are NOW there is completely wrong.
Why don't you actually read my comments


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
ScubaDoo - Just want to be sure that I understand. Are you crediting the war with Iraq on this or are you crediting the war in Afghanistan? If it is Iraq, we didn't go there because of an AQ operations based there, it was under the misinformation of the possession of WMDs of a dictator. Weren't the majority of the terrorist on 9/11 AQ members from Saudi Arabia.
I'm crediting the war on terror..and more specifically..the liberal positions that have changed with the Iraq war as an illustaration that the inof from Iraq now is positive.
There are several reasons why we invaded Iraq. I can also bring NUMEROUS reports here regarding WMD's in Iraq..reports they were moved to Syria, eveidend of Saddma's nuclear weapons progrma, etc.
You may want to google Saddam's own tapes and documents that were discovered in Iraq.
Some of this information is not available on the far left websites..so you have to look for it from other sources.
You might also want to look up the violations by Saddam of the UN sanctions...plus the numeorus times our planes were fired upon in the no fly zone by Saddam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am debating the AQ issue. I am not saying they aren't there NOW but for people to elude to that we are safer from AQ because they are NOW there is completely wrong.
Why don't you actually read my comments
No attacks since 9/11 here at home.....so your point is?
Please read my comments as well..I sited notes found by the military from AQ leaders in Iraq indicating they lost "memebrs"...some actually "defected"
My statement I beleive we have been save is supported by no attacks here at home since 9/11. perosnally, I'd prefer to fight the terrorists where they are located now...as opposed to the streets of the USA.
And yes, we do have reports of AQ in Iraq prior to the war.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1 http:///forum/post/2496581
ScubaDoo - Just want to be sure that I understand. Are you crediting the war with Iraq on this or are you crediting the war in Afghanistan? If it is Iraq, we didn't go there because of an AQ operations based there, it was under the misinformation of the possession of WMDs of a dictator. Weren't the majority of the terrorist on 9/11 AQ members from Saudi Arabia.
WMD evidence in Iraq prior and up to the invasion....


Active Member
Good, I think you answered my question. You don't believe the AQ attack on 9/11 and not having another attach on our homeland from AQ is only because we are in the Iraq war. Again I would like to give credit to our Military and Homeland security credit for that because of the Afganistan war. The world is a better place without Saddam. This is the the question I was asking based on your post. PERIOD
We will remaind in the Middle East and in Iraq, forever. We have a vested interest in it - OIL until we get off oil we need to be there.