Originally posted by Bang Guy
...actually I agreed with everything but there's one poind I think you're missing.
Yeah, its hard to get all the little nuances in one little short
Now, if you just bought my book...You would find several chapters devoted to the life cycle of the nitrosomas and nitrobactor bacteria...Compleate with charts graphs and little pull out slide rule to determine exactly where you are in the cycle at any given time...
J/K Folks....Theres no book...
I was just "generalizing" cycle time to when the bacteria are at a sustainable and balanced level compared to the initial "spiked" levels...
Your point of "0.5" ppm ammonia as "safe" is relative to "when" the reading is taken...0.5ppm 4 hrs after adding a dead shrimp is "different" than 0.5 ppm 2 weeks later...
That's why it's important to continually test and "monitor" levels to watch for a rise and fall in levels (spike) or to see if they remain at a constant low indicating a sustainable population level...
AudiSteve...NitrItes are also toxic to lifeforms at high levels...
What to do...? Wait it out...and partial water change...the "effect" should be the same....
The quick rise and fall of your ammonia level indicates you probably had a good "starter" level of nitrosomas bacteria to convert ammonia to nitrIte and they multiplied rapidly...the same will 'probably" happen with the nitrobactor bacteria, which will convert the nitrIte to nitrAte...
This is one of the "benefits" of using Live Rock (cured or uncured) to cycle a tank..the the initial bacteria levels are introduced and able to multiply quickly and "balance" things out...
You are starting out with one Bazillion bacteria and it doesn't take long to get to ten bazillion...As opposed to starting out with an empty,sterile or "dead" tank with only a "few" bacteria in it...It just takes longer for them to multiply exponentially (1,2,4,16,256...) and get to ten bazillion...
Shawna...Don't feel bad for asking questions...(you are not "inturrupting")...if some of us stop posting at any given time, it could be we just went to bed...or the bathroom..or some other form of "reality"...