Okay, fish experts!


New Member
I finally got my first 2 fish and 5 snails in my 55 gal tank. My brown algae seems to be coming out of everywhere. I cleaned the tank and did a water change but i can still see it in some places. So will the snails help this? 3 of the 5 snails are on the live rock and the other 2 are just laying on the crushed coral doing nothing. There not even doing anything because their bodies are face up. Are they dead? Do I need to take these 2 snails out? My other questions has to do with the 2 fish I got. I got 2 Blue Damsels. Put them in yesterday afternoon. They were great watching them to find all the hiding spots. Are they nocturnal fish? They stayed pretty well hidden all day and now only one has come out. I am a little worried about the other one. I haven't seen it since last night. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.


Active Member
The experts are going to want to know what your parameters are. I do know that some snails can not turn themselves back over if they fall (and will die), so try turning them right side up. Sounds like you have diatoms (sp) and it will go away from what I've been told. But again, tell everyone your parameters and pics would help to. Good luck.


I think the best time is getting pass the cycle. I loved the stess of monitoring the lvls and the excitment of it coming around just like i had read. Could not wait to get ride of the damsels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SubVillian
I think the best time is getting pass the cycle. I loved the stess of monitoring the lvls and the excitment of it coming around just like i had read. Could not wait to get ride of the damsels.
I still don't understand why people use Damsels. Curing lr will cycle the tank and you don't have to mess with trying to catch those devils.....I mean Damsels.


New Member
Trying to load pictures, having problems. What do you mean by parameters? My levels I believe are good.
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrate: 0
Salinity: 1.022
Now I know there is difference of opinoins in some things. The guy at the fish store said the start off with Damsels and if I didn't want to keep them I could bring them back. He that the store and at his home he keeps his salinity at 1.021. But on this site you guys say to go way high than that. Move the two snails and now they are moving. Thank you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cspostin
Trying to load pictures, having problems. What do you mean by parameters? My levels I believe are good.
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrate: 0
Salinity: 1.022
Now I know there is difference of opinoins in some things. The guy at the fish store said the start off with Damsels and if I didn't want to keep them I could bring them back. He that the store and at his home he keeps his salinity at 1.021. But on this site you guys say to go way high than that. Move the two snails and now they are moving. Thank you.
Yeah, snails are alive! :cheer: Parameters are your readings, which you just gave. You want your Amonia to be at 0, pH needs to be 8.2 (8.0 at the lowest), and most people like the salinity at 1.025. Keep in mind you can't always trust your lfs. Can't remember if you said you have one, but get the Conscientious Marine Aquarist, it's a must have book.


New Member
Just so you know, I do have a background up. All I have in there is live rock, a few dead coral, 5 snails, and 2 Blue Damsels.


New Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Yeah, snails are alive! :cheer: Parameters are your readings, which you just gave. You want your Amonia to be at 0, pH needs to be 8.2 (8.0 at the lowest), and most people like the salinity at 1.025. Keep in mind you can't always trust your lfs. Can't remember if you said you have one, but get the Conscientious Marine Aquarist, it's a must have book.

My Amonia was 0 but just changed as I added the fish. I will get that book thank you. I will try to bring up the pH, any suggestions? I am really scared to bring up the salinity that high, even the books that I did read said not to go above 1.023. So it makes me really nervous to bring it up that high.


the SG needs to be higher I am not sure what books your reading but thats a low SG especially for inverts. I would shoot for 1.025 it will not hurt anything being this high I have kept all my tanks this high unless I am doing hypo treatments for ich.
How long has the tank been setup and what ammonia source did you use for the cycle. if you didnt cycle the fish and snails are in jepordy because ammonia is toxic to them.
Next is the brown algae its diatoms and all new tanks go through this phase it will pass fairly quickly snails may or may not help depending on what kind of snails they are.


New Member
My tank was set up in Dec and after I had the water correct I started putting in live rock. It has been up and running for almost 2 months. I still haven't seen the 2en damsel. Do you think I should look for it or leave things alone?


Active Member
Like the one post said, not sure what books you are reading, but your sg is to low. Another book that is great is the New Marine Aquarium. Both books can be bought on this site. The book above goes into much great detail about setting up the tank, but the Conscientious Marine Aquarist goes into better detail about what fish to get and what they need. All in all sounds like your tank is just going through a normal start up phase, so just make the changes as need and I think you are going to do fine. I to am having to raise the pH in my QT, by doing a water change and I might be getting "Proper pH 8.2" but will be doing some more research about that.


Originally Posted by cspostin
My tank was set up in Dec and after I had the water correct I started putting in live rock. It has been up and running for almost 2 months. I still haven't seen the 2en damsel. Do you think I should look for it or leave things alone?
The damsel maybe dead. Look for him and get him out. This could be the reason for the ammonia spike. Plus adding fish to a tank will raise the ammonia untill the tank stabilizes agin.
Did you aclumate the fish and snails. This could be a reason for loosing one.
And one thing I learned about salt water fish, they love to hide and stay hidden. Thats why I got some clowns. They stay out and dance when you come up to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cspostin
I will try to bring up the pH, any suggestions?
OH, I just remembered that you can add baking soda (1/4 tsp/gallon) to raise pH. I remember reading that in the Conscientious Marine Aquarist book and I also remember someone on here suggesting that. Always do your own research before doing anything but I think that's a good option, as everyone has Baking soda and it's cheap.


New Member
Thank you, I will try and raise my salinity, and my pH. I moved the rock today that I thought the fish went under and he was dead. Took him out.
Yes, I did acclimate the fish. I let them float for 30 min. Then the LFS said to slice the bag and let it sit four another 30 min, so that is what I did. Then I let them free.


Active Member
I do not see if it has been mentioned yet, but you will need to multiply this cleanup crew..If you only have the five snails, I would recommend at least doubling that, and fifteen or so snails to start..