Oh NOOOO......Aiptasia; What will eat this?


Active Member
I need to know the other options for this anemone, I have found it spreading all over my tank, I do not want to pour the hot water because I don't want to kill my lr. Is there another method as far as what would eat it.


New Member
We had it growing everywhere. We bought one peppermint shrimp and within 48 hours he had wiped them cleam. he was a very wise purchase for us.


I got a camel shrimp as my LFS didn't have any peppermint. They said it would eat aiptasia as wel, as they are related species. I had quite an infestation, within two weeks I had none.


Active Member
Thanks everyone, I will be purchasing one of the peppermints soooon. Will see! Thanks again


Same here...fought the aptaisa for months with joes juice. Worked great, but it always returned since I could not get every one.
Just purchased a copperband butterfly and a few peppermint shrimp...has been working very well so far. Over half is gone now, and even better, the copperband has taken to mysis frozen and seaweed sheet, so I wont worry about it starving after the aptasia dissapears, which it shouldnt, because i do have some in my fuge and sump, which now I will leave so it can come back in the tank and both the CBB and PMShrimp wil have it to graze on forever.
Ok that didnt make a lot of sense but I dont feel like re-typing it.