Originally Posted by
agreed with the above statement, you also have to keep in mind many people keep uncompatible fish that are "fine" together, but usually people dont keep them long enough for the "snap" period in which the uncompatible fish have been kept together for 2 or so years and they were fine with each other until one day they come home and wonder why one of them is dead...noone can predict when this will happen or if it will but more than not it will eventually down the road happen.. its only instinct.
there was someone on either this site or another popular site and the story went: they kept a tesselatta eel with a bunch of other larger fish i.e groupers, lions tangs etc. he had them all together for 4 or 5 years and one day he came home to a tessellata species only tank... hopefulyl someone gets my point which is uncompatible creatures will tolerate each other until that "one day" hence they are uncompatible
PSU, Nice to see you back, haven't seen you around in a while. You make a strong argument for the long haul. I am deciding to add another lion, and I am considering moving my blue jaw to another tank as he grows larger, I have had him for a long time, and he must be a runt as he has only grown wider, not longer, but I have grown attached to him.
Speaking of incompatible species, I have recently seen photos on another board where a guy posted pics of his 24"+ bumble bee grouper with with his large tess eel hanging out of its mouth. The eel looked much to large to be eaten in the photos, but the pics don't lie.
I just got my first lion 6 months ago, and I am still learning about keeping them, thanks everyone for your help. (I will shut up now