Omg! Need Help


Ok so I will try to make this short. had a stuation where I had 2 use copper in display. Aparently it kills off good bacteria, therefor makin tank go haywire. desperate I start overdosing with chemicals to no avail. Tank was extremely cloudy. was advised 2 leave it alone let it take its course. its been almost 3 weeks and no signs of improvement. funny thing is readings have been extremely high, like the highest... but my fish r fine like nothing is goin on. especially have a powder blue who i swore would b dead! hippo tang,yellow tang, wolf eel,zebra eel,bird wrasse in 140 gallon. I dont understand whats going on, and how much longer?.


well what are your levels at? how high are they? have you been doing any water changes?
i dont think copper kills the good bacteria but it does kill any inverts,shrimp corals pods,ect...


Active Member

Originally Posted by ladylinn
Ok so I will try to make this short. had a stuation where I had 2 use copper in display. Aparently it kills off good bacteria, therefor makin tank go haywire. desperate I start overdosing with chemicals
to no avail. Tank was extremely cloudy. was advised 2 leave it alone let it take its course. its been almost 3 weeks and no signs of improvement. funny thing is readings have been extremely high, like the highest... but my fish r fine like nothing is goin on. especially have a powder blue who i swore would b dead! hippo tang,yellow tang, wolf eel,zebra eel,bird wrasse in 140 gallon. I dont understand whats going on, and how much longer?.

What kind of chemicals? I dont think I would add anything else at this point. Use carbon and lots of it to remove all of the chemicals and copper. Make big water changes, and then slowly replace all of your sand over a long period of time. What readings are high??? More info please....


Yes I have done all the small water changes, have been removing copper, have taken out live rock etc... hard 2 tell but ammonia 4.0-8.0 and nitrite 2.0-5.0. so to me its like its cycling again. had tank for 3yrs. never had a issue till now. I used cycle, prime.


If your readings are that high the fish would be dead...IMO...are you sure your test kits are any good????


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
Yes I have done all the small water changes, have been removing copper, have taken out live rock etc... hard 2 tell but ammonia 4.0-8.0 and nitrite 2.0-5.0. so to me its like its cycling again. had tank for 3yrs. never had a issue till now. I used cycle, prime.
Well, from what I understand, the copper will kill off most if not all your good bio filtration from your sand and rock. so I would expect another cycle. If you are using bottled cycle, it is not a chemical, but is supposed to be beneficial bacteria, so IMO that is why your fishies are ok for now. And since it sounds like your tank is indeed cycling, do large water changes. Water is probably cloudy due to the ammonia levels.


Yes indeed. I forgot 2 mention I have used the live bacteria other than cycle. So Ive been told I will get false readings but how will I know what r the true readings and how much longer 2 complete cycle/


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
Yes indeed. I forgot 2 mention I have used the live bacteria other than cycle. So Ive been told I will get false readings but how will I know what r the true readings and how much longer 2 complete cycle/%%
Not sure about the false readings. I use the cycle stuff when I do water changes, and when adding new fish. It is a product by Hagen called Cycle. My readings have always been the same. Your cycling time could vary, depending on the amount of damage/dye off your gonna have from your biofiltration. Large water changes and carbon should help. Just change the carbon often. Your fish will still be at risk with any ammonia or nitrite in the water, but like someone else says, dilution is the solution. Large water changes.....Goodluck.


You might want to add some ammo lock, but don't add as much as they say to as it may impede the cycle.
I would also start adding a bio support product to get as much good bacteria in the tank as you can.


yes. once again thAts y im going nuts ammo lock has been used and have been puttin the biosphere and was told not 2 do large water changes cause it will not let the bacteria settle and back 2 square 1. so I guess 2 only hope that this could pass quickly and my fish make it safe, thanks ya'.ll


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
yes. once again thAts y im going nuts ammo lock has been used and have been puttin the biosphere and was told not 2 do large water changes cause it will not let the bacteria settle and back 2 square 1. so I guess 2 only hope that this could pass quickly and my fish make it safe, thanks ya'.ll
Another question for you....Have you tested your water with a copper test kit to see if it is all gone? Also, what is left in your tank? You stated earlier that you removed live is there just sand for biological filtration or do you have biowheels,etc..? Large water changes will be the thing to help your problem with ammonia, etc. BUT you will need to reestablish your biological filtration via live rock, and new sand, etc. soon, but only once all the copper is gone..if you test for it, and it is gone. put the live rock back in..and start changing out your sand bed slowly... Once again..goodluck..


was the copper used witht he live rock in the tank? or did you take the live rock out before you used the copper? ( just want to clarify this) when adding the live rock back in it is possible to be adding copper back into the tank. some one please correct me if i am wrong on that!!!!
also for the fish's sake do you have another tank or some where you can take them for the time being while you get your tank back under controll?


Active Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
was the copper used witht he live rock in the tank? or did you take the live rock out before you used the copper? ( just want to clarify this) when adding the live rock back in it is possible to be adding copper back into the tank. some one please correct me if i am wrong on that!!!!
also for the fish's sake do you have another tank or some where you can take them for the time being while you get your tank back under controll?
If I remember correctly from another post. she removed her rock before dosing...but her sand will have absorbed some of the copper...and it will leach back in...


Active Member
Copper and ammo-loc or amquel is a leathel combination.
Using a bacteria to cycle in the first place is a bad practice and not HIGHLY advised.
This hobby is all about taking your time. When you get rushed it usually turns out very bad.
At this point get a near 100% water change and pray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Copper and ammo-loc or amquel is a leathel combination.
Using a bacteria to cycle in the first place is a bad practice and not HIGHLY advised.
This hobby is all about taking your time. When you get rushed it usually turns out very bad.
At this point get a near 100% water change and pray.
I agree completely; but can you still pray in your own house?
Just for the record: Cupramine copper will not wipe out a bio-filter.


Active Member
Ok...who mentioned cupramine copper? Oh well, I believe the "mods" told her in another post that what she is experiencing is from dumping copper in her display tank..bad situation to be in regardless of how it happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
the copper will have leeched into the silicone as well.
I think this is total myth, so does the tech staff at SeaChem. I use copper on all new fish in my QT and have for years, if silicone absorbed it, with all the fish & copper treatments I've had, it should show up on a copper test. It doesn't. Silicone can be stained by things, but I doubt there is much it can absorb.
BTW; almost all wholesalers, online retailers, and many LFS run copper continuously. If silicone absorbed copper and leeched it back; lethal levels would be reached in no time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I think this is total myth, so does the tech staff at SeaChem. I use copper on all new fish in my QT and have for years, if silicone absorbed it, with all the fish & copper treatments I've had, it should show up on a copper test. It doesn't. I also QT copper-sensitive corals, and other inverts, in the same QT tank. Silicone can be stained by things, but I doubt there is much it can absorb.
BTW; almost all wholesalers, online retailers, and many LFS run copper continuously. If silicone absorbed copper and leeched it back; lethal levels would be reached in no time.