Orbicular burrfish


Active Member
Cyclichthys orbicularis
Does anyone know if these eat corals? I know they will eat small shelled inverts but I don't know if they will eat corals...
Also, I have one like 4 inches, and I am wondering what would be a tank mate that he can be with. Could he be with like clown fish? Or will he eat them? Is is the old "if it can go in his mouth..." rule??
I have googled and can't find much of anything on them...
I love mine and I am trying to think of some good smaller tank mates for him, otherwise, I may have to get rid of him. Or I was thinking he could go in my smaller reef tank, but I don't want to wake up to no fish and no corals.
On google it said that they live in reefs and sponges.... but do they inhabit them to live there, or feast there??
Thanks for the info!! I appreciate it.


Active Member
Researched him a bit. Man, that one blurs the line between burrfish and porcupines.
They live on reefs, to feast on the many inverts there. They are not corals eaters. Nor traditional are fish feeders. With your Orbicular, it's a bit interesting. Spotted Burrfish like mine are very passive fish, easily bullied, and tend to be fine with other fish. On the other hand, porcupine puffers can outright aggressive, dismantling lionfish, and there was a vid on youtube where a porky nearly had finished off a yellow tang.
With your Cyclichthys orbicularis
, being a pretty unusual to the trade, I doubt you'll find first-hand experience. What small fish, other then the clowns are you considering? Would it be a reef tank and the clowns have an anemone?
And just some FWIW, these guys get pretty big, and grow quickly. Year and a half, and mine has grown 8". They aren't active swimmers so they don't need a huge tank, but the bioload could become a problem. The diet of mine usually consists of a whole jumbo shrimp, 2-3 scallops, 2-3 silversides, and NLS pellets, in one day
. Maintaining body weight on Burrfish is often pretty challenging and they require lots of food.


Active Member
Thanks for the information
Okay... I had remembered someone at the LFS were I bought him saying that he would stay smaller and stay alot smaller than a porc. Is that true? I was thinking he would max out at like 6 inches. Am I wrong?
I have a reef tank already set up but the clowns don't have an anemone.
There are shrimps though, so That is not going to work because he will eat my shrimp.... ?
He is currently in a 200 gal setup that is just going to have to go by the wayside. I really like the tank but it is becoming more hassle than it is worth. BIG fish means more food, more salt, more water, more water changes, more upkeep and more room taken up in my house. We were going to remodel the living room around the tank, but it is not something I want anymore.
I was thinking I would like to put him in something like a 29 biocube?? I know that sounds really small but I think that is what I am gonna get.... but I am willing to set up something as big as a 55 or so. Possibly a 55 corner tank.
The only thing I want out of this whole thing is to try to keep Orby, the burr fish, and to get a smaller tank set up for him. My BF really wants some black clowns so I was thinking a ton of softies, a block clown or two and orby. Could this work out?
Thanks and here are some pics. He is very hard to get pics of in the big set up.



Active Member
Thanks for the pics!
Well, they definitely will stay smaller then a Porcupine, but as those typically reach a foot and a half, that's not saying much. Fishbase lists the max size of Orby's larger then my Striped, and mine is 8", so I would fully expect yours to get at least 8". Mine has never been in anything larger then a 60gal, minus a half day in my 125gal that didn't work. A 10, a 29, a 55, and now a 65. My plans are after the 240 is setup, and the fish are out of the 65 and 55, I will exchange the 55gal for a 75gal, and make a "puffer tank." My Burrfish, a Blue Spotted Toby, and a Boxfish or two.
Other then brief moments of excitement, these guys are just not that active, so they don't need a ton of swimming space. The problem is once he puts on some size, the bioload he'll put out is just going to be overwhelming for the biocube. A standard 55gal, or a 54gal corner, should be a nice home for the Orby for a long time. There's also a 92gal corner, which would be awesome (my old dream tank lol).
He should fine with the clowns, though anything with the shrimp is far from a guarantee. It would help the odds to add the Orby after the shrimp is established, but your looking around a 30% success to a 70% meal for the Orby IMHO.


