I am very new to this hobby, and am already hooked!
I have a very small tank right now, which is on loan (16gl). I set it up with livesand and liverock and just let it be for a couple of weeks. I was testing the water every day or so, and things were looking good.
My LFS told me to put a few damsles in it, after the first couple of days. I didn't think that sounded right, but I figured they would know more than I. Two of the damsles died within a few days, and the other one developed ich, and is now doing great in a quarantine tank I set up for it with treatment.
Then I went and bought another LR from the LFS, brought it home, and put it in the tank. After a few days, I started getting this orange "stuff" on the LS and LR. From what I could gather with my searched on the forum, it's flatworm. Does that sound about right?
I do not have any fish in the tank, what should be my next step?
I read about something called Flatworm Exit, should I use that? When it is time to put something in the tank. What should go in there first?
I know that I'm asking a million questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading as much as possible these days. Thanks.
I am very new to this hobby, and am already hooked!
I have a very small tank right now, which is on loan (16gl). I set it up with livesand and liverock and just let it be for a couple of weeks. I was testing the water every day or so, and things were looking good.
My LFS told me to put a few damsles in it, after the first couple of days. I didn't think that sounded right, but I figured they would know more than I. Two of the damsles died within a few days, and the other one developed ich, and is now doing great in a quarantine tank I set up for it with treatment.
Then I went and bought another LR from the LFS, brought it home, and put it in the tank. After a few days, I started getting this orange "stuff" on the LS and LR. From what I could gather with my searched on the forum, it's flatworm. Does that sound about right?
I do not have any fish in the tank, what should be my next step?
I read about something called Flatworm Exit, should I use that? When it is time to put something in the tank. What should go in there first?
I know that I'm asking a million questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm reading as much as possible these days. Thanks.