Off-Topic Help please.....


Active Member
Lots of great stuff guys! I appreciate all of the responses.......keep em comin!
I have been researching quite a bit on the Greater Swiss Mountain dog.......a little different than the Bermese Mountain dogs but, very close....neat animal.
I love the Schipperke and I need to do some more research on them.


We have a Yorkshire Terrier, he is the greatest little guy ever!! He only wieghs 5 lbs so he is super portable. He catches frisbees (small ones), and plays fetch just like a big dog! He gives lots of love and follows me every where. He does bark when some one knocks on the door, but that cold be a good thing right? If you are looking for an active small dog you might want to check into one. Only down side is grooming the little bugers!


Hey Rye....
Whatever breed you do decide on, DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT
purchase from any pet/puppy store....
Each breed has their own breed club and rescue organization
where you can get the most info on the breed you choose
and can even adopt a dog/puppy that needs a home....
They also have breeders lists, so you can locate a breeder
close to where you reside...
However, do your research and dont jump on the first
puppy you see...go to a few breeders before making a
Also, make the breeders prove all their claims such as but
not limited to:
1-AKC registration (only if purebred)
2-Health certifications-OFA hips and elbows(mostly large breeds),
some smaller breeds are tested for ...patellas
the list can go on...most of the reputable breeders do health
testings and this also should be counted in when making your
final decision....
Go and you will find all the information
you are seeking....
If I can be of anymore help...just let me know...
Good luck with your decision.....


Active Member

Originally posted by MARINEROCK
Hey Rye....
Whatever breed you do decide on, DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT
purchase from any pet/puppy store....

why- just wondering b/c we work at one- all purebread and registered, come with all shoth and 1000$ insurance medical coverage- we buy from local breeders:confused: --
Also rye about jack russels, they need obedience training to be responsive- ifr not they can raise hell
The schipperke is a belgian dog that would serve as guard dogs on barges- they are bold and smart- thats why they were good- we have one in at work and i really wish i could get her- they dont try to lick your entire face either:D


Active Member
I would reccomend a German shepard. My dad won't get another dog and yet neither would I? When we used to live in an apartment he would be fine in there and we didn't have much of a lawn either but he was perfectly happy. He would follow me wherever I went; he was a little aggressive to strangers that he didn't know though.
My present german shephard is the sweetest dog u can find. He is friendly to everyone and I have twin little brother's that live with the dog and beat it up. He does fine with it and in fact loves them to death.
But whatever dog you chose you want to get it in the younger state because a dog's attitude towards people is how you make it when its younger. If alot of random people give it treats; seriusly walk up to a stranger and ask them to give the dog treats, then he will be absolutely fine.
But if you leave him in the car away from people then u r going to find him to not be friendly. GL


Active Member
why- just wondering b/c we work at one- all purebread and registered, come with all shoth and 1000$ insurance medical coverage- we buy from local breeders
Because the animals at pet stores wont be killed if no one takes them home.
That and my jack russels, none of three that i ever had needed obedience training.


Active Member
killed-lol if we do not sell a dog for a while we dont kill it:confused: we either lower the price or we would give it away- mos tlikely an employee or a friend- but we have never not sold a dog


Hey Kickster....
Most pet store puppies come from puppy mills ....
puppy mills have absolutely no regard for the well
being of the puppies or the sire/dams of the
puppies both medically and psychologically....the
care of the dogs in their facilities is the bare mininum...
The puppy mill owners do not do any medical testings
on their dogs, the puppies have absolutely no human
contact which is a very essential part of the puppies
psychological future and their conditions are horrible....
And even if a pet store claims that their puppies come
from "local breeders"....NO ETHICAL BREEDER would sell
their puppies to a pet store...
The only thing that these people that own puppy mills
and breed dogs for pet store sales are into is MONEY...
they could care less about the well being of the sire/dams
let alone the puppies they are pumping out....
Also, just because a dog has "papers" and is registered
does not attest to the quality of that particular dog....

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
like justinX said jack russels are great dogs. Heres mine, Anna. Tons of energy, very smart, and mine goes to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up on sunrise.
On another note, jack russels need attention like any other dog. They need space, which you have-- but i have heard many stories about them running off, they will chase anything. Very tough dogs for their size, and do have the ability to tear sh*t up if not given the attention needed.
Mine was locked in my parents room a few yrs ago for about 8 hrs, came home and she had dug straight through the carpet and pad. Bare cement could be seen. It was our fault though, didnt mean to have the door kept shut and her food wasnt in there. Great little dogs but can cop an attitude.


Active Member
Marinerock- i guess the pet stores you go to are much different than the one i work at- I know the breeder(s) and have seen their places where we get most of our dogs from and they are nothing like you described- the live in homes (most have thier basement turned into a kennel) they breed their dogs treat them well- some have kids that play with them- and i know my boss cares about quality dogs- on occasion he will drive 2.5 hrs to pick up a litter- all the dogs we get in are in great shape- and after about the second day they are playfull, eating well and are in general good health. we have never had one die- i know places that have- they come with all their shots (rabies, distemper, wormings, bordatella)(dogs and cats both) just thought id let you know- i guess if you know the shop- but we dont ever have issues with dog quality or health


Hey Kickster... I said...NO REPUTABLE BREEDER would
sell one puppy to a pet store let alone a whole litter....
I do not know what breeds your store deals in but ask
the breeders if they breed...
small they do testing on the parents for
patellas, hearts, eyes etc...if they tell you yes ....
ask them to show you the certifications...
large they do testings such as OFA,CERF, etc...
if they tell you the certifications....
Can almost guarantee they wouldnt even know what
you were talkin about...


Active Member
I dont know if they have it down that tight- but then again, how many people have dogs where that much is known about the parents- other than professional breeders and people wanting show dogs- the fact of the matter is is you can have a good dog from parents who have no history of chronic problems (for generations) without having their entire genetics layed out (eg.) Dogs can still live healthy lives w/o a single problem ( and do very often) some people breed as a hobby and produce healthy, well cared for dogs that grow up and live problem free lives


I've had many dogs while growing up. Most being labs. I currently have three. One chocolate lab, a yellow lab mix (from Humane Society) & one house dog (cross between a pom & losa). Someof the best pets that I've had have beenwhat I refer to as Hentz 57's, usually adopted from the Humane Society. Sounds like your doing our homework and whatever you decide I'm sure that you'll get much enjoyment and love from it as you'll be given. Mind are all like additional kids to our family.


Hey Kickster....
Absolutely .... what you said is correct...however,
if someone is going to go out and spend alot of money
on the purchase of a dog, it is better to go to a
reputable breeder who does all the genetic testings
and knows the history of their pedigree and the
genetics in their lines...then to go to a pet store and
buy a dog from someone who knows absolutely
nothing about that particular puppy or the sire/dam
I agree that if someone wants a dog for a pet, they should go
to their local animal shelter and adopt a dog that
needs a home....thats the best thing to do....
But if people would stop purchasing puppies from pet stores,
it would put an end to the puppy millers and
the horrific conditions that most of the puppies and the
sires/dams are subject to...and not to mention the
overpopulation of dogs that wind up in these shelters...
most of the store bought puppies are impulse purchases as
you must know....