O'my god!


My lights have been off for 1hr and I just walked in the room and turned on a light, floating in my aquarium was a bunch of critters that looked like pods. Under closer inspection and after turning on the tank lights, I realized they were newborn shrimp. The 2 peppermint shrimp that I bought 2 months ago must have spawned. My coral banded and cleaner shrimp have been in the tank for over a year, could one of them have been pregnant this long? There were about 100 clear, perfect little shrimp! How cool is that to witness??? It saddens me that I will probably never see any of them again, I have a 6-line wrasse and a red scooter blennie. They'll have a feast when they find the babies.


By 3:30am central time, I could only find 1 baby floating around. My tank critters were quick to feed on the newborn.
You shouldve gotten a couple of net breeders. Theyre only cost about 4 bucks each. You couldve kept them there until they were big enough.Just a thought.


How common is it for shrimp to breed in captivity like that? I'm just curious. Have many others experienced the same?

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not sure about how often they mate and really have no info on keeping them alive....but I do have 3 peppermint shrimp that have produced babies several times over the past year.....sorry to say they are nothing more than a natural source of food in my reef. Kewl to see but they never stay long.... :cool: <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> ;)

bang guy

Originally posted by sgt__york:
<strong>How common is it for shrimp to breed in captivity like that? I'm just curious. Have many others experienced the same?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Mine let loose a swarm of shrimp larve about once a month.. each one.
Raising them is a bit more difficult than just putting them in a net breeder. The larve are extremely delicate and need their food to surround them for easy retrieval. They go through a lot of molts before they become small shrimp. This takes about 2 months.
Here's a 4 week old larve:


I was on another board and a guy said that peppermint shrimp will spawn every 2 weeks. He is going to get a 10gal tank with 8 peppermint shrimp that will overflow into his main tank, providing a constant supply of food for his fish and coral.

kris walker

Active Member
Mine use to spawn once every 2 or so weeks, but now it is more like once in a blue moon.
I had some small guys around for a long time (long for me; like 2 months). But I think they recently died off for some reason. They like to find little pockets in your LR or near the LR/substrate interface and hide there during the day, coming out at night to play/eat.
There is an extensive article on peppermint shrimp at this site
<a href="http://www.lysmatapublishing.com" target="_blank">http://www.lysmatapublishing.com</a>


I was talking with a fellow reefer in the LFS and he says he keeps a pair of breeders in his sump/refugium. When they release the babies they end up filtering into the display and become a source of food. He said his breed about every 2-4 weeks.