Active Member
Yeah, I am not sure what we want to do. I have a good corner that would be nice... and I don't want anything more than a 50 gal. I just can't take the noise of the large systems and it's right in my open concept house. lol there is no getting away from it!!!
I think I am going to go back to the basics of a good ol' fluval canister and then just a powerhead. I would love a corner tank, but they are pricey... something like a nice 65 even. (I am willing to go bigger on a corner tank because it takes up less space... like in the room wise.)
I am thinking something simple for tank mates.
1 or 2 black clowns from SWF.com
1 firefish (maybe a purple if I can find it)
and my orby.
I am just not sure at this point. I have listed my fish and equipment online, it depends on what it sells for... I think that will determine the tank I get.
Know of any good deals or places with deals on corner tanks? CL has NOTHING in my area!


New Member
rlablan I am so excited to see this post. I had to register so I could reply to you. I have had an obicular burrfish for about 6 months. He was sold to me as a spiny puffer, but as I learned more, I questioned it because his spines are always up. I searched and searched for what he really was, and then I saw a picture of him on a magazine today that gave his real name! But then when I searched the internet I couldnt find anything about them, and you are the first person I have found that has one, or has seen one. Did you buy yours at the LFS or how did you come to own him? Mine is super laid back, not aggressive. I have had a few shrimp go missing but I don't know if I can really blame him, I have never seen him go after snails and crabs anyway. Well, if you have any more info on these guys I'd love to hear it, all I have found is a few pics and what has been replied to you on here. How long have you had yours?


Active Member
Hi Kim!
Thanks for the reply...
I am super excited that you have joined SWF.com!!
There are many neat people on here who are eager to help and also to share their stories.
Let's see. What do I know about Orby... Well I have had him about 4 months or so now and I picked him up at a swankier, more specialty place in my area in AZ. He was sold to me as an Orbicular Burrfish... But everyone just says "oh look, a porcupine puffer". He is quite the opposite actually. Very laid back, and not aggressive towards me, but aggressive to small fish (I just found out).

He is still pretty small at this point, hasn't really grown at all since I have had him. He is about 4.5 inches, at most.
I ended up with a regular tank, not a corner because I couldn't find a corner that I liked that was within budget. I was sold a "55 gallon" which I think is actually like a 65 gallon. He has been living in there with
1 2 inch black and white clown
1 2.5 inch foxface
Today I received an order from SWF.com and it had my Caribbean pistol shrimp, my firefish, and my yellow watchman goby.
I removed orby from the tank, added the shrimp and fish, and kept him out for like 2 hours. When I put him back in, he immediately went after the goby and the firefish. He could have easily eaten them. I don't think he is going to be able to stay...
I have another reef that he may be able to go in, but I have 2 cleaner shrimps and 2 peppermint shrimps in there and I am afraid that he will eat them all. What should I do...
What have your experiences been with your fish? Who does he live with and is it a reef or a fish only set up??


New Member
Wow I am surprise the place you got him from had him listed with the right name. I cant believe you might have to give him up!!!! They are evidently such rare fish to have, and with that "smile" and personality I could never give mine up. I wonder, if I took yours if they would get along? haha!! I have a few (very very few) corals in my tank, but I have never noticed them looking damaged or bothered. I had a blood shrimp and cleaner shrimp that disappeared, but I don't know who to blame it on. I'm pretty new at all this so his tank mates are a Niger Trigger, and 3 blue/green chromis damsels. He has no ill will toward anyone, and I could probably put the tiniest fish in there and he wouldn't mind them. But my Trigger is becoming a problem and may be the shrimp eater... I had 5 damsels, one was missing, then another. And I glanced at the tank to see the trigger holding one of the damsels dead in her mouth like a puppy with a bone. I didnt realize they were that mean. So now I am ready for more fish and have no idea what I can possibly add with these guys that wont outgrow my tank, and hubby wont let me give up the trigger. UGH!
Sorry about the rambling. if you decide to give him up let me know. I'd say keep him away from the little fish if you can and keep him, just cause they are so cool! But I know, its a pain. If you feel for him as I feel for my Trigger.... I totally understand your thinking :)
Oh yeah, mine is only about 3 1/2 inches... he's only grown about 1/2 an inch in the 6 months i've had him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LostInMontana
. I cant believe you might have to give him up!!!! They are evidently such rare fish to have, and with that "smile" and personality I could never give mine up. I wonder, if I took yours if they would get along? haha!!
, I was gonna say the same thing. If she's ever comes east of the Mississippi, I've got an awesome big brother he could roommate with.


