Off Topic Stuff: Seen any good movies lately?


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Howdy friends-
The wife and I are pretty heavy into DVD collecting since we are both movie buffs and niether of us mind watching the same good flicks over and over. We have built up a collection of just over 600 DVDs since we have been together and the number is growing rapidly! (I still have movies that have never been opened yet.......kinda stupid honestly.)
No particular type of movies are my favorite and I can't say that I even have favorite movies, but I do pick faves with the actors and actresses.
I would have to rate Angelina Jolie as my top actress......

And Edward Norton as my favorite actor........

I just finished watching Chicago starring Richard Gere (Who is not one of my favorite actors), Renee Zellweger, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. I thought it was excellent.
Anyone seen anything worth talking about lately? :cool:


Active Member
well i dont know if you have it alreadym but i just watched tron, and its a classic.
Oh and if you can try and check out donnie darko, great movie, really makes you think


600 DVDS???? I'm not sure if I have that many, but I have atleast a good couple hundred.
If you want to see an Angelina Jolie movie. Check out, "Playing God" also has David Duchovny in it. Its "different".
Other movies that I think are pretty good:
Pernament Midnight
Clay Pigeons
Run Lola Run
The Salton Sea
Big Lebowski
40 Days and 40 Nights
Donnie Darko does make you think. Usually can be picked up for only 8 dollars at best buy/circuit city also.
On another note, Tim Burton is in development to make a remake of "Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory"! Kind of disappointed that they're remaking one of my favorite movies as a kid. But atleast Burton is remaking it. On a scary note Manson was almost selected to star in it! Johnny Depp is currently lined up for now.


Great shot of Ed Norton. Is that from American History X looks just like his character. I also love the movies, but I often get some flak for my taste. Some movies that I like a lot:
Mallrats, Kevin Smith's best work.
American History X, one of my Top5
O Brother Where Art Thout?, Just a great overall movie, and the soundtrack is excellent. The signing parts are funny.
Super Troopers, this is stuff I would do if I were a cop.
Snatch, You have to love Brad Pitt's character.
Life Is Beautiful, Roberto Benigni is great. This movie is a tear jerker and must be watched with captions on. The voice overs for the english version don't do it justice.
High Fidelity, Jack Black is great, and many people can relate to John Cusak's character, except for the whole sleeping with Cath. Zeta Jones.
Office Space a classic
The Big Lebowski, the Dude abides.
The Royal Tenenbaums, the soundtrach is great, and the movie is just full of dry humor.
I could go on and on, but I have a class to attend.


Active Member
Some of my favorites:
Renaissance Man - Always liked Danny Devito
Happy Gilmore
Duets - Paul Giamatti is absolutely great in the role he plays.
My Cousin Vinny - Joe Pesci is a riot.


Active Member
1) Thursday (B movie, but have no idea why it was never in theatres. Trust me on this one. Mostly a guy movie, so watch it when the wife is at the mall w/ the girlfriends.)
3) American History X
4) Monty Python (Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, many good ones here!)
5) Dazed and Confused (Great explanation of the average high school senior life in 1978.... I THINK it was '78.)
well Braveheart tops my list. I would have to say ed norton is my fav actor. Fight Club is a good one, Signs is too. Tin Cup is also one of my favorites. My gf works at Family Video so we get the new releases a week early and i watched lord of the rings, the two towers and its a good movie but it just doesnt have the same effect on you when your in the theatre. I am working on collection of DVD's but it wont be complete until Seinfeld starts to make it to dvd


Free Willy
The Little Mermaid
Finding Nemo
Heres my top 5
5. Casino
4.Natural Born Killers
3.Blue Velvet
1.Gone with the Wind (also fav book)
I think Collin Farell(sp) is gonna be a great actor, phonebooth was good, Angelina Jolie every mans fantasy:rolleyes:
I like Robert De Niro for the diversity of the roles he plays.
That's great that you mentioned DVDS!! Just got a good sale at Best Buy. Picked up Saving Private Ryan (awesome movie) for 12.99, GlenGarry Glen Ross for 7.50 (EXCELLENT acting) and a bunch of other movies.
I dying to pick up Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers tomorrow though!!
My collection is at around 100 right now.
I've been catching up on a lot of older classics I've never seen lately. Just saw One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest recently for the first time. Also just recently saw Scarface and the Godfather trilogy for the first time (actually, I haven't watched the 3rd one yet).
I love movies!!:D


Boondock Saints
real REAL good movie not heard of by many people. Reminiscent of resvoir dogs and pulp fiction.
the only real big star in it is William Dafoe.


do you know if "Thursday" can be picked up at best buy or circuit city? Amazon is asking $200 for it!?
would like to see it



Originally posted by sammystingray
American history X was nortons greatest work.....I loved that movie. .....great movie, great actor.

Very good movie.



Originally posted by popoty
Boondock Saints
real REAL good movie not heard of by many people. Reminiscent of resvoir dogs and pulp fiction.
the only real big star in it is William Dafoe.

I forgot this one. Good call popoty


Active Member
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
Requiem For A Dream (incredible cinematography)
All of the Indiana Jones Movies (especially temple of doom)
About 1/2 of the bond movies
The matrix and reloaded (the storyline for these movies is incredible- not to mention they are just damn good movies)
Minority Report
Water World
Gangs of New York(my favorite so far)


Active Member
Jolie and Norton? You must have seen The Italian Job. I pesonally just went to see Open Range. I'm a sucker for a good old western. My all-time fave...Dances With Wolves.