Ok, pics of my 75 gallon in its second week


Active Member
It is a forum that no one is on.. i read the rules its not against the rules to post it. I amm not trying to bring buisness to them etc they sell nothing on that forum not even a for sale by peers etc. They actually turned me onto swf.com and told me its thhe best place to buy LS and Premium fiji so I guess they are all about swd.com. It is no different then peoples websites or people saying thhey own a LFS and you can right clicck their name and goto their own personal store..
Show me where I am not allowed to post a forum here and ill be more than happ to remove it but as for the TOS it is not there.
How about we keep this topic on topic and off me about my posts of my water paramaters... I am sure all the siudden their will be a outbreak of people leaving swf.com for a fforum that hass 3 people postiong on it one of them being me... laughable


Active Member
I can certainly say i have told everyone I have seen at every LFS to come to swf.com and ccheck it out but as of this point on im pretty well irritated with it.. I just started and am not into the hypocrisy, You can click on a guys name and shows his real life fishh store phone number links etc but I post a forum link and people flip wigs. I am here to learn not to be irritated if I wanted that I would go smack my mother in law...
I come here to relax and learn but at the same time in a respectful manner not get...
I feel sorry for your fish like im some horrible person who sets out to kill 2 dollar damsels as some sort of sick game. Leave the thread for what it was intended for and get off my butt k,thx.


Originally Posted by Fats71
It is a forum that no one is on.. i read the rules its not against the rules to post it. I amm not trying to bring buisness to them etc they sell nothing on that forum not even a for sale by peers etc. They actually turned me onto swf.com and told me its thhe best place to buy LS and Premium fiji so I guess they are all about swd.com. It is no different then peoples websites or people saying thhey own a LFS and you can right clicck their name and goto their own personal store..
Show me where I am not allowed to post a forum here and ill be more than happ to remove it but as for the TOS it is not there.
How about we keep this topic on topic and off me about my posts of my water paramaters... I am sure all the siudden their will be a outbreak of people leaving swf.com for a fforum that hass 3 people postiong on it one of them being me... laughable
The rules are plain and simple, don't post links. You are aware of that. There is no reason to get upset about it.
Originally Posted by Fats71

I can certainly say i have told everyone I have seen at every LFS to come to swf.com and ccheck it out but as of this point on im pretty well irritated with it.. I just started and am not into the hypocrisy, You can click on a guys name and shows his real life fishh store phone number links etc but I post a forum link and people flip wigs. I am here to learn not to be irritated if I wanted that I would go smack my mother in law...
I come here to relax and learn but at the same time in a respectful manner not get...
I feel sorry for your fish like im some horrible person who sets out to kill 2 dollar damsels as some sort of sick game. Leave the thread for what it was intended for and get off my butt k,thx.
I don't really know what the problem is here. It was a friendly reminder that links are not allowed. Your attitude is going to get you nowhere real fast.


Active Member
Can we keep it on topic ?? The topic is my 75 gallon how does it look how do the fish look...
I was kind of looking forward to you poppin up sep to lemme know what you thought of it but that I did not get.


Active Member
back on topic.... Please ?
talk about beating a dead horse over and over and over and over and over and over.............................
at this point how about a mod just delete my posts and well be done with it as opposed to all this over a forum link that hurt no one.. seriously hit delete.