Active Member
If I do give him up, I would love to see him go to someone here!! Especially one of you guys who has an appreciation for him and good knowledge of the fish.
I love my little guys "smile". He even wiggles his tail fins (all 3) when I come around and I talk to him. He comes right over and smiles and wags like a dog. I love him so much...
Originally I was going to get a biocube. A 29 but He wouldn't be able to live in there, so I got this "55" gallon instead and decided that I would try to make it a sponge and softie reef. (I have read that in nature, the Orbiculars live in sponge colonies... Funny right?) So I plan on giving him some zoas, and some tree sponges and what not, and he was supposed to live with this little fish.
Do you guys think he will eat them? I mean, he is VERY curious, so I was thinking that maybe he was just going over to say hi, but maybe not? I don't know.... I feel bad taking a chance and seeing those fish die :( But I love Orby... hmm what to do?
Do you think he will kill the Pistol shrimp? Cause worse case senario, I can move the firefish and the watchmen to the 55 in the office and orbi can just live with the B/W clown and the baby foxface for now.
What do you think?
OH- and Kim- Are you actually in Montana?? Many fish stores in your part? I am surprised that they would have one of these guys up there... Was yours a trade or what?


Active Member
Oh- also, I was really surprised at how rare these guys really are! The LFS told me so, but you know... They will say anything... So... Like you guys, I have found next to nothing on these guys. It has taken me some pretty crafty google searching to come up with the little info that I have.
The LFS, at the time of sale, had 2 of these guys! Can you believe that?? I couldn't. I chose my guy because he has a very rare color pattern to him. There is a large, Yellow "v" on his head, and he also has some very dark brown, leopard print looking spots on him. I just love that bright V on his head though.


New Member
I would maybe move the two new fish, or just keep monitoring it. If he is like mine, he wont bother them, maybe he was just curious? I've never had a pistol shrimp but I hear they are pretty mean. He might be able to fend off Orby? Then again I heard they are next to blind so I don't know.
Yep... unfortunately I live in Montana where there is no reef club or anything good. :( military moved us here. But there is a saltwater/coral store an hour and a half away that gets a better selection than *****. I hope the guy never goes out of business! I was there one day and he was unloading a shipment and I saw my guy and snatched him up right away. He called him a Spiny Puffer and said he wont get big. So when I got home I started looking to see if he was a Porc puffer or a Spiny boxfish, but neither matched. I'm happy to have an answer now, and I cant wait to tell my fish guy that he sold me this odd fish. I'm kind of mad at this magazine I found him in "Aquarium Fish" because there are 3 pics of him, but still no information. Oh well.
Let us know what you decide with the fish and stuff and if you ever need a home for him. But I am sure you can make it work somehow if you love him that much, and already built a tank around him


Active Member
I am trying to decide what to do. If they go in the other reef tank, they're not coming out again. I don't want to rip that whole thing apart, but I don't want them to be eaten. Kind of an expensive meal.
I would think that the shrimp could fend off Orby, he is easily scared. I think the shrimp would snap at him right? Make that loud noise and scare him... I dk.
I will let you guys know what I do, It will be a few days out. I am really gonna have to sleep on this one for now. Orby is now living in the Fuge of the other tank. There is rock and an urchin. It's pretty calm in there, so he is happy. Makes him easy to feed.
What are you guys feeding, BTW? I am curious???


Active Member
I am feeding my Striped mostly whole white shrimp and scallops. I've run out of IQF silversides and clams, and can't find them anywhere locally
. I've such substituted live litteneck clams on the half shell. He also gets a bunch of NLS pellets, and Nori.


Active Member
Yours eats more than orby. He only eats silver sides, krill and angel and butterfly formula.
yours eats Nori?? CRAZY!!


New Member
Wow, aqua he is so cool! And much bigger than my guy too. I don't think mine would eat nori, but now I have something to try. :)


Active Member
WOW! That is crazy!
I didn't realize that was him in your avatar. Very different looking than my Orby.