Official 155g bowfront build...


You can buy those cheap little foam brushes...they are like 3 for $1....they work good, and then you toss them into the trash
I will probably just use an old brush i have laying around. now i understand that when applying polyurithane, it will bubble, so should i sand it down after applying and apply again, and repeat sanding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by green machine
I will probably just use an old brush i have laying around. now i understand that when applying polyurithane, it will bubble, so should i sand it down after applying and apply again, and repeat sanding?
I haven't heard of it bubbling. If you sand it use fine girt. 180-220. 600 if you really want something smooth.
So, this evening I met with a local reefer, HUGE THANKS TO DOUG, who gave me a 55g sump, predrilled with 3 holes.
He also cut me baffles for it.
The sump came with a baffle in the middle but was a bit too tall for what i want in there so i removed the baffle, started scraping the sump to get it cleaned up and snapped a picture. Will get another picture of it this weekend all cleaned up and ready for install.
here is the sump ill be using.


Active Member
"Hey there, how are ya. Nice to see you back in the tank business.
Cant wait to see it up and running