OMG listen to the deal i just got i almost fainted


Active Member
OK so i went to this lfs there prices are sooo expensive, 25.99 for a neon goby. i was walking around and saw this little tank with about 25-30 blastomussa frags ( the lime green centered with watermelon red outsides) and colonys in it so i ask this guy who doesnt know anything about corals how much the frags are? he says 10.99 see those are like therese there just a different color( he pointed to a single candycane coral) i said no those are different (i knew he had no idea how expensive they really were ) so he asked this other guy and he said there 2.99 yes thats right TWO dollars and NINTEY-NINE CENTS!!!!!! so im like are you serious so i bought 19 colonies!! one colony has 14 polops(i was goin to buy all of them but 1 other guy really wanted some.) Get this the tank next to it had the blastos in a tiny bit bigger tank for 189.99 for a colony of 4!!! i walked out of the store laughing i am in shock they look great in my tank. im goin back tommorow and might get some more, also im goin to ask the manager/owner how much they are really supposed to be when im done buying them for 2.99. i bet he is going to say 50.99 a polyp Has anyone else had stupid people give them good deals?


Active Member
no i not tellin the manager i got them or who i got them from i am just goin to ask him how much they are


Active Member
This brings up an interesting ethical question:
We always bash lfs for taking advantage of "newbies" to the hobby.
Is it ok for experienced aquarists to take advantage of a lfs?


Connor, congrats on the theft... seriously, you should have asked for them to hold them until tomorrow and asked the owner the price... odds are he's not making a great deal of money on his LFS and this loss is a big one... but hey, i got an orchid dotty back for 18 bucks when he should have been 40.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This brings up an interesting ethical question:
We always bash lfs for taking advantage of "newbies" to the hobby.
Is it ok for experienced aquarists to take advantage of a lfs?
Never thought about it like that.


Active Member
Yeah, that is an interesting point. I guess it all comes down to one's ethics. This person obviously justified it as, "Well since he rips me off by charging high prices for fish, I am going to rip him off by taking advantage of someone that does not know much about what they are selling."
I would not have done it because I don't think it is right to do something to someone just because they did the same thing to you. That is me though.


Active Member
wow, awesome deal, if it was...if not, man that sucks for the lfs....299.00 compared to 2.99...big blow. i'll take 5!
don't know about it
but i wouldnt buy the well they do it to me reasoning for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This brings up an interesting ethical question:
We always bash lfs for taking advantage of "newbies" to the hobby.
Is it ok for experienced aquarists to take advantage of a lfs?

Thanks for saying this.
I think it is not OK. And to basically take such advantage and brag about it? No, its not cool, IMO. At least show some moderation.


Active Member
So you got 19 colonies for around $60 that you think they should have been around $6000. That's very impressive! If the guy at 7/11 gave you a $100 bill instead of a $1 bill in change, would you laugh and head out the door? If you gave the guy at 7/11 a $100 bill instead of a $1 bill for a pack of gum, would you think it ethical for him to keep his mouth shut?
You need to call the manager tomorrow and find out the real price. If it's $299, then you need to offer to bring them back. If they're really $2.99, then enjoy! Great deal.
Sleep well!


yes that may be wrong but the flip side is
if the LFS is that stupid as to not have experenced person or at the least a price list for employees to follow is it that wrong to not buy them.
lets perpose this you trade your car in on a new one and it blows up on the new owner do you give them the money they gave you for your trade in.
at the least though u dont go back and insult to injury to the owner IMO


This brings up an interesting ethical question:
We always bash lfs for taking advantage of "newbies" to the hobby.
Is it ok for experienced aquarists to take advantage of a lfs?
Its not as often some lfs gets what some of them so deserve for what would you all say is the record on all the people lfs misguided?


I think it's the owners fault. He hires someone that is THAT inexperienced to work in his store? Imagine all the newbies that might go in there and ask this kid for advice, does the owner care then? NOPE.
I also don't think anyone here should knock the guy for ethics etc... since I am SURE each one that responded has benefited from a situation like this in their past, sometime. I personally would have been really really nervous going up to the register to pay for them. I would be wondering how they would ring up at the register etc and probably get stomach pains from being so nervous.


Active Member
No two ways about it..this is wrong. So young people have to start has nothing to do with stupidity. Inexperience yes,I agree to that. The manager may have to hire young people,as it is all he can afford. Keeping an LFS going is'nt easy or cheap. There is alot of loss,especially with fish dieing. Do what you will..take advantage if you have to live with it.


Active Member
I say what goes around comes around. Happily soaking people 25 bucks for neon gobies and God knows what else the guy is putting the screws to people on. He then turned around and hired someone obviously unqualified to work in his business undoubtedly thinking he could pay them a slave wage and offer no benefits because of it.
That LFS owner just got a taste of his own medicine. I hope he gagged on it.