Off-Topic Help please.....


I grew up with Dachsunds and have one for my kids now. Here is a pic of Montgomery, my kids call him Monty.


I grew up with Cocker Spaniel muts. The purebred cockers have all sorts of issues, but "mutting" seems to eliminate a lot of that. I dedicated my dissertation to my dog Jack. He died while I was writing, and I couldn't get home to see him. He was a cocker/terrier/poodle mix (looked nothing like a poodle...more like a cocker). He lived to be 17.
My parents now have a King Charles Cavalier. While I think he's a cute and loyal dog, he's a little spastic for my taste.
We currently have a Chow/Shar-Pei mix. She is a beautiful all black dog, with the best features of both breeds. (wrinkles underneath the fluff). She is actually my step-dog. My boyfriend had her for 6 years before I came along. She is a little neurotic, and chases her tail like crazy when Animal Planet is on the TV.


hey bt 1999 my husband and i have a boston and a dachsund and we have been thinking about a pug what kind of personality do pugs have are they laid back , hyper of course it really doesnt matter but weve never been around one and we would like to know what were getting ourselves into before we get one


How about doberman? My bf has 2 of them...and they are most friendliest and adorable and kissable doggies (it might sound strange..because everybody think that they are meanest dogs ever...but thats just an image from the movies :D )



Originally posted by splash1914
No question about it.... Doberman!!!
RIP little buddy.... He died last week... :-(

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats sooo sad...*Hugs*I know how you feel...2 weeks ago we had to put my bf's fav. dog to sleep (dobbie)..:( we still miss her a lot....:(


Cookie has been the most lovable dog you can possibly imagine. I have had her for four years, ever since she was 7 weeks. She is a True Full Bloded Champion Breed Chineese pug. Both her parents used to breed, thus the bloodline was unadulterated. They would get approx. $525...$600 for each puppy...!:eek: :eek:
As far as a pet, I would never think about any other type of dog (Please don't anyone get offended by this comment) since my wife and myself have had a few dogs in our 13 year marriage.
Cookie has never been out of line as far as hyperactivity, misbehaving, and/or destroying things. Never....!
Example given....! When we arrived at our new Home, Cookie was five months old. a couple of months went by and we came across this cat, "Ashy". Well Ashy was also a baby, approx 2 months old. Well Cookie took to the cat as if it was it's own son. I know, you are probably saying "that dog is too young to think about maternal instincts, I disagree. She has always take care of Ashy as it was it's own. They have grown together ever since with no problems whatsoever.....
Furthermore, I used to be worried about my son and Cookie, when she first arrived. She has never snapped, or remotely shown any signs of agression toward any of my animals, neighbor kids, or any of the company that visits the house.
Well, there's this one kid on the cul-de-sac that seems to have a slight learning disability, and continuosly taunts cookie from the sidewalk and that's one individual that Cookie does not like much. That in my book is understandable...!
Sorry this took so long, but Cookie is a huge part of our family.
She's my other daugther.....!
Good luck
In a nut shell.. a great addition to any Family.....! Any questions, let me know....!


Just had to add my two cents...
This is Aliroo (aka roo, jack russell terrorist, ali, THAT DAMN DOG!) lol