OMG!!! Enough is enough


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I just want to get my $13.00 a week
so I can start buying my chickens, and pigs and seeds for my garden.
Don't forget magic beans.
I'm diggin in for a long haul here...Oh, gotta stock up on ammo too....$13.00 don't go too far these days, gotta make it count you know.

I never thought of it that way. Starting April 1st, Obama is buying me one more box of ammo every week!

Anybody wanna buy some tomatoes? I'm taking pre orders right now, I speculate I can get at least 30-40 a week. Nice big red juicy ones....
The government will buy your tomatoes for $840 each. Don't worry about them being red and juicy, if your tomatoes turn out to be rotten, ask for a bailout and they'll double their offer to $1680 each.

darthtang aw

Active Member
This recession will be over and we will begin climbing out of ity by the end of september of this year. And the stimulus plan will have not done anything to fix it. There is a senate economic commission that said in January that we would be out of the recession by the end of 2009 if regulations, spending habits, and other economic indictors remained similar to what they were in January of this year......
I am willing to bet my entire stimulus check for the year, Obama will get credit for it.....
Right this down...and quote me on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
According to those who count the patriot act is constitutional. Doesn't really matter what you or anyone else thinks.
Really and I have no grasp of with I'm talking about? I'm a fool?
The so called ones (that count) that enacted this piece of legislation are not the ones who are charged with determining its constitutionality. That would be the Judicial branch of the Government.
And so by that thought process you should notify all the Pro-life movement folks and tell them to please be quite b/c its law and well thats the end. Right? I would also argue that Roe v. Wade has been put to the highest scrutiny by the highest court in the land. So thats it live with it! Right?
Also I hear over and over "the Fore Fathers would roll over blah blah.. to see so much spending" Really? You think they would have been OK with the Pat act and all the others? Really?
Here we have spent what 1 Billion a month for the war. The currant admin has inherited the worst economic crisis since the depression and is trying to get our economy going again in this/OUR COUNTRY. 30 days in office and you're so ready to dump him.
Oh and BTW the people have spoken and he is the President. Actually beat Reagen as far as winning numbers. So please be quite. No sense in talking about it. Its a done deal and nothing you or anybody else is going to change that. Right?
WOW, this is what this country is about? Really?
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Ben Franklin.
ever heard of him?


Active Member
The constitution does not apply to non citizens in other counties. Why is it that we time and time again want to give people the same rights that we have when they don't even live here or are a citizen? Wire tapping is only allowed on conversations that occur between US and elsewhere. If I am having a conversation with someone from another country why do they have the right to privacy?
Obama was only elected into office because of rhetoric, racial tensions, ignorance on many peoples part (not all but many), and because people think that he's going to pay their way. My sister voted for Obama because she "wants to be a part of history" (racist act IMO), additionally he is "going to make all her problems go away" (poor financial decisions). Now I'm not saying he's not going to do a good job, time will tell. He's definitely articulate. But so far it looks like crap. I mean how many people did he choose for his cabinet that have tax problems? He obviously has poor character judgment. This IMO is a major problem. Additionally how many underhanded, lowlife, haters is he associated with? Whens Bill Aires wife gonna get her pardon? Is it now suddenly OK to cover your heart for the flag and be proud of our country? IMO his "better" half is an evil puppeteer.
Why should we give him any time? Everyone gave Bush blame for everything that went wrong in this country. I mean do you really think Katrina was Bush's nightmare. Everyone knew that that scenario was possible. Time and time again, it was brought up. People didn't act on it and do anything. Then the mayor had to blame someone else because that's what everybody wants to do. Especially the Obama followers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
The constitution does not apply to non citizens in other counties. Why is it that we time and time again want to give people the same rights that we have when they don't even live here or are a citizen? Wire tapping is only allowed on conversations that occur between US and elsewhere. If I am having a conversation with someone from another country why do they have the right to privacy?
Obama was only elected into office because of rhetoric, racial tensions, ignorance on many peoples part (not all but many), and because people think that he's going to pay their way. My sister voted for Obama because she "wants to be a part of history" (racist act IMO), additionally he is "going to make all her problems go away" (poor financial decisions). Now I'm not saying he's not going to do a good job, time will tell. He's definitely articulate. But so far it looks like crap. I mean how many people did he choose for his cabinet that have tax problems? He obviously has poor character judgment. This IMO is a major problem. Additionally how many underhanded, lowlife, haters is he associated with? Whens Bill Aires wife gonna get her pardon? Is it now suddenly OK to cover your heart for the flag and be proud of our country? IMO his "better" half is an evil puppeteer.
Why should we give him any time? Everyone gave Bush blame for everything that went wrong in this country. I mean do you really think Katrina was Bush's nightmare. Everyone knew that that scenario was possible. Time and time again, it was brought up. People didn't act on it and do anything. Then the mayor had to blame someone else because that's what everybody wants to do. Especially the Obama followers.
Show me where it says only US citizens are protect by the constitution. Did you actually read the link to the Judge Napolitano's interview? The Gov can do anything it wants to you all in the name of "Keeping us safe".
"But when the president says that his first job is to keep us safe, He is dead wrong. Read the oath of office: His first job is not to keep us safe, but to keep us free [by upholding the Constitution]. When you have this value judgment between freedom and safety, I’d rather have freedom with danger than slavery with safety."
The reason that Pres Obama was elected is simply b/c Sen Clinton and Sen Mc Cain ran possible the most under prepared campaign in our history.
If you talk to the people that prepared for the eventual disaster of Katirna before the Bush admin. Then yes the disbanding of Fema and putting one of his cronies in charge was completely his fault.
So really your ready to throw him under the bus after 30 days. With the GOP Bush will get all the credit anyway. Just like Clinton was successful b/c of GH Bush and Reagan. So now you'll be able to martyr the Bush admin and say "I told he did an outstanding job"


