Odyssea 2006 Model MH Lights



for all those people who have changed the bulbs. Which ones did you get and how did they work out?


Active Member
who has the 48" halide fixture here?? if so does yours have a digital timer and digital modes buttons on the brain of the unit?? ALSO how do you set this unit , i know it acts as a timer and you can make the modes switch and different times as well??


I was surprised that Hombby didnn't sell the metal Halide lighting fixture in auction, seem that there no longer sell item. I was hope to find one and purhcase. only aquatrader selling. but I heard that there are poor customer service.


Active Member
got one of mine from hombby and one from aqautrader and i cant complain about either.. very fast shipping excellent communication along with immedite tracking number and excellent packaging!


I have the 60" unit, has been up for 3 months now, no problems whatsoever.
I ordered mine from A -traders and it came in original boxes and all, like described above. It even had "NEW NOT REFURBISHED" stamped on it!!!!!!
Anyway, I changed two of the MH bulbs to 175w 10,000 K because I didn't like that the lights were so blue. I am happy with the unit overall.


Maybe a**trader changed their attitiude toward to customer. to selling goods a new instead of refurbished. I will order one from a**trader.
Firedog--- You replaced the bulbs from the orginal bulbs that you dsilike it. replaced the bulbs from same company or can buy other brands that can work with odyssea? just my question.


Originally Posted by rmahnick
Maybe a**trader changed their attitiude toward to customer. to selling goods a new instead of refurbished. I will order one from a**trader.
Firedog--- You replaced the bulbs from the orginal bulbs that you dsilike it. replaced the bulbs from same company or can buy other brands that can work with odyssea? just my question.

I didn't want to challenge the argument about whether or not the ballasts are really 175 or 150w, or whether or not it is safe to use a 150w bulb with the 175w fixture.
So to answer your question, I bought the odyssea bulbs. If you have the 150w MH unit, you should have no problem using a bulb from another manufacturer. But I haven't seen another company that makes a 175w DE HQI bulb.


For those who have the fixtures with the stock bulbs. What are your opinions of them. Do your corals like the light? Do they come off as the right color? Overall how are they?


Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
these lights suck
the cords have busted and the ballast has busted in a matter of two weeks

really where did you get them from. I have had mine for 4 months and nothing seems to be wrong with any of the cords or ballasts.

roll tide

Originally Posted by psusocr1
who has the 48" halide fixture here?? if so does yours have a digital timer and digital modes buttons on the brain of the unit?? ALSO how do you set this unit , i know it acts as a timer and you can make the modes switch and different times as well??
I do. I had to hook mine to a timer, each cord on a different time. PC's...MH's...PC's...then moonlights.


Just got the 48" 542W from A-traders today.....looked brand new, packed well. Customer service --- well they finally answered the phone on the 2nd day.... lol.... all bulbs fired up...
for those of you using timers do you have the walls cords going into the timers or the timers plugged into the ballast and then the light cords ?? thanks.


I have the 60".
I plug the fixture into the ballast, the ballast to the timer, the timer to the wall. Just to be clear. I don't know if I would go the route of plugging the fixture into the time then the ballast. Me think that bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
For those who have the fixtures with the stock bulbs. What are your opinions of them. Do your corals like the light? Do they come off as the right color? Overall how are they?

My corals seem to love the lights. all are opened up fully and growing nicely. everything from shrooms to trumpets , clam and acro are all doing well.. :cheer:
I have the 72 inch version on a 180 reef


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
To everyone who posted here and bought a Jebo/Odyssea light:
Did your light come in a plain brown type box?
I just bought an Odyssea 260 watt PC fixture 48" 4 moon lights. I got it off that kool auction site. A Q U A D E A l. At first I was thinking no way that cheap????? $9.99 included bulbs, legs, & everything. Welll :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: I couldn't resist at that price, it was almost like a win-win situation if this thing just last for a year OK, that's still a good deal. I looked at the guy's feed back 98.8% POSITIVE. So I felt pretty comfortable ordering it. I got it in fast, everything looked great & evrything works fine. I was kinda weirded out though when the box said nothing at all on it. There also weren't any instructions or anything in the box besides the light & packaging. Everything works fine though so I'm happy. The only thing that kinda was wrong the legs don't fit that great. It's a 48" fixture on a 48" standard 55 US gallon tank. :cheer:


New Member
Was reading this forum and would share a couple of insights:
1) It's fine to use a 150 mh instead of the 175 mh. The ballast supports 150s with no real drawbacks except the 150 will be underdrawn. The 175 is extremely rare and, frankly, the supplied 175s and their replacements are of dubious/variable quality. The ballast itself MIGHT be a 150 - as has happened in the past to some buyers - but unless you plan to open it (always a good idea with Odyssea products because there are often loose parts/screws in the casing) you won't know. My suggestion is to replace the bulbs if you want a better quality lighting - my friend uses a Phoenix 150DE 14k that really improved the lighting conditions over the 175s.
2) The ballast itself is the worst part of this unit. Although I don't have any experience with the new ones, I think they still use the old magnetic ballasts that came with the older ones. These can be headaches when they go - at best you'll be out the cost of a new ballast, at worst your house may burn down. I've seen a couple of these after they've blown up at the wholesaler I buy from and when they go, they go. Molten hot slag, actual fires...it's nasty. However, these new ones have upgraded ballasts...so it might be ok....but still, just a warning, if it goes bad then
3) Spend a little more money for better bulbs and your lights should look and perform like they cost twice the price. Also, many of the problems with this unit could be solved through better heat control, so buy compatable computer fans and replace the old fan units. They work quieter, more efficiently, and faster.
4) The only thing that's stopped me from recommending this unit to other people is that this is the third or fourth time the company that makes these units has changed its name and location. Quality control is hit or miss, and the horror stories that go along with some of these units give new meaning to the words horror stories.
If it all goes good than congrats! You just got a unit that should have cost way more than what you got it for.
Hope that helped and good luck.


