Ok, pics of my 75 gallon in its second week


Active Member
I have a few pics not the best ccamera but it will have to do. their are some things in and on my live rock I do not know what it is like sticks growing off one and andother thing that looks like a white ball of snot that kind of waves int he water andd is stuck to the rock. I also have these two big things about a inch long that look like a worm but they never move.
Anyway here are the pics
this is the first week.

Here is the second week after adding another 45 pounds of premiumm fiji from SWF.COM

Right side behind the bridges

The front

Another left side front

Right side bridges

I think this is alive I see a leg or small cclaw thing movving this thing around but I cant get a good enough pic without it blurring out.

The front after it cleared up from adding another 20 pounds of LS andd the 45 pounds of LR

This is as cloudy as it got with me adding 20 pounds of LS and the 45 pounds of LR this pic was taken within 3 minutes of doing it all.


Active Member
Here are some pics of my four fish since people said they could not see them in it.
This one is called long tail



Speedy and Blackie

Long tail and Blackie I think

Long tail and short tail

Short tail


My friend had added fish in his tank WHILE he was adding the salt

Then after the fish died not that much after. He said SW fish were too hard to keep and returned his 125g+ tank that had over $5,000 invested in it (got it for his birthday).
When I've been trying to get a tank that big for years. I almost killed him


Active Member
wELL, ***** TOLD ME TO ADD BYOZME AND THEN TOSS THE FISH IN. i ADDED the byu the day before and the fish the next day go go ***** withh your brilliant staff....
I did not know anndd they are doing ok. One of them short tail has hadd some issues but he has resumed eating and now swimming around like it aint nothing but a thang,.
If I had a place to put them they would be there but as I do not they are going to have to pull through it.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I had fish in it within twelve hours of the tank havinng water in it.
If it is true, 12 hours and you added fish, I feel sad for them.
Sorry to hear you may have KILLED your fish or at least shortened their lives.
IMO you should read up on fishkeeping a bit more. Please ask questions of reefers with experience and you will save more fish than you kill.
The ammonia spike from a cycling tank can burn gills. Then there are the nitrate and nitrite spikes.
If you are dead set on keeping your fish, fine... but they will suffer for it. Your best bet would be to take them back to the lfs before they suffer too much from the tank conditions and buy them again when you have cycled the tank correctly.
Please keep us all informed of how your fish are doing, and include pictures. I am hopeful that the education gained by other new people can at least be worth something. Maybe your mistakes will save the lives of other fish.
Of course, this is just my opinion, and if I hurt your feelings, I am sorry. I tend to speak plainly, and it needed to be said.


Active Member
Well, I have been but the last few days no replies. If I had the option to take them back they would have been back but ***** has a no return policy and the next closest store is over 100 miles away and I live in missouri in a ice storm that has lasted on and off for two weeks way out in the country.
The fish are doing well and no offence to any fish lovers as I love mine as well but before I spend and risk the life of mine my wife and child to return 30 dollars in fish I will have to try and make it work where they are at. Does it look though as if they are doing poorly ? They eat well they love their surroundings it seems finding all the nooks and crannies etc.
My feelings are not hurt but I did look and ask questions prior to buying and getting into the hobby but most peoples suggestions from the so called " pro" is not worth the air they used to spit it out.. I was told this was fine and it would all be great by LFS and other forums. I did not find this forum until lately in the past week and as you can see I have asked many questions with no or little response. I have also asked some questions and gotton tons of advice.
My point of this was to show my tank and how it is doing after 2 weeks. You can see my levels where they have been how much I check them etc on the link provided and i really want these little guys to make it.

jigga w00t

Yea, people got mad once they found out I cycled my tank with fish. Then the same people turn around and brag about all the hitchhikers they find... pretty lame. I cycled my 24G nano with 3 green chromis, at $3 each, they were a cheap way to cycle the tank naturally, and 3 months later they are very healthy and eat like pigs!! So if you're dead-set on cycling your tank with fish, use cheaper ones...


Active Member
Honeslty I was posting it to show my tank and how it is setup as a noob to this. I was lookin more for a hi5 on how nice it looked or what people saw in it that could be improved not..
"Hey you should have done this that and the other before you did this that and the other" well that time is over here is where I am and I can not change the past only work on the future. I don't think pros went pro overnight I think they learned things as they went along. I am trying and tbh I am kind of bothered by the constant omg your fish are dying. They eat like hogs the LFS came and said wow man they look really good ( the one from saint louis came thru my city on the way to springfield stopped by my house said he couldnt take them they look great but hey im a idiot and I have not tried any alternatives...
ffs just once a hi5 lets bump chests woulda been nice but that aint gonna happen...


Active Member
Very nice man glad to seee you were not shredded for having fish in it. I like the rock formation you have.
HI5 !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Tanks looking good Fats71. Have you been testing your water?
Yes the links show my levels I have been posting them daily hourly etc.
Originally Posted by keith burn

The Planet Reef link
Why its not a competitor its simply a forum with no one on it but me and three other guys is it against the rules or something to post another forum >?
In the general one I see people do it all the time so I dont think it is if it is sorry.,


Active Member
I dont think its any different then clicking on your name and clicking your home page with a LFS phone number etc. on it is it ? not trying to be jerky but I think its the same thing is it not ?
Originally Posted by Fats71 http:///forum/post/2486752
Well, I have been but the last few days no replies. If I had the option to take them back they would have been back but ***** has a no return policy and the next closest store is over 100 miles away and I live in missouri in a ice storm that has lasted on and off for two weeks way out in the country.
The fish are doing well and no offence to any fish lovers as I love mine as well but before I spend and risk the life of mine my wife and child to return 30 dollars in fish I will have to try and make it work where they are at. Does it look though as if they are doing poorly ? They eat well they love their surroundings it seems finding all the nooks and crannies etc.
My feelings are not hurt but I did look and ask questions prior to buying and getting into the hobby but most peoples suggestions from the so called " pro" is not worth the air they used to spit it out.. I was told this was fine and it would all be great by LFS and other forums. I did not find this forum until lately in the past week and as you can see I have asked many questions with no or little response. I have also asked some questions and gotton tons of advice.
My point of this was to show my tank and how it is doing after 2 weeks. You can see my levels where they have been how much I check them etc on the link provided and i really want these little guys to make it.