Ok Need Help Asap


Originally Posted by rudedog40
There are alternatives to treating ich besides hypo and copper. I know the seasoned members here believe that the only way to cure ich is to hypo all existing fish, then leave the DT fishless for six weeks. However, instead of stressing your remaining fish by putting them in an uncycled QT tank, you could have used ich medicine treatments to at least kill the ich that was on your remaining fish. Yes, I'ver read all the threads stating you can't kill the ich in a tank with these medicines. However, they do work to kill the ich thats attached to fish. By feeding them using garlic, Stress Coat, and Metronidazole, you could increase the fish's immune system, slime coat, and keep the ich off of them until you got your QT up and running properly.
I've already had this argument with sepulatian and many others regarding hypo treatment. Yes, I believe hypo is proven to be the 'defacto' way to kill ich in a DT. But at what cost? You now have your hippo tang, yellow tang, clownfish, bicolor anthias, and a cleaner wrasse in a barren tank, with little or no natural cover, living in an environment 1/3 the size they're used to. You don't think they won't get stressed out living in those conditions for six weeks? Stress is one of the major causes of ich in tangs. So you hypo these fish for 3 weeks, but the stress may just bring the ich right back. The big question is, how did the ich get into the DT in the first place? I've also been told that ich doesn't naturally exist in tanks. Did you recently add one of these other fish into your tank without QTing it first?
When have we had this argument rudedog? Anyway, you can keep your fish in the DT for awhile using non-meds. Feed your fish high quality foods and crush up some FRESH garlic to add to the foods. This will boost your fish's immune system, but will NOT keep ich from attatching. It will help the fish fight off the ich parasite. Enough will attatch to keep the cycle going. It will, however help the fish live until your tank is cycled.


Originally Posted by rudedog40
The big question is, how did the ich get into the DT in the first place? Did you recently add one of these other fish into your tank without QTing it first?
Ok, so the reason to why ich was introduced into my tank was because i had bought my blue hippo tang, and after a few days i noticed it had ick. But it seemed to be still doing ok. so i figured i would buy my powder blue, and feed it fresh garlic, selcon, get a uv sterilizer, and the buy a few ick meds. I figured i could keep a succesful ick infested tank, 2 weeks (exactly) after i added my powder blue, it was dead. So i have now learnt my lesson.
I felt that all those meds, and old wives tales did was give me false hope. From now on im having my 30 gallon set up at all times, and im going to be putting my fish in cupramine for 2 weeks. And i guess any suggestions from people who use copper would be great.


Originally Posted by rudedog40
Not neccessarily an argument, but I think you've pretty much dispeled any notions or comments I've made in some other recent ich posts about using medicines to treat ich...
I tried to open that in a different window. My comp is not allowing it. I know that I have disagreed with you in the past, but mostly about adding meds right into a display. I try to help everyone here. Oppinions will conflict. That is twice now that you have said that I have argued with you about ich. If memory serves me correctly you, rudedog, have or have had recently an ich outbreak. I offered to help you with it. It was when I asked you to start a new topic or speak to whom you were having a dicussion with in a PM. You refused my help. That being said, contact me in a PM if you wish to discuss this further.


Originally Posted by AAnthony
Ok, so the reason to why ich was introduced into my tank was because i had bought my blue hippo tang, and after a few days i noticed it had ick. But it seemed to be still doing ok. so i figured i would buy my powder blue, and feed it fresh garlic, selcon, get a uv sterilizer, and the buy a few ick meds. I figured i could keep a succesful ick infested tank, 2 weeks (exactly) after i added my powder blue, it was dead. So i have now learnt my lesson.
I felt that all those meds, and old wives tales did was give me false hope. From now on im having my 30 gallon set up at all times, and im going to be putting my fish in cupramine for 2 weeks. And i guess any suggestions from people who use copper would be great.
Cupramine is a last resort. If you have a qt running then just hypo your fish is you suspect that ich is there. Most of the time you just have to observe fish. Tangs and butterflies can and should be hypoed. Other than those fish, just observe others for 3 weeks.


Originally Posted by AAnthony
Ok, so the reason to why ich was introduced into my tank was because i had bought my blue hippo tang, and after a few days i noticed it had ick. But it seemed to be still doing ok. so i figured i would buy my powder blue, and feed it fresh garlic, selcon, get a uv sterilizer, and the buy a few ick meds. I figured i could keep a succesful ick infested tank, 2 weeks (exactly) after i added my powder blue, it was dead. So i have now learnt my lesson.
I felt that all those meds, and old wives tales did was give me false hope. From now on im having my 30 gallon set up at all times, and im going to be putting my fish in cupramine for 2 weeks. And i guess any suggestions from people who use copper would be great.

Next time dont introduce a new fish when a fish in your display tank is currently showing signs of disease and/or stress. Also you should take about a month to introduce a new fish so that this way the biological filter can absorb it correctly.