Hi guys and gals. ( Yes this is lengthy, but so worth reading if you are thinking about purchasing an Odyssea MH Light Fixture.) I have been a member of SWF.com for a little while and I enjoy reading reviews and listening to the opinions of others on this forum. There are many great minds on this forum and I appreciate every word of advice that I receive when asking questions and browsing the forum.
I personally have “2” Odyssea “PC” light setups and both seem to be running sort of ok. Neither of them have working fans after the first 3 months of operation and both had decent light the first 3 months which turned dull shortly after. I also ran into huge algae blooms when the lights started to dim..
I try to do lengthy research into products before I buy them and I ran into concerns with the Odyssea MH light setups. (FIRES)
With a 3 month old baby girl and my wife not working at all, I find it hard to find enough money to spend on special upgrades such as MH lights. The Odyssea MH lights seem like such a great idea when looking at the price vs. that of UL certified, well known and tested brand lights. I mean, $265.00 + shipping for a 480watt 36 light”???
Well, it is my turn to spread some wisdom on this site. (Please don’t take this as criticism towards anyone that has already purchased and/or is using an Odyssea MH light.)
I am a Safety Office for the Grand Travers County Rural Fire Department. (Part Time) My main objective as a Firefighter is to oversee a rescue operation or fire scene for any dangerous situations and pay close attention to (Quoting this for a reason, please pay attention) “WARNING SIGNS” and shut down the scene if I spot any that are a possible hazard to life safety.
If one person says, “Hey! My strangely cheap light caught fire and “LUCKALY” it didn’t burn my house down,” you can feel assured it was a 1 in a million chance right? If another person says, “Hey! My strangely cheap light caught fire and burned “PART” of my house down, and “LUCKALY” I didn’t burn the rest of my house down,” you can feel assured it is a 2 in a million chance of happening right?
When many people say, “Hey! THIS FRICKING LIGHT CAUGHT FIRE AND DID OR DIDN’T BURN MY HOUSE DOWN,” you can rest assured “you” will be the “odd case” out in the chances of burning you house down right?????????
The correct answer is NO!
I really needed to save my money as I have both “several” businesses, including a fish tank cleaning business that is starting to take off and a new baby, with my wife receiving no pay at all. Well, I saw the warning signs and decided it wasn’t worth the risk of losing my house to save $300.00 or so on a fricking light. The cool thing is I bought a slightly used light and paid $265.00 + Shipping. The pictures of the light show it working and the seller swears the light is only a few months old. I got a good deal because I bought it from the Huge Auction sight and it had NO Reserve. I can only hope that the light is as described by the seller, but can be rest assured that the light is FIRE SAFE as it is both UL Tested and Certified, plus there are ZERO reports of “Catching Fire.”
I have been to house fires where people have lost everything because a light they were using (Not UL Listed) caught fire. Sure their insurance companies covered the bill after a $500.00 or more deductible, but they lost all of their pictures and memories for a stupid light fixture. Not to mention the $500.00 deductible.
PLEASE, I know it is hard to spend anything more than $100.00 on things for your Fish Tanks, especially after sinking Tons of Money into your setups, but think to yourself, “Is it worth possibly losing everything to save less than your insurance deductible if anything were to come true as “Warned” by others on these online forums? Please just save for a few more months and buy either slightly used products that are well known or save and look for good deals on well tested new products, not made in China by companies that keep changing names and could care less what happens to you.
P.S. I feel sorry for anyone that has been screwed by this company from their cheaply built products catching fire and destroying your personal property. Also, I refuse to sell any Jebo or Odyssea products to my customers because of this.


New Member
Great post FishRule. As an added warning to anyone buying these lights, I just want to point out that this company is selling products that aren't really up to UL standards by any stretch of the imagination. This and Jebo and Odyssea products are constructed in China out of the cheapest humanly manufactured parts. Now, some of you are going to say, "Yeah, well, everything is made in China these days." You'd be right. However, it's made up to spec from very demanding companies. My computer features products almost exclusively made in China, but it features products with viable company backing: Nvidia makes my video card, Creative Labs makes my sound card, GE makes my monitor, Logitech makes my mouse. Just having the comfort of a company name (and a face to sue in the extremely EXTREMELY unlikely event my mouse catches on fire and engulfs my bedroom in flame) and their backing of the product I'm using makes that product worth the extra money. However, Jebo and Odyssea are the Chinese products of 20 years ago. These are the same quality manufactured components that brought us crappy plastic toy soldiers and fake ray guns that busted apart in 20 minutes. Personally, I wouldn't risk the lives of my fish (one hell of an investment as is) my equipment, my tank, my bedroom, and my house to a lighting fixture that MIGHT burst into flames at any given time. If it works...once again...fantastic for you. You've beaten the system and made me look like a moron. However, if it doesn't work (and there's a good chance it won't) try to sue a company who is going to change their name, address, telephone number, and void their warranties in the process...if you're still around to do so.