New Member
So i've done alot of reading on this site and many others and i mean ALOT! There is soooo much information on here and im glad i found it. But there are a few things im kind confused about and just need some clarification for them. First is a Sump a collection of things rather than a single part. What i mean is does a sump consist of a refugium, protien skimmer, baffle, and water pump in a tank or is it something completely different? Secondly im looking to install a closed loop system, that will be installed into the underneath side of the tank. how many inlets and out lets do you think i will need? Also i was reading that it is best to randomize your flow points to create wave action with in your tank. How would this be accomlished with a closed loop system? I mean wouldnt there have to be separate loops and pumps for each loop that would turn off and on intermittenly? The tank is 40 gallons and is going to be a reef aquarium.