On Going Phosphate Problem..HELP


Active Member
i dont think that is hurting your tank, I dont have it in mine but I have heard if it isnt doing well, is usually when it will be a problem.i would leave it.


Not trying to hi jack this thread but I need a bit of help. I am starting to have a hair algae problem in my 30 gallon reef. It was suggested to by some media that removes phosphate. The media also was mnetioned that it can heat up so rinse well.
I have a 30 gallon reef w/ 75 lbs live rock, 50 lbs ls, a 29 gallon fuge w/ chaeto. 2 percs, a mandarin, and lots and lots of corals.
What are your thoughts?


Originally Posted by MyThrenody
DK if someone mentioned this buy test your salt,When you make a batch of new saltwater test that.
i have done that and it reads 0


Active Member
Originally Posted by mumbulog
Not trying to hi jack this thread but I need a bit of help. I am starting to have a hair algae problem in my 30 gallon reef. It was suggested to by some media that removes phosphate. The media also was mnetioned that it can heat up so rinse well.
I have a 30 gallon reef w/ 75 lbs live rock, 50 lbs ls, a 29 gallon fuge w/ chaeto. 2 percs, a mandarin, and lots and lots of corals.
What are your thoughts?
Are phosphates your problem? Have you tested for it???how about getting a sea hare after the tank is clean, take him back to LFS cause he will starve.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
carib-sea agronite sand
O.K. thats good ,I thought that if you had CC,maybe phosphates were building up there.I would try the phosban. Let me know how it turns out. ***)


im going to try phosgaurd first i heard that has alot of good success with people before i spend the money on a reactor.
I just want these phosphates to go away i have my new 480w setup coming and i wanna have my tank fulllll of every coral..and anenome for my percs and some clams.....the sooner i can get rid of this phos the better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
im going to try phosgaurd first i heard that has alot of good success with people before i spend the money on a reactor.
I just want these phosphates to go away i have my new 480w setup coming and i wanna have my tank fulllll of every coral..and anenome for my percs and some clams.....the sooner i can get rid of this phos the better.
I understand that but, if you have tried phoslock and it didnt get the job done ,I dont think an other product(same stuff different brand name) will work.But thats great if it does.I understand cost can be a factor when making decisions.If it doesnt than at least you have a backup plan


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
im going to try phosgaurd first i heard that has alot of good success with people before i spend the money on a reactor.
I just want these phosphates to go away i have my new 480w setup coming and i wanna have my tank fulllll of every coral..and anenome for my percs and some clams.....the sooner i can get rid of this phos the better.
I understand that but, if you have tried phoslock and it didnt get the job done ,I dont think an other product(same stuff different brand name) will work.But thats great if it does.I understand cost can be a factor when making decisions.If it doesnt than at least you have a backup plan


yeah well its strange i have heard alot of stories about phoslock not working in their tanks. Actually i cant recall and situations where someone used that and it did work. Phosgaurd on the other hand i dont think i heard a story of it not working so go figure. But ur right i have the back up plan. I will do the phosguard if that dont work i will get the reactor. If i still have phosphates after that then i just give up.


I have been battling the Phophates aswell, very good thread, i never even thought about a the reactor!
A sea hare is a slug that is supposed to be great at eating hair alge! BUT you need to have pre filters on your powerheads, if it gets sucked up and dies it will pollute your tank ! Can you say Crash!


yeah i dont think a sea hare is an option i think they are too risky in your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
yeah i dont think a sea hare is an option i think they are too risky in your tank.
no not risky at all ,in a small tank,in a matter of 2 -7 days ,you will have no more hair algee.But you need to take him out after that.Can do the lawn mower blenny ,it will do the same thing but again.You will need to take him back cause he will starve unless ,you have a really large tank that will sustain his appetite.Sea hare dont swim, they stay on the rocks mostly.For that short period ,he would be in your tank.I wouldnt worry.I have sucked up huge anenomes in a powerhead(IN the begining)and it didnt crash my tank.Yes ,it could have but we have to admit, this hobby does require to take some risks


yeah well i guess that can be another option if all else fails but i think that would be my last resort behind the phosgaurd and phosban reactor.


Active Member
sea hares are meant to get rid of hair algee not phosphates,I wouldnt recommend it for your tank but I think it would work mumbulog.