Off-Topic Help please.....


Thanks Marinerock!!! She is our baby girl.
I remember reading that a while back. I have yet to see one in competition though. I can't wait to see it when it happens. I watched the Eukanuba Tournament of Champions on Saturday night. They had a fawn colored Dane that took 4th in the working group.


Hey Brad....
They're in competition...when you see the dog shows on
TV, they only show you the group and they
cut out the rest of the show before then...they do not
show you the breed classes unfortunately...


Active Member
Hey Ryan,
Are you looking for a outside dog or inside? Or combo?
I really like bullmastiffs. Check out this link
They are fairly pricey and get large about 110 - 130 lbs. They were used back a long time ago to protect from poachers at night time.
Also Greman sheppards are great.
Oh one more note on the bullmastiffs. They are very loving with thier family but at night nobody and I mean nobody will come in your house without your permission.


Active Member
Right after 9-11, a friend of mine had to catch a plane. Once on the plane, she looked out her window and saw a big box being loaded onto the plane. It said "Afgans." They were, of course, Afgan hounds, but the irony was pretty funny, even that close after the tragedy.


Active Member
I just saw this thread so sorry if I am late. A question, do you and your wife both work? If so I am a very firm believer in getting two dogs. It may be a little extra work in the begining, but in the long run it is worth it. The reason for the two dogs is so that they keep each other company. A dog will get bored during the day and can get into trouble just to amuse itself.
The first animal we had was a kitten. This thing was a handful. I finally convinced my, at the time, fiance to get another kitten. It calmed right down and he is now the coolest cat.
Just my opinion.



Originally posted by Scotts
I just saw this thread so sorry if I am late. A question, do you and your wife both work? If so I am a very firm believer in getting two dogs. It may be a little extra work in the begining, but in the long run it is worth it. The reason for the two dogs is so that they keep each other company. A dog will get bored during the day and can get into trouble just to amuse itself.
Just my opinion.

If you have the room and can afford this, I could not agree more.
Dogs need alot of attention!
One thing I want to be sure and mention is not to only research breeds of dogs but do your home work on dog food. Store/pet store bought food is often not good food, even the expensive stuff. This is especially true in large breeds. I use canidae food.
Other then the internet a good way to see dogs is to visit some large Dog Shows. You can get some hands on time with the dogs you think you may like and also with different breeders. Be very selective in the breeder you pick. Talk to handelers and other breeders. Go to more then one show in one city. Take your time, Just like with fish tanks.
You should also give alot of thought to dog training. Not just for the dog but for yourself. ;) Its not very expensive and you and your pet will have alot of fun doing it.
I dont have a web page so I cant post you a pic of out little (120lb) girl. So I'll post one of her mom.
**Edit** I guess you cant post a pic from geocities web pages So here is another one. This boy was come from the Kenal where my mom got her red female. His name is Maximus. He is a Fawn Like the girl we have.

This is a Bullmastiff. They are a cross between the much taller Mastiff and a Bulldog. They make wonderful pets. If you have ever seen the movie "See Spot Run" he is a Red Bullmastiff. There are also red-fawn and brindels.
Good Luck in your search for a new pet. If you need any help in looking for a dog show drop me a note. My Mother shows her 2 BullMastiff's so she always knows where the good shows are going to be. :)


Here is My two girls.
Can you guess which one just had the bath and which one needs a bath? :D The dog loves to play outside.


On Animal Planet last Saturday, the Bull Mastiff was the topic on Breed All About It. They look like awesome dogs!!



Originally posted by chef jaysen
Here is an idea.........They love kids............hehe

Green Tree Python?
Ive had quit a few of those (snakes) myself.
But as far as I remember, the Green Tree Pythons I had didnt "love" anything but a dead mouse! :D



Originally posted by RyeBread
Those King Charles guys sound fancy.......maybe i'll get twelve or thirteen of those. :D

yea, then you would be broke!

sinner's girl

I grew up with Dobermans. my mom likes them. I don't much much for dogs but people are very scared of them (which when you're staying home alone is a very good thing).
they get cranky when older though (maybe all dogs do, i don't know). My parents put the dog up with kids are around now. has one had to be put to sleep do to an internal problem which is common with Dobermans (she wouldn't eat, and couldn't control herself).