Obama's Communist/Marxist ties


Active Member
Oh Great, another Obama thread

This is too important a subject to be burried in another thread so I am starting a new one.
The whole Wright thing is a symptom of a much larger problem with Obama. Wright's anti American diatribes are nothing new and Obama is lying through his teeth when he says he wasn't aware of them. Why was it that Wright was invited/disinvited from Obama's campaign kickoff? Turns out Obama did have him there, he was just kept out of the public eye.
If the Wright ordeal was an isolated incident maybe you could chalk it up to bad judgement but sadly that isn't the case.
Wright - Anti-American diatribes touching on many issues shared by the World Worker's Party aka The Communist Party USA
Bill Ayers - Member of the Weather Underground, A goup formed with the goal of "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world Communism."
Frank Marshall Davis - Who Obama calls a father figure in his book "Dreams of my Father" Was a member of the Communist Party USA and wrote many articles supporting and defending the Communist party.
Obama was endorsed in 1996 by the Democrat Socialists of America. Obama openly campaigned for self avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders in his 2006 Senate race. Obama enjoys the backing of many self avowed members of the Communist Party. After the picture of one of his campaign offices with a Cuban flag with a picture of Communist hero Che Guevara was made public many Obama supported posted their support and admiration of guevara on Obama's website.
Obama attended Socialist party meetings in the 80's
Just way too much smoke here for there not to be a fire. Obama has been exposed as the most far left voting record in the US Senate. That is amazing considering self avowed socialist Bernie Sanders is a member of the Senate as well.


Active Member
oh, you must've missed the memo that a candidate's personal associations don't matter. If Obama were discovered hanging out in a cave with Bin Laden, I think there is a percentage of the population that would say, "so what? Bin Laden's not running for president". I mean, I think it's silly to say that a presidential hopefull's associations don't matter, but I think there's a high percentage of the population completely lacking in common sense.


Active Member
It's kinda crazy the way people are buying into this guy's BS. I mean I can see the left wingers drooling all over him. He's one of them but the people who talk about him being some kind of uniting force are clueless. It would be like the Republicans calling Rick Santorum a centrist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Well Reefraff , Don't you know that nothing you say or do will wake them up ?
You ain't gonna change the minds of the left wingers but middle of the road folk who have bought into his snake oil can be saved.


I agree, These topics are WAY too important to just let them slide by. Im glad there are a few people in the media ( hannity, and michael savage) who wont let it go away. If anyone sat in that church and listened to a maniac scream racism they would be a racist after 20 yrs. And first he said he could not pull himself away from a man he admired so much, but now that the man wont shutup he denounces him with no problem.( not very noble of him)


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
The whole Wright thing is a symptom of a much larger problem with Obama. Wright's anti American diatribes are nothing new and Obama is lying through his teeth when he says he wasn't aware of them. Why was it that Wright was invited/disinvited from Obama's campaign kickoff? Turns out Obama did have him there, he was just kept out of the public eye.
Just out of curiosity, how does this prove he heard the particular sermon that has created the controversy?

Bill Ayers - Member of the Weather Underground, A goup formed with the goal of "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world Communism."
What are you claiming is his connection to Obama?

Frank Marshall Davis - Who Obama calls a father figure in his book "Dreams of my Father" Was a member of the Communist Party USA and wrote many articles supporting and defending the Communist party.
Did you read this book?

Just curious about the above. I'm wondering if you actually know what you are talking about or are just spewing McCarthyistic, anti-Obama rhetoric?


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtoit
so what!!!!!! like what we have had for the last 8 years has work so well for us

Its worked fine for me . I am alive, I have a roof over my head ,food in my belly . I have a wonderful girlfriend and 2 awesome kids .


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Its worked fine for me . I am alive, I have a roof over my head ,food in my belly . I have a wonderful girlfriend and 2 awesome kids .
and a recession and an economy in the dumps school shootings need I continue?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Just curious about the above. I'm wondering if you actually know what you are talking about or are just spewing McCarthyistic, anti-Obama rhetoric?