Here's an idea to see who's really cares for the stimulus package since they're complaining about it. All the republican senate voted no .So how many republicans will turn down there stimulus checks for billions to prove there point?


Active Member
Tim, I want you to know I am an independent myself.
I voted for Mc Cain because I liked Palin.
Actually I felt Mc Cain understood me. Yes their campaigns were misrable. However Obama got so much publicity and is help by many as being some kind of savior. Who could possibly compete with that? His wife scares the crap out of me. I'm sure his term will do this country some good ,. of some kind. However his beliefs on unions and so forth are just typical of the Chicago mob. Bush caught flack from the whole dad gum country, simply because he doesn't articulate well. Heck he's horrible at it. You have to admit, you would likely have stayed on board longer with the Iraqi war if he had articulated better. IMO The war in Iraq was an incredible thing, and yes years from now people will be seeing this, he did this even though it didn't make him popular he did it because WE HAD TO TRO REMAION FREE. What is it that people don't see that war is what made us free and keeps us free? How did the war in Iraq keep us free. I know how it does, our military(that I have talked to anyways) knows, why cant the general population see it? Why don't you? Because so many have blinders on and can only see whats on the surface as well as what others tell us. Look deeper into the reality I spoke of earlier, credibility. How exactly are we to remain free if we don't have credibility? How is the world to see us if we appear weak and cowardly? How can we prevent others from attacking US soil? Say what we mean and mean what we say. It's just like threatening to spank a child. Tell 'em once then spank their butt. They respect you for that and take notice when you speak. This was(is still) a time when the world needed to see that we were still strong. Timing was terrible and Saddam gambled that we wouldn't stand up with what all we already had going on. He was stirring the pot and IMO attempting to stir that whole region up. This act that W. did IMO was a very incredible move that he made and took big cohenie's,(sp??)to do it. I don't believe our new commander in chief has them. Or Michelle wont let him have 'em anyways.

My Dad always said take the first punch when you feel there's no other way out.

The whole debate over whether anyone else should enjoy our constitutional right is ridiculous Tim. You know that. Why should we allow someone who is not a citizen vote here. I mean come on. Is that what we are going to do?
My brother in law attended law school for several years, he didn't finish. Moved from school to school and eventually dropped it. Why? There are so many who want to interpret the constitution to death. They want a definitive answer when it is to their favor. Most have lost the spirit of what our fore fathers wanted and want to strictly twist it for their profit. Not all, but many. The statement from you "where does it say that" is a very liberal approach. Additionally the whole process of citizenship is what allows them to possess our rights. Now , save basic human rights that is. As well some degree of being treated with dignity for those that are on our soil. But nothing at all for those that aren't, save basic human rights that is.
In WW2 Japnaese American citizens were held in prison camps all over the US.
Just throwing that out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
Here's an idea to see who's really cares for the stimulus package since they're complaining about it. All the republican senate voted no .So how many republicans will turn down there stimulus checks for billions to prove there point?
What a brilliant idea. While their tax dollars are being given to the Auto Workers union 24K gold retirement benefits, people who don't pay income taxes and people too stupid to read the terms of a loan contract you expect self sufficient people to give back the few crumbs they were offered under the spendulus scam?

