Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
it had spots, in fact it looked exactly like the blue puffer, except that it was yellow version. darn I should have copied the pic. It will be hard to find again!

my way

Active Member
I could see one getting dyed yellow. But I find it hard to believe you could dye it blue and have it be so brilliantly colored. I am not saying you are wrong, you are probably more knowledgable on this subject than I am. I just find it hard too believe the colors would be so vibrant. I would think it would come out more of a grenish brown color seeing as it is a Beige/gold to start out with. When they inject the dye is it below the part of the fish that already contains it's natural pigmentation? I think that is the only way you could keep the spotted pattern. See where I am going with this? If anything it would be easier for me to beleive they doctored the picture. Oh well I'm starting to lose hope now.
Thank you for your imput.


New Member
OMG!! I want one! Too bad I can't have it. The color doesn't really look real but it has to be. It looks like to good of a job to not be real. :notsure: