Orange "stuff"



I am very new to this hobby, and am already hooked!
I have a very small tank right now, which is on loan (16gl). I set it up with livesand and liverock and just let it be for a couple of weeks. I was testing the water every day or so, and things were looking good.
My LFS told me to put a few damsles in it, after the first couple of days. I didn't think that sounded right, but I figured they would know more than I. Two of the damsles died within a few days, and the other one developed ich, and is now doing great in a quarantine tank I set up for it with treatment.
Then I went and bought another LR from the LFS, brought it home, and put it in the tank. After a few days, I started getting this orange "stuff" on the LS and LR. From what I could gather with my searched on the forum, it's flatworm. Does that sound about right?
I do not have any fish in the tank, what should be my next step?
I read about something called Flatworm Exit, should I use that? When it is time to put something in the tank. What should go in there first?
I know that I'm asking a million questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading as much as possible these days. Thanks.


search for diatoms might explain the orange usually blooms after a cycle has ended so I have read. to rid of that you can get a cleanup crew.


Active Member
Hi and welcome to the boards. do you have pictures? does the orange move?
What kind of flow do you have? filters, lights.


Originally Posted by cosmokramer
I am very new to this hobby, and am already hooked!

I have a very small tank right now, which is on loan (16gl). I set it up with livesand and liverock and just let it be for a couple of weeks. I was testing the water every day or so, and things were looking good.
>So far so good

My LFS told me to put a few damsles in it, after the first couple of days. I didn't think that sounded right, but I figured they would know more than I. Two of the damsles died within a few days, and the other one developed ich, and is now doing great in a quarantine tank I set up for it with treatment.
>The LFS had you put 3 damsels into a 16 gallon tank to cycle it? Not such a good idea. How is the guy in QT holding up? How are you treating the ich? You display now has to remain fishless for six weeks, from the time that no fish were in there. I am sorry.

Then I went and bought another LR from the LFS, brought it home, and put it in the tank. After a few days, I started getting this orange "stuff" on the LS and LR. From what I could gather with my searched on the forum, it's flatworm. Does that sound about right?
>No, not at all. It is algae. Is it rust colored or brownish?

I do not have any fish in the tank, what should be my next step?
>Unfortunately, thanks to your LFS,you have to wait for ich to die in the display.

I read about something called Flatworm Exit, should I use that? When it is time to put something in the tank. What should go in there first?
>No, don't add any meds into the display.

I know that I'm asking a million questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading as much as possible these days. Thanks.
Welcome to the boards! Questions are very much welcomed and needed to understand this hobby. Please ask any and all questions that you may have


Active Member
Just to put my two cents in, the two damsels probably died due to the cycle, and now you have diatoms AFTER the cycle. I know, that wasnt very helpful, but I'm tired, and it made sense to me. GOODNIGHT, lol.


I am charging my camera, and will post a picture soon. The orange stuff (technical term) does not move. It's just there, life a film, I guess.
The tank has a marineland penguin bio wheel 150, and I have no idea how to answer the question about the lighting. It's build into the cover and is a single bulb, which is only 14W I think.
Again, this is a borrowed tank, so I'm sorry if my answers are shaky.


Active Member
NO flourescent lighting is whatcha have. That can provide some algae problems, but I'm telling you, the three damsels started a cycle, two died from an ammonia spike (first stage of the cycle basically), and one was lucky enough to get ich and get out of the tank before he met the same demise. Soooooooo....that was all JMHO.


Thank you for the quick replies.
I attached a photo (although not the greatest, I'm tired).
I am treating the ich with CopperSafe by Mardel; is that ok?
after about a week in the QT the white stuff started falling off of little Pinto (yeah that's right, he's got a name). It seemed that parts of his fin were missing and are now growing back, is that possible?
I was also told to use Prime, buy Sea Seachem as a conditioner; any thoughts?
So it sounds like the next step is a cleanup crew (but not for a while). I am looking under reef packages, will that work?


That is diatom algae. It is perfectly normal. What level do you have the copper at? What test kit are you using to measure the copper?


hmmm, this is my "I have no clue" face.
I used the amount they said for a 10GL tank, 2.5 teaspoons. I am not testing for levels of copper as it said the water in the QT will be treated for a month on that dosage.
Judging from your post, I should be. What test kit/s do you recommend?


Originally Posted by cosmokramer
hmmm, this is my "I have no clue" face.
I used the amount they said for a 10GL tank, 2.5 teaspoons. I am not testing for levels of copper as it said the water in the QT will be treated for a month on that dosage.
Judging from your post, I should be. What test kit/s do you recommend?
A seachem or salifert test. You have to test the copper. Copper has to be mainained at a theraputic level, but high enough to kill the parastes. If you haven't been testing then you have been basically wasting your time. The level should be 1.5-2.0PPM for coppersafe.


Originally Posted by cosmokramer
hmmm, this is my "I have no clue" face.
I used the amount they said for a 10GL tank, 2.5 teaspoons. I am not testing for levels of copper as it said the water in the QT will be treated for a month on that dosage.
Judging from your post, I should be. What test kit/s do you recommend?
A seachem or salifert test. You have to test the copper. Copper has to be maintained at a theraputic level, but high enough to kill the parastes. If you haven't been testing then you have been basically wasting your time. The level should be 1.5-2.0PPM for coppersafe.


Originally Posted by cosmokramer
hmmm, this is my "I have no clue" face.
I used the amount they said for a 10GL tank, 2.5 teaspoons. I am not testing for levels of copper as it said the water in the QT will be treated for a month on that dosage.
Judging from your post, I should be. What test kit/s do you recommend?
A seachem or salifert test. You have to test the copper. Copper has to be maintained at a theraputic level, but high enough to kill the parasites. If you haven't been testing then you have been basically wasting your time. The level should be 1.5-2.0PPM for coppersafe.


Originally Posted by cosmokramer
hmmm, this is my "I have no clue" face.
I used the amount they said for a 10GL tank, 2.5 teaspoons. I am not testing for levels of copper as it said the water in the QT will be treated for a month on that dosage.
Judging from your post, I should be. What test kit/s do you recommend?
A seachem or salifert test. You have to test the copper. Copper has to be maintained at a theraputic level, but high enough to kill the parasites. If you haven't been testing then you have been basically wasting your time. The level should be 1.5-2.0PPM for coppersafe.