Ordering Fish On This Site


anyone that has orderd fish on this sight do they come as adults or juviniles or is it the luck of the draw?


Active Member
I haven't oredered any Big fish.
I did however order snails, blue legged hermit crabs (they were small) emerald crabs (nice sized) a neon goby (tiny kind of scared he would be taken out by someone in the tank) a pistol tiger shrimp (good size) ???? Can't temember what else.
They are packeaged well. Ship extremely fast.
All showed up in perfect condition.
Sorry I couldn't help with the fish piece. But I can tell you that the service was excellent.


i bought 5 fish from this site..they are all pretty small, healthy, but small.
they ship out really fast, and they were all in good condition.
BUT, I won't do it again, just because I would rather see my fish now BEFORE i buy it. You never really know what they were used to before they come to you, I.E., food, environment, etc. You also want to see the fish's personality before you buy it. Agressive fish can be a problem, as is for lazy fish, or diseased fish. It's like forrest gump says, you never know what you're gonna get.