Originally Posted by
Is it racist? Yes. Are Sharpton and Jackson racist? Yes. I cant think of anyone else, though, that would rally up the black vote and black voter confidence better than those 2 knuckleheads.
so does the current president. means nothing.
Obama has not sucked up those two ambulance chasing rabble rousers who wouldn't know a real job if it walked up to them and dope slapped them in the face.
Sure Obama has the vast majority of the black vote but that alone will not get him into the White House. His support, unless you haven't heard, is pretty widespread among a wide range of racial and ethnic types in America.
Are Jesse and Al racists? absolutely IMHO. Do they have anything to do with Obamas success? absolutely not. I feel that your associating them with Obama, apparently just because they and he are black, does indeed smack of racism. I am an Obama supporter and I can't imagine him getting within a mile of these two toxic losers.
A better question in your original post might have been "Jesse and AL-is there a place for them in an Obama cabinet? Discuss" or "Jesse and Al-why hasn'r Obama embraced them? Discuss"
You can say a lot of things about Obama, but as zman1 says above, Obama is nothing if not one of the smartes and savviest politicians in the country. Her is waaaaaay too smart to have anything to do with Jesse and Al.
Crimzy's point about McCain embracing David Duke is very well taken. McCain (a man who I respect BTW) has as much to do with David Duke as Obama has had to do with Jesse and Al.
So, if you want to discuss race, lets do it in an honest and straighforward manner instead of engaging in loaded race baiting questions.