The more I think about it McCarthy was right. Obama ( and CLinton for that matter) spew forth words like "fairness". They set up class envy and warfare in the name of "fairness". Marx wrote on "fairness". Obamaton wants National (socialized) Health care. Fixing prices on oil and "taking the profits" of oil companies. A regressive tax structure punishing the hardest working Americans in the name of "fairness".
All you need to know is what comes out of Obama's mouth.
Obama=Clinton= Socialism/Marxism
Socialism and Marxism are Unconstitutional in practice.
Do you know your Constitution?
Specifically the 10th Amendment?
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
For those of you in Rio Linda:
This means if it is not spelled out in the Consitution as a power given to the feds by the PEOPLE, the feds, CANNOT just take that power. Heathcare comes to mind. That power should rest with the individual states.
I think you'd better read the Constitution, Federalist Papers, Washington's Farewell address, Declaration of Independance, and Gettysburg Address.
Obama's vision of gov't more closely resembles that of King George, rather than that of George Washington.


Active Member
Originally Posted by newtoit
and a recession and an economy in the dumps school shootings need I continue?
There is no recession, infact the economy grew a bit last quater. School shootings can be traced more to the "great society" programs the democrats have been feeding the masses for the last 60 years. Look how well our poor are doing with the trillions spent on the war on poverty. We need to pull out of Washington DC before more innocent Americans die!
How about the response of local democrats to Katrina? Both the mayor and the govenor messed up worse than anyone, and Rep William Jefferson, (D, LA) was more concerned with getting his bribe money ot of the freezer than letting the NG save lives.
Need I continue?


Active Member
I love all the Obama and Anti Obama threads. You guys must be really fearful of him or fearful of the idea of a black president. Didn't you guys cover all of this in the other Obama thread, I don't see anything new here?
You guys need to start a Pro McCain thread, at least that'd be new. Or if you guys really wanna work on something, how bout a pro Bush thread. Please enlighten us on the great works his administration has done for all of us? I guess if you have a roof over your head and food in your belly that's good enough


Active Member
So is he going to be BLACK LISTED now?
Where is J. E. Hoover or Joe McCarthy when you need them?
Its the Red Scare all over again.
Lets reinitiate Executive Order 9835.

you all should be ashamed to call yourselfs republicans... The levels you guys stoop to. We have much more serious issues to deal with then this crap... Gas Tax is in headlines and McCain's health plan, which does very little... For people who can't afford $1000/mo for ins... Do you think $584 is affordable? the ans is no. His plan addresses probably only 5-15% of uninsured.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I love all the Obama and Anti Obama threads. You guys must be really fearful of him or fearful of the idea of a black president. Didn't you guys cover all of this in the other Obama thread, I don't see anything new here?
You guys need to start a Pro McCain thread, at least that'd be new. Or if you guys really wanna work on something, how bout a pro Bush thread. Please enlighten us on the great works his administration has done for all of us? I guess if you have a roof over your head and food in your belly that's good enough

I agree... They say nothing about Hillary... just all anti-Obama. It makes me wonder what their true motivations are... Not accusing anyone of anything..Frankly, you can vote for whomever... for whatever reason. But its just crazy how one sided it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
There is no recession, infact the economy grew a bit last quater. School shootings can be traced more to the "great society" programs the democrats have been feeding the masses for the last 60 years. Look how well our poor are doing with the trillions spent on the war on poverty. We need to pull out of Washington DC before more innocent Americans die!
How about the response of local democrats to Katrina? Both the mayor and the govenor messed up worse than anyone, and Rep William Jefferson, (D, LA) was more concerned with getting his bribe money ot of the freezer than letting the NG save lives.
Need I continue?


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
There is no recession, infact the economy grew a bit last quater. School shootings can be traced more to the "great society" programs the democrats have been feeding the masses for the last 60 years. Look how well our poor are doing with the trillions spent on the war on poverty. We need to pull out of Washington DC before more innocent Americans die!
How about the response of local democrats to Katrina? Both the mayor and the govenor messed up worse than anyone, and Rep William Jefferson, (D, LA) was more concerned with getting his bribe money ot of the freezer than letting the NG save lives.
Need I continue?
I guess you and I don't hear the same reports or read the same headlines


Active Member
Listen to McCain's response to being blasted on the Gas Tax...
" Maybe with that extra $30 bucks you save at the pump ($2.35 per fill up from E to F) you can buy an extra meal at the end of the summer, or buy your kid an extra gift.... Never mind the defecit it would create. Never mind the construction jobs that may be lost as a result. Never mind the much needed attention our highyways and bridges need."
"This is the relief we need! Oh and I forgot, this will cause demand to increase...which will cause the price to go up quicker than it would without this proposal."
Clinton is saying
"This is great idea... we also can tax oil companies50%
once their profits reach a certain level... what this will also is be spread down to consumers in higher costs to make up the difference...basically making oil companies richer.
Those are "Solutions for America"
and "A Little Straignt Talk"