lets see, i would not buy ANY brand name, i work for a computere store, and we get more repairs from alll of them, esp dell and compaq and e machines, all of them, hp too
eithere have it built, or special order it, you can almost always do much better witha custom built form a local shop, for the same dollar, the one i work at kills dell computers forthe same buck, as for which processor i am amd all the way, price is better and speed kills th pentiums, not to mention you have upgradeability(much more than intel), but they are both good and reiliable, as far as which is better, you can ask 20 techs and get 10 of each(average), 5 yrs ago, you would not, but now they are pretty much evenly split, if you are looking at business, though i would go for the intel, for gaming and streaming video and things like that, go for the amd(we carry both, so i am offering unbiased advice)
for pics and music, get plenty of memory-256 minimum, adn windows xp or 98, me is no good(i have ME and runs very well for me, but i am one of a very few people who actually use it and hard, not just run it, that can kep it stable and fast), if you are going to do alot of pics, then i would also have a cdrw for storing tehm
another thing about the brand names, not only are they not nearly as good for the same price, but their service generally sux in comparison, and if you do get good service, it goes through the local shops anyway, emachines and hp and compaqs all come to us from best buy and staples and all those places for warranties
as for the taid, it is not necc unlss you are going to have multi drives, but for what you want, one 20 or 30 gig HD is plenty
man, i could go on for hours in what to look for and what most of it does(item by item), but this would get real long, so if you want more, go ahead and email me, just title it from beth at swf, i'd be gald to help
for those of you who know i am a salesman, i sell cars, and work pt as a comp tech(b/c i enjoy it, i do not live off computer sales, so don't think this is a pitch here
