octopus help


im not sure what type of filtration... whatever comes with the biocube... and yes i am going to purchase a protein skimmer that will fit on the biocube... not sure what sizes will fit... and does anyone know what type of octupus is for sale on this site/ hoe big does it get/ will it fit in my biocube until i can get a bigger tank???


Active Member
vulgaris can reach up to 3 feet. Also too big. For your tank your only options are the pygmies. And in that case, a 29 is really almost too big because they hardly come out and in a tank that large you will probably have a very hard time viewing them. It also makes feeding anything but live food much harder.


Active Member
How many times is it necessary to tell people you cannot solicit to buy or sell on here? Clown316 you are starting down a bad road. Listen to the warnings or you will be placed on the ban list for this site. Barry