Octopus Filosus


Active Member
I received an octopus from saltwaterfish.com this past Tuesday and I am very pleased. She appears to be the Carribean Two-Spot Octopus Filosus She is about 4 inches long from mantle to arm tip. She has a large variety of skin textures and colors and patterns. I have been feeding her by hand since the moment she was in the aquarium. She is diurnal and hangs out on the glass or on the rocks in view.


Active Member
Awesome octopus. How big of tank is it in? What are you feeding it? I want to set up a 55g for a bimac one of these days. Really cool though.


Active Member
Thanks :)
It's in a 75 gallon with a Bahama Star and a fish-sized Urchin. I'm hand feeding it silversides and pieces of shrimp, but I'm going to add some fiddler crabs soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenni620
is she pretty active? or is she still getting used to her new home? does she change color?
She has been very active this first week. Usually out and about around 5PM until late in the night. She has quite a display of skin colors, patterns, and textures constantly changing. She's rather hypnotic to watch.


How big does the octopus get???
is it always going to stay in your 75 gallon or are you gonna put him in a bigger tank when it gets older??
can you put certain fish in the same tank as him??


Active Member
Thanks, hopefully I'll have something better eventually.
As trainable as dogs maybe. That would be comparing apples to oranges.
According to stats on Cephbase an O. Filosus grows to 7cm Mantle length, 30cm arm length. It will stay in the 75. As far as fish go, I wouldn't try it. The fish will most likely harass the octopus or be eaten by the octopus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
They are completely trainable. I wish you lots of luck

Thank you very much.



thats awesome man ive always thought about getting one since i seen this thing on discovery channel this guy had one and it had so many characteristics and remembered him and he would feed by hand like how you say you do they were saying how there as smart as dogs and other pets
is there a estimated life spand on them at all?? thats also cool how it dosnt get too big where you need a huge tank for it ( like a shark)
keep us posted man


Active Member
Natural lifespan of most medium sized octopus is around 2 years max. The most you can expect though is maybe 1 year, more if you're lucky.


did you say you got it off this website?? i couldnt find it is it a diffrent saltwaterfish.com???? how much do they run for?


What are you using for equipment? Lets hear the list.
Do you have the tank completly sealed off?
Is this your first?


i saw a lil one at my LFS
he was AMAZING and i wanted one soo bad
but then they went on and on about
1) nothing else in the tank (for the most part except rocks)
3)SHORT Life
4)completely seal the top
i think after the first downer i got the idea out of my head lol