OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...


I know ther are some of those out there keeping controversial fishes, corals what have you, in the same tank. I am curious to see what you are keeping or have kept together. No need for ranting.... FUN only (hey some people get lucky with thier combos no need to get mad at those who succeed with the unusual) as long as all is well. :jumping:


Active Member
I agree it would be an interesting thread. There will probably be some interesting stories that wont get posted however, due to the fact that as you implied, the nay sayers tang police etc. just wouldn't be able to keep there criticisms to themselves.
Its unfortunate in the fact that we are not exactly at a point in the evolution of the hobby where brave new territories are being explored. Just think; if the types of attitudes I see today where prevalent twenty years ago we would all still be running UG filters. :joy:
It use to be when new things were tried with some degree of success the hobbyist was congratulated and that success was attempted to be repeated in other systems. Now days the usual response is somewhere along the lines of, they will all be dead in a month or some sort of ridiculous animal cruelty is implied.
Vary bad for the hobby.


I agree Murph, it is unfortunate. There are probably alot of interesting stories we won't get to hear. But, hopefully some will come forward. How else can we advance in our hobby if we all keep quiet about our sucess'?


My 180g will be here in 2 weeks so i can finally reveal my crazy combinations in my 36g,lol. Prepare to be :scared:
1 clown, 1 midas blenny, 1 convict blenny and.... hate to say but 1 blue hippo tang
now it gets bad.......
white carpet and a white sebae; also red galaxea, torch, chili, frogspawn, elegance, and a sun coral, zoo's, xenia, shrooms and some polyps.


Wow Emmitt, your 180 will be stocked !
I know that I would expect trouble from those on my Pinnatus Batfish, he's about a foot tall in a 125 and growing quick...especially with 3 aggressive Tangs, 2 clowns, a SUPER destructive Dragon Wrasse and a puffer (yes a puffer in my reef tank).. But they're Happy fish !


Originally Posted by emmitt
My 180g will be here in 2 weeks so i can finally reveal my crazy combinations in my 36g,lol. Prepare to be :scared:
1 clown, 1 midas blenny, 1 convict blenny and.... hate to say but 1 blue hippo tang
now it gets bad.......
white carpet and a white sebae; also red galaxea, torch, chili, frogspawn, elegance, and a sun coral, zoo's, xenia, shrooms and some polyps.
Wow emmitt, you'll have to post apic of your 180 after you get it set up! I bet it'll look great! ***)


Originally Posted by victoria
a puffer (yes a puffer in my reef tank).. But they're Happy fish !
Victoria, wow I would love to know how long you've had your puffer in your reef. And :joy: have you had any probs... I would sooooooooo love to have a puffer!


I kept a young moray in my 20gal with two false percs, two clown gobies, and a 4-stripe damsel. Thought if i fed him well enough it would work out. well, i was gone for a weekend and it ate the damsel and one of the gobies as well as a sallylightfoot crab. It was an expencive experiment.


Emmitt, is that frogspawn or torch? I always get them confused but wow, beautiful and I've always admired your sun coral.
The puffer has been great in the reef tank with one exception, my clam, he did nip at it the first 2-3 weeks, I kept the clam higher and he lost interest. He's a sweetheart to everything else, I had trouble feeding him at first (I still have 2 huge live bait shrimp living in my tank as a result) but he's ok now and eats large meaty meals. I think I'd run into problems if he went without food a few days.


Active Member
i'm not afraid of the big bad reef police lol.
i have just about every type of coral you can think of all in one big tank.everythign from toadstools right next to SPS to zoanthids growing on brain rocks.
i have
three yellow tang
two hippo tangs
one sailfin tang
one midas
two algea blennys
and 6 black and white clowns.
all in the one tank. total system = around 500 gallons including sump


Oceana, that is one sweet tank!
Shame on you! Were do you live?
Expect a knock on your door late at night and some guy yelling through a bull horn,"This is the reef police! Throw down the dip net and come out with your hands up!"

I've kept 4 different butterflys in my reef tank! (all played nice!) I know the SHAME!



Active Member

Originally Posted by moby
Oceana, that is one sweet tank!

Shame on you! Were do you live?
Expect a knock on your door late at night and some guy yelling through a bull horn,"This is the reef police! Throw down the dip net and come out with your hands up!"

I've kept 4 different butterflys in my reef tank! (all played nice!) I know the SHAME!


haha thanks
the sad part is that if you knocked on my door late at night there would be a VERY good chance my hands would be in the tank

ledzep fan

Active Member
I hate to say it but, I have a little Blue Hippo Tang in a 12 gallon nano all by himself. Before the Tang Police yells at me he will be moved into a bigger tank.
The Zep


Originally Posted by oceana
i'm not afraid of the big bad reef police lol.
i have just about every type of coral you can think of all in one big tank.everythign from toadstools right next to SPS to zoanthids growing on brain rocks.
i have
three yellow tang
two hippo tangs
one sailfin tang
one midas
two algea blennys
and 6 black and white clowns.
all in the one tank. total system = around 500 gallons including sump

is that the new tank? looks great...hope i get the chance to come and take a look at it


Active Member
Here is a perfect example of what I was talking about in my first reply to the thread.
I have never bothered mentioning it here (for obvious reasons) but I have had a spotted mandarin in one of my 75 gallon tanks since the tank was three months old. In fact last month the entire system was moved to another room in my house. There is not 100 pounds of LR in the tank and although there is a a noticeable micro fauna population there is not a pod every square millimeter as some would suggest is necessary for this fish.
It is the fastest growing most worry free specimen I own. There are a few things I do that I consider key to the survival of this fish but have never bothered chiming in with them to the many "how to keep a mandarin" threads since I know what the responses will be and its a good chance some of those responses would come from people who have never even owned a mandarin.

There is also a Mandarin in a thirty gallon reef system where I purchase my corals. He is the largest Mandarin I have ever seen. The other day I was there and noticed he was looking a tad on the peeked side. I mentioned it to the owner and he replied. "I think he may just be getting old. Hes been in the tank since we opened, 10 years ago."
I guess these are just stupid mandarins, unaware of the fact they they should be dead unless they are in 100 gallon systems with a 100 pounds of LR that is 100 years old.

edit; oopps forgot to mention my cleaner wrasse. These are naturally short lived fish and most often can only be obtained as adults which may be a factor in the overwhelming "you cant keep em" attitude. But mine has been with me for months and eats every kind of frozen fair I offer his tank mates. I will inform him today that he should also be dead and that I am a horrible person for ever having purchased him