One more fish? What's your thoughts?


New Member
Would adding a Koran Angel to my current setup be too much? This will be my last fish. I have a 90 gal FOWLR with a 30 gal refugium. My LFS has a great deal on this Angel. They are holding it for me til tomorrow, I told them I had to think about it. I really would like to make this purchase but do not want to harm my current fish (i.e bioload)

I currently have:
1 Vlamingi Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Regal Tang
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Chocolate Chip Starfish
1 Brittle Starfish
1 Cleaner Shrimp
4 Peppermint Shrimp
About 20 snails


New Member
i wouldent see why i honestly dont think as clean up crew as fish you only have 7 actul fish in the tank so i would go for it if you really wont the fish i honestly dont think it would be overstock.
the rule of thumb is 1 small to mid size fish per 10 gallons


Active Member
Originally Posted by brightblood
i wouldent see why i honestly dont think as clean up crew as fish you only have 2 actul fish in the tank so i would go for it if you really wont the fish i honestly dont think it would be overstock.
Good god.. Please refrain from giving stocking advice ever..
That bioload in the tank is more than I have in mine.. Mines a 225..
That tank is one of the most overstocked aquariums on the planet!
I would 86 most of the fish you already have.. Much less add anymore..
Good god..


Active Member
OK.. Maybe not on the planet.. Perhaps that was outlandish..
That Val and Regal will both be 12" or larger when they are full grown.. Not to mention the yellow..
I hope you have a skimmer rated for about 600 gallons on there.. Or do big water changes often.


New Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
OK.. Maybe not on the planet.. Perhaps that was outlandish..
That Val and Regal will both be 12" or larger when they are full grown.. Not to mention the yellow..
I hope you have a skimmer rated for about 600 gallons on there.. Or do big water changes often.
thats funney becouse i have.
3 damsels
a LARGE yellow tang
a singapore angel
1 russle lion
1 black foot lion
4 or 5 snails
a shrimp
and two hurmit crabs
in a 75 and everyting is DOING JUST FINE
and about 80 pounds of live rock
but im going to upgrade looking for over 150 gallons
but ya know i guess everyman his own
oh and somthing tells me the little danmsels will prob be bait food in about 2 more months when imy russle gets a nother inch or so on him


Active Member
Originally Posted by brightblood
thats funney becouse i have.
3 damsels
a LARGE yellow tang
a singapore angel
1 russle lion
1 black foot lion
4 or 5 snails
a shrimp
and two hurmit crabs
in a 75 and everyting is DOING JUST FINE
and about 80 pounds of live rock
but im going to upgrade looking for over 150 gallons
but ya know i guess everyman his own
oh and somthing tells me the little danmsels will prob be bait food in about 2 more months when imy russle gets a nother inch or so on him
Just because you have that many in there doesnt imply its proper..LOL
Doing fine? Really, how would you know?
I have never seen a fish that would talk and tell me it was happy or sad. Just because they are in there and alive doesnt mean that they are thriving and doing as well as they could.
Hell I could put a Naso in a 10 gallon and he would seem like he is doing fine.. That doesnt mean that it is..


Active Member
Your tank is grossly overstocked. It's not the number of fish. You have to account for adult size, swimming needs and compatability. The regal and vlamingi tangs will not thrive in a 90. If you've ever seen a vlamingi in near adult size you would agree these fish are not suited to the vast majority of home aquariums. I would strongly advise against the Koran angel. This is another fish that grows large and as an adult would need a tank in excess of 200 gallons. A 90 is not a large tank so stock it with small/medium fish.
In my 120, I have a pair of clowns, a butterfly,a dwarf angel, two damsels, a small yellow tang and a ywg. It's full.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Your tank is grossly overstocked. It's not the number of fish. You have to account for adult size, swimming needs and compatability. The regal and vlamingi tangs will not thrive in a 90. If you've ever seen a vlamingi in near adult size you would agree these fish are not suited to the vast majority of home aquariums. I would strongly advise against the Koran angel. This is another fish that grows large and as an adult would need a tank in excess of 200 gallons. A 90 is not a large tank so stock it with small/medium fish.
In my 120, I have a pair of clowns, a butterfly,a dwarf angel, two damsels, a small yellow tang and a ywg. It's full.
Spot on mate!
Just because they are alive doesnt mean everything is as it should be..


