Ocean Nutrition Shark Formula


I've been wondering the same thing. I hear of people using it sometimes but I never have before, never even seen it actually. Anyone care to fill us in?


I use it to feed my baby Port Jackson. He eats it right up. It has a variety of different meats in it, so I figured it would be good for the youngster. HTH


i heard that they were having some problems with it. it was killing the sharks in a year who were feed that.


wow fishy, where did you hear that? That concerns me greatly, maybe I'll switch to something else.:eek:


I had not heard that but I did lose two bamboos that I had hatched for no apparent reason and shark formula was their primary food.


Active Member
Wow. I didn't know about any of this. I'm going to sticky this for a while. ANYONE WHO HAS USED THIS, PLEASE POST IN THIS THREAD. Bo


ya my lfs used it and few of his show bamboos died and same with the a guy that i worked with at hub sea world said he his friends that had a shark pond feed it and within a year all some of his died to. he thinks that they put too much iodine in it.


Wow this stuff doesn't sound too good. Even though I dont think its been proven that it was the cause of these sharks deaths(although it sounds like its a pretty good chance it may be), I'm glad I dont feed it to mine.

tony detroit

Active Member
I use it, with what seems to be no problem. I am kinda interested to see what else comes up. My bamboo isn't into it as much as my stingray is, but he still eats it.

tony detroit

Active Member
Justa month. I guess I sounded a little bit like a veteran in that post. I feed my bamboo and my stingray squid, a few different fishes and table shrimp. I am pretty interested in this post and have ceased feeding it to them now, but haven't thrown it away.


I sure would like to see more specific information on this. I've been using this product on and off for about 3 years. Not as the only food I feed but included in a varied diet. So far all I see is conjecture. It's common to have an animal die and not know the reason why so you arbitrarily blame something like the diet, so I'm really interested to know if anyone has better information than my shark died and I fed it shark formula.


I understand your point completely. I was just sharing some info, not making a scientific conclusion or even a conjecture for that matter as there is no pattern established yet.


I didn't mean for this to sound like I was pinning some conclusion on you, if I did my apologies. As I'm sure your aware like almost everyone else in this hobby I'm very passionate about my animals. A thread like this really concerns me especially when I'm using the product, so I just go into a over protective father mode in search of facts. Anyway I hope I didn't affend anyone and if I did my apologies.


Maybe someone should contact Ocean Nutrition and say something to the effect of: Please send a representative of your company to this forum because a large number of amateur and seasoned shark and ray keepers are experiencing problems with this food. Also let them know that we and our friends probably make up a nice percentage of their customer base and if we have all of these claims that this stuff is killing sharks then we will stop using the product totally.


Very good idea. I sent an e-mail to ocean nutrition inviting someone to participate in the thread. Hopefully they will reply.


I don't think they will come and participate they gain nothing by coming here. By not coming they gain and lose nothing where as if they come they have the potential to only lose. If they came here and said no it doesn't kill sharks who is to say any of you would believe them anyway?
Just my opinon,
It would be fun if they did though