bang guy

Originally Posted by mgatdog
Here's an idea to see who's really cares for the stimulus package since they're complaining about it. All the republican senate voted no .So how many republicans will turn down there stimulus checks for billions to prove there point?
What's this "stimulus check" going to look like? My understanding is that $15 less will be withheld from my bi-weekly federal taxes.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
the worst economic crisis since the depression
Someone show me the numbers to prove this....I hear this from some people on a regular basis, yet no one can explain it to me. I look at the dow, it has it its lowest number in roughly 8 years......which means since the depression the dow was lower than it is today. I look at unemployment, hm...It was lower in the early ninties, ok so that was well after the depression.
Let's see, sales were up 1% last profit margins and sales are still holding decent...Not great but decent.
GDP has only slightly declined
Gas prices are still lower than what they were 2 years ago and are right around where they were in 2001 roughly.
Someone give the info on this please. I don't see it but I hear it. The numbers don't show it, but I hear. I just need the proof. Once I have that I will do my part to fit in and make sure I throw myself out a window Depression style.
Someone ( I don't care who)Give me numbers, Not "It just is". If this is the basis for your perception, you clearly should not be allowed out of your yard.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
What's this "stimulus check" going to look like? My understanding is that $15 less will be withheld from my bi-weekly federal taxes.
He must have some future knowledge on a future spending....I mean stimulus package that will send out checks as well as waste another 79851984698469086791038479078 dollars.


Originally Posted by reefraff
What a brilliant idea. While their tax dollars are being given to the Auto Workers union 24K gold retirement benefits, people who don't pay income taxes and people too stupid to read the terms of a loan contract you expect self sufficient people to give back the few crumbs they were offered under the spendulus scam?
No reef I did not like the bail out period for banks ,autos or anybody that didn't know how to handle there money or run a company . But I'm tired of hearing how republicans talking about all the pork in this stimulus bill which it's full of and shouldn't have past. They complain but when the stimulus checks are being handed out to there state they will be first in line for there check I bet.As for the home owners that makes $24000.00 a year don't need a $500000.00 house either.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
No reef I did not like the bail out period for banks ,autos or anybody that didn't know how to handle there money or run a company . But I'm tired of hearing how republicans talking about all the pork in this stimulus bill which it's full of and shouldn't have past. They complain but when the stimulus checks are being handed out to there state they will be first in line for there check I bet.As for the home owners that makes $24000.00 a year don't need a $500000.00 house either.
3 things.
1. Where do you keep getting there will be a check?
2. So if I am fine with the stimulus part of the spending but not ok with the rest of the junk (3/4 of the bill) I can't accept what I am fine with?
3. Have you received a blow to the head resulting in trauma recently?


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Half the population in The U.S. owned their own homes under President. A higher percentage than any other previous administration. Economic Prosperity comes in many forms.....
Unemployment rate was lower under Bush than it had been in 30+ years.....Economic prosperity comes in many forms....
My head is fine,but your head on other hand ? Your home owners couldn't afford there houses under the past administration thats why theres a

melt down. What about the last 3 months of 2008 when unemployment went to a all time high.He went from the best in 30 years to the worst in 3 months.


I think the Gov of S.C. said it best . As hard as times will be and get .I'll pass on the stimulus bill for the programs to help his state for jobs and etc... The state over time will move on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
No reef I did not like the bail out period for banks ,autos or anybody that didn't know how to handle there money or run a company . But I'm tired of hearing how republicans talking about all the pork in this stimulus bill which it's full of and shouldn't have past. They complain but when the stimulus checks are being handed out to there state they will be first in line for there check I bet.As for the home owners that makes $24000.00 a year don't need a $500000.00 house either.
I've seen many "republicans" complaining about the first package for the banks just like a large number of Democrats supported it.
I think floating the banks was probably needed to a point as far as commercial banking but the investment banks I think should have been allowed to go belly up. There damn sure should have been more strings attached.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
My head is fine,but your head on other hand ? Your home owners couldn't afford there houses under the past administration thats why theres a

melt down. What about the last 3 months of 2008 when unemployment went to a all time high.He went from the best in 30 years to the worst in 3 months.
2 things.
1. The administration did not force them to buy the house (obviously they were fine just renting before that) and neither did they tell them to buy a 200,000 dollar home.
2. unemployment is not at it's worst in 30 years. Did you just make up that figure?