OK, Lets hear the crazy combinations...


Active Member
Since I am coming clean I may as well mention my latest experiment.
I set up my fish room about a month ago. It has two 75 gal tanks sharing a 50 gal sump.
I split up my soft and LPS into the two separate tanks. My existing stock I have in with the LPS. A cleaner wrasse, mandarin, flame back angel and two small false percs and assorted inverts.
The soft coral tank has sat empty of fish due to my inability to find what I consider quality livestock in my neck of the woods. I finally and as tactfully as possible informed one of my LFS that I wanted a pygmy and flame angel right out of there shipment bags and I would forgo any kind of guarantee. I did not want the angels, especially the flame, exposed to any more copper than necessary by introduction and holding in the LFS tank.
I by passed the plumbing to the soft coral/angel tank which has pretty much made it a quarantine tank with no additional moving of the fish necessary when I am confident I have healthy angels.
Its only been three days but the two are becoming bolder by the minute and this morning were confident enough to be exploring there new tank surroundings with out fear. They have been eating since day one and are displaying no aggression what so ever, knock on wood.
A back up plan dose exist in the fact that my brother who lives a couple doors down from me is nearly finished with his cycle on a 25 gall hex that will be a decent home for the pygmy if things don't work out. Wish me luck and remember this post. In a couple of months provided these two fish have decided to peacefully share the tank I will repost somewhere with a little less info than I have provided here and we can watch the nay sayers come out of the woodwork :joy:

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
edit; oopps forgot to mention my cleaner wrasse. These are naturally short lived fish and most often can only be obtained as adults which may be a factor in the overwhelming "you cant keep em" attitude. But mine has been with me for months and eats every kind of frozen fair I offer his tank mates. I will inform him today that he should also be dead and that I am a horrible person for ever having purchased him

I was reading on another board a thread about Cleaner Wrasses, there were quite a few people who are successfully keeping them and I'm not talking short term either. What is yours eating Murph?


Active Member
Don’t forget guy that we have to keep one very important thing in mind.

The reason there are so many people that will jump in on someone if we think they are doing something wrong is very simple. It comes down to the law of averages.
Lets say that out of 100 case studies on a particular fish only 30 of them lived and the rest died. Even though some lived it would be irresponsible of me to run out and tell someone that X fish is great to keep just because it worked for a few people.
We have to remember that unfortunately many people come to sites like this and simply take someone’s word for it based on post count or popularity without truly putting any real research into something. I feel that if we are going to give someone advice that the advice given needs to be well researched and documented. We have to assume that the person you are talking to is taking your word for it. I don’t want to be the one that told someone that a particular fish or coral would be great just to have it die on them. This hobby has a "it’s so hard" label on it because there is so much miss information out there. Once a person is established in the hobby then if they chose to play around and experiment that’s their choice. When I give advice I try to base it on two things. First I assume that the person knows nothing about saltwater. Second I check recheck and check again that what I am about to say is true. IF I give my opinion on something I try to be sure that I state more then once that this is only my opinion and should be further researched before moving forward. It’s kind of like a do as I say not as a do theory. What’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander. I guess all I’m saying is that do what you want BUT when giving advice to others do them right and try to steer them in a direction that will ensure success for them in this hobby. “Stepping down from soap box now”


Active Member
My cleaner will eat anything small enough to fit in its mouth. Any of the frozen formula foods but it does have to be broke up into small enough chunks for him to eat. My cleaner will even attempt to eat off the algae clip.
My only regret with him is before thinking I put him in the same tank with my mandarin. Its a good possibility they are now in competition for the micro fauna in the tank although the cleaner seems to never bother with hunting through the LR for food now that he is accustom to outside feedings. He doesn't even make but half hearted attempts at cleaning the other fish and is by far the most active fish in the tank.


My camera is horrible and the glass needs to be cleaned but here is the best full tank pic I could get. Let the flaming begin,lol



I am just trying this with pretty good success. I have a 24 gallon Nano with
2- perc clowns
1- royal gramma
1- golden head sleeper goby
3 - green chromis
1 - coral banded shrimp (keep him feed pretty well or likes to chase the fish)
3 - emerald crabs (cleaned up the tank and now feed them sheets)
5 - scarlet hermits
12 - turbo snails
1- porcelin crab (hitchhiker)
1 - unnamed starfish about dime size (hitchhiker)
pangoda cup
large green star polyp colony
yellow polyp colony
small zoos
quickly growing kenya tree
Go ahead let's here the "that's too much" but things are stable and working.


Originally Posted by Vanquish
I love this thread!
Vanquish, do you still have the morray? I'd love to have one of those!
Wow, guys! I was away for the day, and am so glad to get to come home to some fun reading!
Very happy to see your tank, Emmet! I think it looks great. Can't wait to see the 180!

Murph, glad to see you "come clean" lol. That's great that your mandarin is doing so well. Unfortunately mine was'nt so lucky.
I hope that your new pigmy and flame angel get along like the best of friends! Good luck (and I'll be watching for that thread)!

Oceana, that is a really nice setup! :jumping:
I guess it's time I come clean as well. I keep 2 condy anemones and a haition anenome in my 55gal. The two condys even chose the same rock as home. They rub against eachother all day and still NO "chemical warfare"


Active Member
I honestly beleive anything my LFS owner says

(My dad has been buying off of him since he sold out of his garage in high school at least)
I don't quarantine fish
I don't do water changes (gonna have to after I swap my hair algae spawning miracle mud out sadly)
I don't use RO water for my imaginary water changes
I use my tank as an excuse to the parentals to have my girlfriend up to my room.
I also ordered $150 worth of corals online 4 days ago out of celebration of final day of school (off to PSU!!!)... without taking care of my 'slight' hair algae problem yet (darn miracle mud)
...I also laugh and point when one of my snails falls over and can't get back up until I flip it over =P.
Ok, feel much better


Originally Posted by kalied20
1 - coral banded shrimp (keep him feed pretty well or likes to chase the fish)
My cbs likes to chase my fishes too. Today he was even attempting to pinch my lionfish, that is one fight I am pretty shure he would'nt win. Lol


Feels good to come clean don't it?
The truth will set you free!

I think at one time or another we have all "bent" the rules for that fish or coral "we just hafta have".


I bought base rock instead of LR.
My Sebae Hosts my Percula
I have a coral beauty that doesn't mess with anything at all.
I don't use a sump system yet (not by choice really just need the fundage first).
I don't use MH (they are so freaking hot and my tank is right behind my couch).


Originally Posted by reeffreak9
Vanquish, do you still have the morray? I'd love to have one of those!
Hey man sorry i dont, i gave him away to the petstore a few weeks ago :( I do have a small Chocolate Chip Star that im looking to trade! Interested in that maybe? Im located in Northern Virginia.


Hey Vanquish, sorry i'm not really looking for a chocolate chip star. I really would like to set up a new tank for a morray. Would you say thier easy to keep? (aside from yours eating his tankmates)