Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
... Whether you can prove banning these guns hasn't reduced crime is irrelevent. It's allowing the potential to reduce crime is all that matters. ....
In that case, ban free speech, it has the potential to be a crime.
Lock up all males between the ages of 16-25. They might someday commit a crime.
Forget parole. After all, everyone knows a criminal may commit another crime.
Institute a Nationwide curfew; crimes might be committed at night.
Get rid of low riders and flashy hubcaps...
Where does this stop Bionic?


Active Member
One more time...The second amendment gives American citizens the right to defend ourselves from ANY entity that tries to take that right away. Therefore, I should be able to own a rocket launcher, a tank, an arsenal as large as I can afford.....

It does not limit this to defending ourselves from a home invader, or to hunt.


Active Member
Ban a certain gun because it MAY cause a crime but allow abortion when it will cause a death. There's logic for you.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
One more time...The second amendment gives American citizens the right to defend ourselves from ANY
entity that tries to take that right away. Therefore, I should be able to own a rocket launcher, a tank, an arsenal as large as I can afford.....

It does not limit this to defending ourselves from a home invader, or to hunt.

Agree 100%


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Ban a certain gun because it MAY cause a crime but allow abortion when it will cause a death. There's logic for you.
Well, at least someone wouldnt be "punished" with a child this way
...I say if your "pro choice", get sterilized.
No harm done right? In fact why dont we take away the right to bear children from those who believe in abortion.
I say lets have a vote on "pro choice" but before we do, take away the private ballot(another of Yobamas pet projects) then when the vote is done herd up all the "pro choicers" and sterilize them...


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Well, at least someone wouldnt be "punished" with a child this way
...I say if your "pro choice", get sterilized.
No harm done right? In fact why dont we take away the right to bear children from those who believe in abortion.
I say lets have a vote on "pro choice" but before we do, take away the private ballot(another of Yobamas pet projects) then when the vote is done herd up all the "pro choicers" and sterilize them...
Starting to look like Obama's one and done. He's letting the filthy little yard gnome from frisco drive the country into the left gutter. What a fool!
Anyway I am not anti abortion. It just amazes me the really stupid excuses those on the left throw out there to justify their irrational fear of guns such as "even if it saves one life" but at the same time oppose even requiring a parent be informed before their 15 year old daughter has a procedure that will in most cases haunt them for life. If they are so concerned about the sanctity of life when it comes to guns why not require the same 5 or 15 day waiting period for an abortion you have no issue requiring gun purchasers to follow? I've heard a lot of women talk about making a rash decision when they had an abortion but let a politician dare to suggest even a 24 hour waiting period they get skewered by NOW (Nasty Overweight Women) and the rest of the left as intolerant.


Active Member
Notice in the article that the AR-15 is NOT referred to as an Assault Weapon. I guess that they are only assault weapons if owned by ordinary citizens. The cops are giving criminals AR-15s purchased with my tax money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Starting to look like Obama's one and done. He's letting the filthy little yard gnome from frisco drive the country into the left gutter. What a fool!
Anyway I am not anti abortion. It just amazes me the really stupid excuses those on the left throw out there to justify their irrational fear of guns such as "even if it saves one life" but at the same time oppose even requiring a parent be informed before their 15 year old daughter has a procedure that will in most cases haunt them for life. If they are so concerned about the sanctity of life when it comes to guns why not require the same 5 or 15 day waiting period for an abortion you have no issue requiring gun purchasers to follow? I've heard a lot of women talk about making a rash decision when they had an abortion but let a politician dare to suggest even a 24 hour waiting period they get skewered by NOW (Nasty Overweight Women) and the rest of the left as intolerant.
I really like this idea!