I've been starting this aquarium up with the notion in my head from the start that I want a tank with lots of unconventional thigns in it. (meaning no clownfish, yellow or blue tangs, royal grammas, or chromis of any kind). So I was just wondering....is a snowflake eel REALLY reef-safe if you keep them well fed and spoiled??? I hear lots of conflicting thigns from the people selling them and the various websites. Some say "yes, but they'll eat your fish in a feeding frenzy" and others sya "fine with fish, but will eat any shrimp in the tank" ect ect ect....I dont know what to believe. If they TRUELY do eat shrimp, then I couldnt get one, because I'm going to need cleaner shrimp, thats like a nessesity. But I was just wondering. I mean, it sounds like eels are lazy and would only eat these live animals if you stop supplying them with dead stuff daily by hand. am I right or wrong??? I dont want to buy the eel for 20 bucks and think i got a great deal, then end up hating myself for it when it gets bigger and eats my 6-line or a couple firefish or whatever!