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Originally posted by j21kickster
we either lower the price or we would give it away- mos tlikely an employee or a friend- but we have never not sold a dog

exactly my point, pets in stores ALWAYS get a home. Those in animal and rescue shelters do not, hence the reference to being killed. Why not rescue a dog/cat and save its life as opposed to purchasing one, often times for ten times the price.


Active Member
Great points people.......they are all being considered.
We plan to adopt whatever dog we choose....we do plan to go with a puppy as opposed to an older dog for selfish reasons. ;) We just want a puppy for a while. :D
Melody ~ You're baby is a splitting image of my now deceased life-long friend "China". I miss her. :( 1/2 Husky, 1/2 German Shepard.......she was beautiful. She lived with my grandmother for about thirteen years and finally laid herself to rest a little over a year ago. I can't have another dog like that because I would want her back. :(


Active Member
Another thought is that if you can get past the drool, (which some of them do) is bulldogs. I think that they are hilariuos dogs.


If you are interested in big dogs, I say Sib. Huskies. I have two and they are the best dogs. Very smart, loyal and funny. Bogie the male only lets me give him kisses when no one is looking. LOL
They love to run, they need alot of space and fencing so they can not take off. They do shed once a year, I take them to the groomer every couple of months. We take them for walks a few times a week.
They are very vocal, it is strange when we see are friends dogs they are so quite. Mine howl when they see me in the morning, when I get home or when I walk into the same room as they are in. You can tell them to say hi and they will both throw there head up and howl.
Now small dogs, I would say a yorkie or maltese. I have a maltese. She is 6lb and thinks she is 100 lb. She follows me everywhere, goes everywhere with me. She puts the Husky's in their place. At least she thinks she does. Everyone calls her Princess, but her name is Nikki. I have never liked little dogs, then I took a chance with her and I can not imagine life with out her.
Good luck,


(speaking from experience here...)
you do all kinds of research, know exactly what you want, start the search for it, walk into a shelter and there is an animal.....not even close to what you are looking for, has the biggest, saddest eyes you ever saw in your life, you look at the little tag on the cage, been here for almost 30 days, might be euthenized soon, now your heart is melting into huge puddle on floor.
30 minutes later......
you have now completed the paperwork and are loading your new pet in the car. you have no idea what kind of a mix he is or anything else, just know you saved him from death. multiply this times 3 and you have my life.
gotta say, after having these guys and after owning pure breds, I would say the rescued animals are the best!!!!!:D :)


We have three golden retreivers. I couldn't imagine a better dog. I think that their only goal in life is to get affection and to give affection. We have 2 kids (8 and 12). They let the kids crawl all over them. I have never heard a mean growl out of any of them (dogs, not kids). It's funny, when I am wrestling with the kids, they watch me very carefully. If they think that I am getting too rough, they give me a little 'take it easy' bark.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
Damn JustinX i think we're on the same dog level. im getting a bulldog after i graduate. We had 2 growing up, before our jack russell. They are for sure not the smartest dogs, but they are really cool pets. Ive been looking for a few and they are very expensive.


Active Member
I must say that we are starting to fall in love with the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog more and more. I am fascinated by this creature and I can easily envision myself having one. They are very rare however and finding on might be on the challenging side.


Don't I know what you are talking about!!! Meet Bonzo & Gonzo...rescued August 1995. Litter mates (hmmm, our vet said different daddies?!), if anyone can figure out what Gonzo (Brindle) is mixed with please let me know...
By all means, let's not forget the mixed breeds! Seriously, there are so many rescue foundations, even for pure breeds. Often times they show gratitude to their people (owners) for life!
Congratulations Ryebread, on your decision to get a dog!


Hey Fire....
It is possible for a litter to be sired by more than
one male....and some of the offspring belong to one sire
and some belong to the second sire or even the
third sire....
Cute pups you have there....
Good luck with them....


Marinerock-so I'm told! I was not aware of that until we adopted the little darlings...
Just for fun (sigh-I'm such a dog lover) I've attached a picture of my neighbors dog, "Bubba" he is a Rottweiler/Chow Chow mix (!) and the sweetest dog I've ever met. What a face!


Active Member
They are all great an dall have their good and bad points.
major dog lover here :)
asking that is kinda like asking: "I have a 200 gallon tank, what could I get, only want one rish?"
Personally, I adore Akitas, Rottweillers, and Kuvasz
would you prefer large, small, agressive, smart, playful(yes they are all playful when young, but...). Are you gonna have kids soon?do you need any type of protection, in your area? How about hair? Do you want pedigree? or just a dog? How much will somebody be home? Inside or outside(primarily, not for walks)? Do you need an ALARM?
Do you want one that is breedable or does it not matter?
And last, do you run?
If you answered yes to the last one and only want a pet not a breeder, YOu could do a favor to one species in particular and look at Greyhounds.
Beuatiful dog, well mannered
likes to run, needs room
and there are too many that need homes every year. and they can be gotten for free, lots of them go up for adoption every year and many do not find homes. The ony draw back is, if youwant a breeder.
In fact, everyone who reads this, if you are looking for a dog and can or cannot afford much, please consider them. I am not pleading to get one, bc I would rather see them go to a home that wants them, but asking people to not rule them out.


MY opinion (.02 cents) about adopting is DON"T!!! Really, I thought that I would do a good thing and adopt a dog, and I drove 200 miles to get my wife a pekignese....and it was the WORST mistake ever. First off, I paid ckc prices when it was all said and done, for a dog that was full bred, however, didn't have papers, had to be "snipped", and the legal
First one, I could NEVER sell the dog, get rid of him, or him run away. If he did, I would be sued for a LOT of money. Secondly, the dog's behavior was horrid. Potty training was non existent. Thirdly, the place called and sent humane people all the time to check things out...make sure i brush him enough, does he get the right BRAND of food, and I couldn't have him outside cause i don't have a fenced in had to always physically watch him, I had to take him to the vet at least, once a month, and they always checked on him....and to be honest...adopting was more hassle then what it was worth. The dog ended up having throat cancer, and had to be put to sleep, and even with the vet saying what he had, and that it HAD to be put to sleep, the people were still wanting to get more money out of me in court, but thank goodness I have a great lawyer, cause he tore a new butt in this adopting place....and if they ever call anyone that is remotly associated w/ me, I'll get em' for harrassment. that I went on a rampage on adopting, it did feel good to give a dog a home. I know, that maybe my experience was bad due to the place i adopted from....soo,...maybe not all places are bad. Since this is a non competing websight ..... i don't believe a moderator will delete this, if you want to adopt a dog, you can go to Most animal shelters...are signed onto this, and you can see pics of the dog, age, health, location, and adopting procedures. It's just an idea...
BTW, English Bulldogs are teh BOMB!! Also, I have a akita/husky mix, she's Pure white w/ blue eyes..and she is my "baby". I named
Have fun and good luck...


New Member
Since you've got alot of space you could get a really nice big dog, but alot are prone to disease...I have a havanese, she was kinda of expensive, but was worth every penny. She is very active and is only bout 7lbs now. I hope you find the dog you want and here is a pic of her:


We have a black lab, a yellow lab and a golden retriever...We love them all to death, here is how our Yellow lab (Taz) likes to spend his time.............