Please take the advice and avoid heartache in the future. Either go for a large tank upgrade or trade/sell off some of your fish. You are playing with a time bomb


New Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Just because you have that many in there doesnt imply its proper..LOL
Doing fine? Really, how would you know?
I have never seen a fish that would talk and tell me it was happy or sad. Just because they are in there and alive doesnt mean that they are thriving and doing as well as they could.
Hell I could put a Naso in a 10 gallon and he would seem like he is doing fine.. That doesnt mean that it is..
what tells me there doing fine is the fact that all my lvls are perfect. they are constantly swimming happly in my tank thrving and playing with one a nother exept for my black foot he is lazy and sets at the bottom and watches them
they eat like hogs. no desses what so ever. what honestly is there els to account for oh by the way take your own damn advice you tell me dose fish talk how do you know there happy are sad how do you know there happy are sad then in my tank exactly you dont F.u.cker. so take your S.hit and shuve it were the sun dont shine other wise dont ensult me becouse i have my own appinion on it just as you do


Active Member
Originally Posted by brightblood
what tells me there doing fine is the fact that all my lvls are perfect. they are constantly swimming happly in my tank thrving and playing with one a nother exept for my black foot he is lazy and sets at the bottom and watches them
they eat like hogs. no desses what so ever. what honestly is there els to account for oh by the way take your own damn advice you tell me dose fish talk how do you know there happy are sad how do you know there happy are sad then in my tank exactly you dont ---- so take your ---- and shuve it were the sun dont shine other wise dont ensult me becouse i have my own appinion on it just as you do

Jeez.. Learn to spell, Thats a nightmare..
I can assure you my fish are just fine.. They have room to turn around in my tank..LOL
Thats fine.. Keep doinglike you are champ.. Your the master fish keeper!!
LOL.. If we could all only be on the level you are with fishkeeping..

Nice choice of words.. It really helps to illustrate your lack of education and simplicity..


New Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Jeez.. Learn to spell, Thats a nightmare..
I can assure you my fish are just fine.. They have room to turn around in my tank..LOL
Thats fine.. Keep doinglike you are champ.. Your the master fish keeper!!
LOL.. If we could all only be on the level you are with fishkeeping..

i never said i was a master fish keeper here its just like this theres 50 thousand roads to take on having salt tanks. one person says this one says that. and honestly i took my road and its working for me. and for some one that idk has been around them since i was 12 and im 21 now i sure dont know much about it. what ticked me off is that you insulted me. on what i thought about the subject thats not right i have my own on it.
P.S there is no such thing as a master fish keeper man we learn more and more about the ocean and how it works everyday theres new info out there to know about careing for fish tanks.


Sorry you aren't taking our advice and also possibly having your own thread shut down because of your language. Way to take constructive criticism.
We are only trying to help others enjoy the hobby we love so much and the happiness of our livestock


Active Member
Originally Posted by smoothie
Sorry you aren't taking our advice and also possibly having your own thread shut down because of your language. Way to take constructive criticism.
We are only trying to help others enjoy the hobby we love so much and the happiness of our livestock
He's not the OP..
Fair enough.. The point of view I was giving was that of 95% of responsible fish keepers..
If what your doing is working for you for now.. So be it.. Good luck with your travels..


Originally Posted by NigerBang
He's not the OP..
Fair enough.. The point of view I was giving was that of 95% of responsible fish keepers..
If what your doing is working for you for now.. So be it.. Good luck with your travels..
Hope the post is simply deleted then. More than that I hope that both take advantage of this site and learn from it. Alot of people here to help in any way as long as you are willing to listen and use the advice given


Active Member

Originally Posted by brightblood
thats funney becouse i have.
3 damsels
a LARGE yellow tang
a singapore angel
1 russle lion
1 black foot lion

4 or 5 snails
a shrimp
and two hurmit crabs
in a 75 and everyting is DOING JUST FINE
and about 80 pounds of live rock
but im going to upgrade looking for over 150 gallons
What is a cold water fish doing in your warm water tank. That's not fair to the fish.


New Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
What is a cold water fish doing in your warm water tank. That's not fair to the fish.
its supose to be a new stran that hail from Secret Bay in Cebu, in water temps of 72 to 75 degrees witch my tank stays around 72 to 73 degrees


Active Member
That's still too warm, IMO.
And they aren't a new "strain". They've always been there. How do you know your fish is from Secret Bay? Just curious.
When we take in guys that have a history of a poor survival in our tanks, I think it is the responsible thing to do to give them an optimum environment... not one where others have failed before. We need to try new things to try and find the key to success. To not try anything new is just irresponsible.... IMO. We know what doesn't change their survival rate...... I took one in so I could try some new stuff to see if it changes anything.


Originally Posted by brightblood
its supose to be a new stran that hail from Secret Bay in Cebu, in water temps of 72 to 75 degrees witch my tank stays around 72 to 73 degrees
So you read cranberry's thread on the fish?