opinions wanted


I'm going to install my 135gal tank inside a wall next week (been all winter planning, getting
materials, equipment, etc.) It will have corals slowly added as money allows.
I've finally got everything I need, but wanted to hear some thoughts on what to stock it with.
My wife wants a colorful variety. Other than my yellow tang and a Clarki clown (in a 75 gal now)
I can't decide what fish to get.


Active Member
id do a cheveron tang, a powder blue tang, another clarki clown, a school of 5-7 anthias, a pair of manderines, and a majestic angle, that would be AWSOME


i see ur in illinois... where u located... fedukefords list sounds cool... but i would do an emperor angel in there instead of teh majestic


Originally Posted by fedukeford
i only said mejestic b/c ive heard more succes stories of them in a reef
o nevermind then i didnt see that he said reef
well all angels have the chance of eating corals... just watch them closely!


fedukeford's list would look good together in a tank
I am going to another clarki and mandrins for sure
the "boss" likes the looks of a coral beauty we tried one before but it never made it
(don't know why all levels were OK)
any other idea's????
Coral Beauty
pair of Clarki Clowns
Red reef Shrimp
Pepermint Shrimp
Treadfin Butterfly
Clown Tang
Clown Trigger
Just the ones I like to choose from, obviously not all in the same tank


I have basically the same set-up but it's a 120/reef. I have/getting:
2 True Percula's - In
2 Green Chromi's - In
Purplefirefish - On Hold
Red Head Fairy Wrasse - On Hold
Blue Tang - Waiting
Yellow Tang - Waiting
I think it's a nice mix of colors and I shouldn't have any compatibility problems.
Added the 2 clowns and 2 chromi's at the same time.
Wait three weeks, add purplefirefish and wrasse.
Wait three weeks, add the two tangs at the same time.
My inverts are:
100 crabs. (Ok, there has been some crab carnage, I will say around 95 now.)
16 snails (One the size of a baseball, I call him Kong.)
A bag of bugs; spaghetti worms, bristle worms, copepods, etc....
Cleaner shrimp


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
Coral Beauty
pair of Clarki Clowns
Red reef Shrimp
Pepermint Shrimp
Treadfin Butterfly
Clown Tang
Clown Trigger
Just the ones I like to choose from, obviously not all in the same tank
all but the threadfin are reefsafe if your doing a softy tank id say a pearlscale(they eat aiptasia like theres no tomorrow.the threadfin will eat your softies(been there done that route)


i appreciate the ideas
still not sure, probably combine the thoughts
..... what is a pearlscale? never heard of it


Active Member

Originally Posted by cresh1966
i appreciate the ideas
still not sure, probably combine the thoughts
..... what is a pearlscale? never heard of it
this is a pearlscale butterfly


Active Member
no problem.. btw somehow i missed the trigger those are def not reef safe and will eat all your inverts.ps the pearlscale is ok for a softy tank but may nip at sps coral just in case you planned on getting hard corals .i have pagada cups it doesnt bother but that extent of hard corals in my tank.


i agree with the trigger thing. Plus the clown trigger needs a larger tank and is the most agressive thing ever... A pork fish, its the new hippo tank. Reef safe and lovely. Or a fairy wrasse. My favorite wrasse http://***********.com/images/products/large/p_90161.jpg


UNLEASHED...I knew about the triggers, don't think a puffer would work either
..... that is a pretty wrasse, I had a 6-line one once but it wouldn't leave the other fish alone didn't think porkfish were reef safe :notsure:


mine never tuched any of my corals, i didnt have hard horals so maybe they're not. But i love them, my favorite fish.


i would go with something like a blue throat trigger or a sarrgusum trigger those are the only reef safe triggers