I posted a few pictures after the first month, and again after the second, then summer came and I got a little busy. So I'm back after six months for a few updated pictures. My tank was set up on March 31st. The first clear pictures were taken on April 1st. The next set was around June 1st. The last set was taken November 22nd.
A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons.
Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer,
48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights,
40g Reef Ready Sump,
Mag 12 drive,
160lbs of live rock,
250lbs of live sand.
I dose B-Ionic 10 ml of alk and 10 ml of calcium every other day. I run a bag of carbon 24/7; changed on the 1st of each month. I had a small phosphate problem which I attributed to being lazy and getting RO from the Culligan man instead of the LFS, which I'm treating with PhosLock with almost immediate results. (My Green Slimer was showing small brownish goo on the ends....within 72 hours all signs of "goo" was gone and the color is returning nicely.) I will leave the bag of PhosLock in for approximately eight weeks, and I'm currently in week three. Eight months exactly on Thursday and I still haven't done a water change :scared: , although I did learn how to clean the splash guard on my lights today and was extremely happy.

A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons.
Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer,
48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights,
40g Reef Ready Sump,
Mag 12 drive,
160lbs of live rock,
250lbs of live sand.
I dose B-Ionic 10 ml of alk and 10 ml of calcium every other day. I run a bag of carbon 24/7; changed on the 1st of each month. I had a small phosphate problem which I attributed to being lazy and getting RO from the Culligan man instead of the LFS, which I'm treating with PhosLock with almost immediate results. (My Green Slimer was showing small brownish goo on the ends....within 72 hours all signs of "goo" was gone and the color is returning nicely.) I will leave the bag of PhosLock in for approximately eight weeks, and I'm currently in week three. Eight months exactly on Thursday and I still haven't done a water change :scared: , although I did learn how to clean the splash guard on my lights today and was extremely happy.