OMG someone help!


SO i cma ehome tonight and i noticed my pepperment shrimp freaking out so i turned on my light and i noticed hundreds of little things all swimming around!
im freaking out my fish are hiding
they are so small i cant take a pic of them
any sugestions ?
im thinking its my pepperment shrimp having babys though i have no clue on what to do !!
someone plz help
ill try to geta pic


Active Member
well your fish are probably hiding because you turned on the light when it was off for the night. Some fish get very used to our timed cycles.
As for the swimming things, are they swimming onthe glass, or out in the open?


out in the open,
im 90% sure they are my pepperment shrimp's babys they look liek shrimp and they have a tiny redish body


That's awesome. I'm not sure what they eat, but if you dont want them to be food I'd get them out to your QT (you have a QT right :) ) You may need to buy a bottle of phyto or something to feed them, but at 5-10 bux a piece you're doing well. You can probably trade them with folks in your local reef club to get frags and the like ;)


Active Member
If you're not prepared to raise them (research and setup) they'll just become fish food. They are soo fragile right now that if they even bump into the glass they can be crushed.
I've seen it several times in my tank and very cool each time -- totally by accident once and once I saw them carrying eggs I started looking late at night on occasion.


SO i wake up this morning eather my fish had a some breakfast , and they are all gone so i think my filter owned them aswell lol


Originally Posted by goobe
SO i wake up this morning eather my fish had a some breakfast , and they are all gone so i think my filter owned them aswell lol
LOL...your fish had a tasty midnight snack....My peppermints do this al lthe time...I tried saving a few once....FORGET IT!!!!