Obamas paster


Active Member
who gives a crap about his pastor...it doesnt necessarily reflect his views...BTW i am not an obama supporter...just tired of all this crap that doesnt matter in the news...


Active Member
he spews all this nonsence because he can and people flock to hear him. Have you seen the house that his church is building for him and his wife to live in????


Active Member
from what I heard of his speech today, he appears to not care whether or not he's railroading Obama's hopes of becoming president. and while Obama's response seemed that he was somewhat ticked off, he still refused to just do what he needs to do and completely rebuke the guy. that, imo, makes Obama a fool. now, we've had an idiot in the white house for 8 years. do we really want a fool in the white house for at least 4 years?

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I thought his name was Rev Wright.

There are no reverend people on this earth. Only God is worthy of such a title.
Definition of reverence: To consider or treat with profound awe and respect; venerate.
Originally Posted by salty blues
There are no reverend people on this earth. Only God is worthy of such a title.
Definition of reverence: To consider or treat with profound awe and respect; venerate.
Send this message to him and the media. All I know is his name is not Obama Pastor.


Active Member
I can't really see how any rational person could address that character with a term of respect. I sure wont. The things he has said goes so far beyond what Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson has ever said and I wont address tham as such. Doesn't say much for Obama's judgement that he would align himself with this guy and then even after everything has come out, continue to defend him. Obama originally got involved in the church to further his political activity in the area at the time. Seems like the political aspect is still a major driving force in his decisions about his church.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Send this message to him and the media. All I know is his name is not Obama Pastor.
This is getting more and more interesting.
"What became clear to me was that he was presenting a world view that contradicts what I am and what I stand for," Obama said.
After what 2 months of damage control, Obama might be starting to wave his white flag.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
This is getting more and more interesting.
"What became clear to me was that he was presenting a world view that contradicts what I am and what I stand for," Obama said.
After what 2 months of damage control, Obama might be starting to wave his white flag.
It may be too little, too late. None of what Obama has said thus far explains why he did not walk out of that(Wright's)church years ago. It isn't like Wright has just recently made these outrageous comments.
The "Rev" has built a years long career on this type of speech. Obama had to have heard these type statements on and off through the years. It is plain that Obama remained in that church to help build his political clout. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.


Active Member
Obama's campaign may have just started spiraling out of control. You do have to wonder who his handlers are and what they are smoking.
Obama made a potentially huge flaw today when he railed against the "Rev" Wright's speeches this weekend. "Rev" Wright said nothing new this weekend. So why is Obama acting so shocked and awed? Was he still unaware until this weekend what his pastor, mentor, and former political advisor stood for?
Either Obama is admitting to being horribly clueless, or he is throwing "rev" Wright under the bus (after he recently said he could never do that).


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama's campaign may have just started spiraling out of control. You do have to wonder who his handlers are and what they are smoking.
Obama made a potentially huge flaw today when he railed against the "Rev" Wright's speeches this weekend. "Rev" Wright said nothing new this weekend. So why is Obama acting so shocked and awed? Was he still unaware until this weekend what his pastor, mentor, and former political advisor stood for?
Either Obama is admitting to being horribly clueless, or he is throwing "rev" Wright under the bus (after he recently said he could never do that).

His Uncle told America NObama will say what needs to be said in order to get elected or land the nomination.
Nothing new was said....just NObama now tryng to do what he refused to do a month ago as he knew his Uncle was now sinking his boat. CAlculated move but too late
I predict his Uncle will now come out and tell America NObama agreed with his positions
No way Mr Ego is going down without kicking and screaming. He will pull his nephew under the bus too.
Stay tuned...it should get interesting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
he spews all this nonsence because he can and people flock to hear him. Have you seen the house that his church is building for him and his wife to live in????

HE uses his mantra to soak the poor. His palace is the key as to why he continues with his poison. he has taken advantage of poor black people. He provides them with a home and keeps hatred alive. THe hate rallies probably fill the collection plates which now provide him a palace with a 10 million line of credit attached. He has to keep the lets hate everybody but are own theme up to keep the money flowing in.
The very life he damned form his puplit he now lives.....what a scam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama's campaign may have just started spiraling out of control. You do have to wonder who his handlers are and what they are smoking.
Obama made a potentially huge flaw today when he railed against the "Rev" Wright's speeches this weekend. "Rev" Wright said nothing new this weekend. So why is Obama acting so shocked and awed? Was he still unaware until this weekend what his pastor, mentor, and former political advisor stood for?
Either Obama is admitting to being horribly clueless, or he is throwing "rev" Wright under the bus (after he recently said he could never do that).

Clinton is doing Oreilly tomorrow night. Do you suppose this very subject might come up


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama's campaign may have just started spiraling out of control. You do have to wonder who his handlers are and what they are smoking.
Obama made a potentially huge flaw today when he railed against the "Rev" Wright's speeches this weekend. "Rev" Wright said nothing new this weekend. So why is Obama acting so shocked and awed? Was he still unaware until this weekend what his pastor, mentor, and former political advisor stood for?
Either Obama is admitting to being horribly clueless, or he is throwing "rev" Wright under the bus (after he recently said he could never do that).
Or which is probably more real, he never went to church in the first place.
I don't really buy this because there is no way to actually back this up.
But if I'm obama, and I think like a liberal, I want to run for prez. I look at myself and realise, I've lived in suburban america and elsewhere for my entire life. I have muslim family ties which wouldn't fly over particularly well in american society. Since unspokenly you're not black unless you grow up in the hood. (remember the is Obama black enough article) what better way to kill two birds with one stone. Address race for the democrat voter by getting involved with a radical church, and say you're a christian after "sampling various religions." But then again, there is no way to prove it. And I seriously wouldn't put much weight into this train of thought, but it is a fun conspiracy theory.