Yes dripping into the intake of the skimmer.
No algea problems, however since the last week I have had the film algea on the glass quicker, to me this just means its very close to my water change, Monday actually.
A note about the use of B-Ionic in MY system, is it seems to pricipitate easly, not in the case of snow or instant clotting, what I mean is that the calcium wants very badly to become Carbonite and does, it has constricted my pumps 3 times in the last 6 months. I have tried to do large water changes using fresh salt and RO/DI water 3 - 20 gal changes, and 3 - 15 gal changes. Now I begin to wonder about the magnesium more than ever.
The highest I go with the b ionic is 40 mils of the alk and 60 of the cal.
I have used a phosphate sponge starting last Monday which came out yesterday evening. 0.02 ppm.
New bag of chemi pure last week.
Can't think of anything else to add to my thoughts about what could be the matter with this thing.