Odd sump/fuge design...


In an effort to supply both my skimmer and my 'fuge areas of my sump with raw overflow water, I've redesigned my layout. This design also allows water from the refugium to return to the tank without being filtered... which I wanted. I've also changed the lighting... to the demise of my savings account :)
Once again, I'd love to hear some comments... especially potential problems with this design. Thanks guys!


I originally had the Euro-Reef ES8-1 in there... but opted for the smaller ES6-1, (still rated for 100g) and increased the size of the refugium area.
Thanks Bang! Anyone care to comment?


Yeah... that would probably be a more reliable method.
Do the swing-type check valves restrict the flow much? If not, I might aswell put both in to make sure. Otherwise, I'll just drill a hole and keep it clean.
I'll also be putting a Durso type standpipe in the overflow right from the beginning to ensure quiet operation.
Do you think a 1.5" overflow will be enough flow, considering only half of it is going to the skimmer, and the other half is going to the 'fuge? The Mag950 is supposed to be about 800Gph@4' head.
I want to grow Gracilaria in my sump... which apparently needs moderate to high flow to keep it in suspension. If the flow through the 'fuge isn't enough... would it be terrible to add a small powerhead?
If I keep the room around 20-22°C, and the halides about 8" off the water, with a couple of decent fans in the closed canopy... do you think I'm going to have a heat problem?
Thanks again... just want to get it as close to right as I can get before I drop $5k into this freakin' project!

bang guy

I hope you get other opinions too.
I'm not a fan of check valves. I don't see how they can possibly work long term after getting encrusted with with reef animals unless you clean it several times a year. Perhaps someone with a check valve can correct me if I'm wrong. I've always found the anti-siphon holes to be very reliable.
I think it would be bad to add a powerhead to a refugium.
Heat problems have more to do with ambient humidity than room temperature. Adding fans to the refugium should be able to cool the water if you start having problems.


Yeah... I guess it wouldn't take much to junk it up enough to stick open. I'll go with just a siphon hole then. Easy enough to see if it's clear everyday... rather than taking apart a check valve periodically.
I didn't like the powerhead in the 'fuge idea either... I should know better. It'll probably just suck up my macro, add more heat, and kill my copepods.
The fans in the cabinet/over the refugium is a great idea. To start, I'll just go with the standard fans in the canopy, and see how it goes.


JMO, i would give the mag a little more room like 1/2" to 1". I found when up tight to the glass it makes more noise. Just make sure it not touching the walls, then u'll be fine.


Ah yes, thanks scooter! I was going to ask that question, but doubted anyone would have such specific info... thanks bro!
The site lists the pump at 3.75" wide, so I guess I'll extend the return section to 5".


Bigmac: As for the ES6-2... I'd love to get one, but it won't fit under my cabinet :-( I was originally going to get the ES8-1, (still 20" high like the ES6-1, but 2" larger in dia.) but it just takes up too much room, as the base is much larger. I would have to add at least another 4.5" to the skimmer area.
As for the ES6-2 being a 'better skimmer'... you mean it will preform better volume-wise correct? The actuall skimmer itself is identical no?
I'm betting with the veggie-filtration, DSB, and proper, (as opposed to over) stocking... I should be fine with this skimmer. As always, feel free to correct me. As this is my first reef, all my knowledge is 2d so to speak. No personal, hands-on experience... yet!



Originally posted by rob1116
As for the ES6-2 being a 'better skimmer'... you mean it will preform better volume-wise correct? The actuall skimmer itself is identical no?

You'll be pushing it using the ES6-1 on a tank your size. The ES6-1 comes with a Sedra 3500, the 2 model comes with either a Sedra 3500 or 5000. How tall is your stand?


Well... I'm going to have to place the skimmer on a stand, (as shown) to maintain an appropriate water level without lowering the level in the sump. The inside of the cabinet measures 27"... 24" of skimmer, plus at least 5" of platform = Too high.
I CAN go with the ES8-1... 20" high, but 8" diam. Capacity is alot greater from what I hear. The only bad part, (other than the extra $180!) Is that the base is much larger. ie. I would have to increase the skimmer section of the sump to at least 15.5"... effectively cutting off 4.5" of live sump.
So the question is really: What's better? A larger skimmer, or an extra 4.5" of refugium with an extra $180 to spend, (LR?) ???
I don't know... 12"X12"X12" seems like a really small refugium for a 90g. And before you ask... no, I can't fit a bigger tank under there! :)



Originally posted by rob1116
So the question is really: What's better? A larger skimmer, or an extra 4.5" of refugium with an extra $180 to spend, (LR?) ???

I'm not a big fuge fan so I'd vote for the 8" skimmer...I'm sure others wont agree.

bang guy


Originally posted by Kipass4130
i also put an elbow on the intake to buy a little more time in case of run-dry

Kip, I believe you'll get a significant improvement in pump performance if you eliminate one of those elbows. I'm not familiar with the pump but can the intake be turned to go directly down instead of to the left and then down? That second elbow is going to put a bit of a strain on the impeller. I'm surprised it's not cavitating.
Just a thought.


Well, in order to ensure this idea doesn't impede the inlet flow at all... couldn't I just fit an oversized pipe/elbow going straight down? I do like this idea, as it gives me another couple of inches of security. (I don't plan on using it, but it makes me feel better!)


Bigmac: That's something I've been mulling over. One minute I'm thinking, "I'd like the refugium as big as possible." And the next it's, "If I had a bigger skimmer, I wouldn't need one at all, let alone a big one!"
Gracilaria grows best in shallow water, and bright light... so I might just go with the beautiful ES8-1. It looks like a beast :eek:



Originally posted by rob1116
Bigmac: That's something I've been mulling over. One minute I'm thinking, "I'd like the refugium as big as possible." And the next it's, "If I had a bigger skimmer, I wouldn't need one at all, let alone a big one!"
Gracilaria grows best in shallow water, and bright light... so I might just go with the beautiful ES8-1. It looks like a beast :eek:

Some people run tanks with just skimmers some with just a fuge. My fuge experience wasn't that great. You have to think about what your using it for. IMO, a true fuge is to raise critters for the tank and shouldn't be confused with an algae scrubber or tank to raise alage for the purpose or removing organic waste. Some of those algaes people use in their so called refugiums turn out to back fire big time. Some of the lastest thinking is that MOST of them caused more problems then they help. I keep a light fish load, deep sand bed, 1-1.5 pounds of live rock per gal (150 gal sps tank) I feed the fish once a day at the most and let them feed my corals..Oh yeah! I use a good skimmer (CS6-3)


As always, sound advice Bigmac. Thanks.
Still can't decide though... but I've got time to think it over.
On one hand, I really want a decent sized refugium/veggie filter.
The refugium will be of great interest to me.
On the other hand, a larger skimmer is a sure thing.


I am doing both for sure. I'm hoping to grow Gracilaria.
The only thing I have left to decide is whether I should sacrifice refugium space inside the sump to make room for a larger skimmer.
It's no problem... a personal decision more than anything.