OK newbie questions


New Member
So i've done alot of reading on this site and many others and i mean ALOT! There is soooo much information on here and im glad i found it. But there are a few things im kind confused about and just need some clarification for them. First is a Sump a collection of things rather than a single part. What i mean is does a sump consist of a refugium, protien skimmer, baffle, and water pump in a tank or is it something completely different? Secondly im looking to install a closed loop system, that will be installed into the underneath side of the tank. how many inlets and out lets do you think i will need? Also i was reading that it is best to randomize your flow points to create wave action with in your tank. How would this be accomlished with a closed loop system? I mean wouldnt there have to be separate loops and pumps for each loop that would turn off and on intermittenly? The tank is 40 gallons and is going to be a reef aquarium.


im new to the hobby but i can pretty much explain a sump
a sump is a seperate fish tank or tote or plastic container or whatever u want to use that can hold water. its purpose is to flow water from your main tank aka display tank(DT) to the sump underneath and place all of your "eyesores" aka heaters skimmers pump filters or what you would like. then have a return pump to pump water back to the DT. some people choose to have a refugium inside the sump to provide a safehaven for breeding copepods and other stuff ill show you a pic of mine



New Member
Thanks for the explanation and photos, and im deffinetely a visual learner, that helped out alot. So this is going be a dumb question but, since your adding more volume, say I have a 40 gallon tank and i get a 20 gallon sump, do i now have to look for a main pump that will turn 1200gph and a protein skimmer that will work for a 60gln? Also when filling up the tank and sump, do you have your valve closed and fill the display, and then fill the sumps each indvidual sections. Or do you fill the DT and just keep adding water till it all levels out? Nice setup by the way been followin your posts. Thanks for the info
Originally Posted by Redshad
Thanks for the explanation and photos, and im deffinetely a visual learner, that helped out alot. So this is going be a dumb question but, since your adding more volume, say I have a 40 gallon tank and i get a 20 gallon sump, do i now have to look for a main pump that will turn 1200gph and a protein skimmer that will work for a 60gln? Also when filling up the tank and sump, do you have your valve closed and fill the display, and then fill the sumps each indvidual sections. Or do you fill the DT and just keep adding water till it all levels out? Nice setup by the way been followin your posts. Thanks for the info
As a rule of thumb, its usually better to buy a little bigger than what you think you need. The answer to your question about total gallonage, is yes, you should add the extra gallons. Although, your sump will not be completely filled with water.
as to adding water, is you tank drilled, or are you using an overflow box?


Well-Known Member
If you don't mind me getting really really technical a sump is the lowest container in the system. I you have a container above the display and water is pumped from the display to that container, then the sump is actually the display. By definition.
Also (reference later post) the only dumb question is the one not asked.

my .02


i think for a pump you will be good in the 500-700 range gph IMO. When i filled the DT i filled it up with my and and rock and the water just to the overflow box and then i opened my drain pipe. then i added water in each seperate compartment to avoid adding to much pressure and busting the acrylic ( like i did when i did my fresh water run lol ). and also you want to get a skimmer that is rated for the amount of water in the tank so keep in mind your 20g sump is not gonna be 20g it is actually gonna be around 15g water. Depending on the amount of LS and LR in your DT, your DT will not be the full 40g either maybe around 35g i guess. So the skimmer should be for a tank between 50-60g just to be safe.
i have also read on here that if you are running a skimmer that is too much for your tank that it will not work to produce the foam in the collection cup.
someone correct me if i am wrong plz


New Member
Thanks for the help everyone i really appreciate it. So what i need is a protein skimmer that is the proper size for the DT and the main flow pump should be able to flow 15 to 20 times the entire system if im understanding correctly. Do i put the main pump at the end of my sump on the end that has been baffled already? Also i want to run a closed loop system through the bottom of the tank, how many out lets do you think i need? And what about the whole wave creating scheme where the flow is supposed to be alternated? How is this accomplished with a closed loop system? Here are some pics of what i think i would like to do for my closed loop. I want to situate my live rock around the inlets and outlet making the plumbing not visible. And is the sump in this system a good base point to go off of, and is the wave generation system showin the pictures a good setup? Thanks
I just copied the link because i have no idea how to post pics on here.